[Info] Cross breeders

By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2010 20:13:43
Finally a post just for us cross breeders. The purpose of this topic is for cross breeders to have a place to discuss their crossbreeding programs and to share crossbreeding secrets and advice with others who may be interested in giving crossbreeding a try. Feel free to talk about your crossbreeding programs and your achievements and failures in crossbreeding.
Please remember to follow the rules of the forum and be informative and helpful. default smiley :-))


Reminder to all.

Please do not advertise sales or items wanted in this topic. I can turn a blind eye to the covers being offered (as long as they are not blatant advertisements) because we are, after all, trying to help each other progress and there is no filter on public covers for searching for crosses, but items sales and items wanted do not belong in any of the public forums and we have a sales forum for horse sales so please, lets keep our topic clean of the ads.

Thanks everyone


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Thank you


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If anyone has personal issues with another player, or needs something back from another player(items/passes), other than covers/fills-please take it to private pms...anymore posting here will mean an instant forum ban without a warning.

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Amazing! BLESS you!

Thank you for clarifying! Western comp skill sets are still such a mystery to me lol

I've seen in previous posts people talking about how Arabians x Fjords also do great western, looks like I'll have to put my Fjord mares to work haha
  • Posted messages: 2,332
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I recently realized that Barrel Racing and Trail Class each have 3/6 skills you need to fully skill/bold a horse with no overlap, so even if your horses suck at it its fastest to jam them in a bunch of those comps because its the most efficient skill gain method with the least overlap and just go for wins separately.

Other people probably knew this allready but i'm adding it in becuase I was amazed lol!
  • Posted messages: 231
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So apparently I didn't have anything better to do. Except break down the top 100 horses of the Cross Country rankings. default smiley xd

Update on my project first:

Black Sparrow currently has 2,777 wins putting him in 78th place.

DoomArisesAtMidnight (aka Doom) currently has 2,800 wins putting her in 75th place.

If you didn't know, my project is called The Legacy Project. It is where I am breeding Friesian dominant 50/50 Friesian KWPN crosses that excel at low-level Cross Country competitions. My ultimate goal is to own all 10 of the top 10 slots. (Yes I know. I'll keep dreaming.) Just give me like 15 years. default smiley xd

Now, the breakdown. I looked at four of the current big name XC breeds. The Arabian, Vanner, KWPN, and Selle. I also looked at Friesians. And pure vs cross.

Here are the breeds by percentage (can be cross or pure):

Arabian - 10%
Vanner - 12%
KWPN - 30%
Selle - 2%
Friesian - 10%

And pure vs cross:

Pure - 61%
Cross - 39%

What to do with these numbers? I honestly have no idea. I was mainly just curious how many horses containing Friesian were in the rankings. I was also curious about the pure vs cross ratio in the top 100.

A few other things I noticed were the surprisingly high amount of Knabstruppers, Australian Ponies, and Shetlands. And also several multi generational crosses. One horse with Friesian in them, for example, only had 4%.

I can do a bigger breakdown if anyone is interested. Just let me know.
AVH Lover
  • Posted messages: 1,096
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By Retired breeder, 12th January 2021 03:39:44
@AVH lover

Do you happen to have the breed percentages of the top 100? Well concerning the crossbreds that is
By Retired breeder, 12th January 2021 04:25:13
Finally finishing up getting my breeding project pairs! Super excited for this taking the breeds with the highest and lowest skills and breeding them to make the lowest breed's skill higher for the breed overall

No I do not. A high majority were 50/50, 25/25/25/25, or 25/25/50. I can look back sometime if you are interested.
AVH Lover
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By Retired breeder, 12th January 2021 20:55:01
@AVH Lover if you don't mind that would be great. I'm trying to keep my own breeding project without anyother breeds except the two and would like to know what I'm up against
I'm also into the Friesian Sport (Friesian x KWPN) crossbreeding as a project, too.

I've been breeding Warlanders (Friesian x PSH or Lusitano) and am more than pleased with the outcome.

There are plenty of crossbreed possibilities I am attempting here on the INT version as well as the US version.
I'm still working on the Saddlebred on the US. My next crossbreed project on INT might be the Menorquin horse.
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By Retired breeder, 13th January 2021 21:01:12
Those sound very interesting!

Awesome! They are really great horses, aren't they?
AVH Lover
  • Posted messages: 1,096
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Here we go:

Irish Hunter (50) x Hanoverian (50) - 2
Irish Hunter (50) x Shetland (50) - 1
KWPN (50) x Lusitano (50) - 2
Paint Horse (50) x Canadian Horse (25) x Lusitano (25) - 1
Arabian (50) x Hanoverian (50) - 1
Australian Pony (50) x Irish Hunter (25) x Paint Horse (25) - 1
Australian Pony (50) x Lusitano (50) - 2
Welsh Pony (50) x Thoroughbred (50) - 1
KWPN (50) x Appaloosa (50) - 1
Australian Pony (50) x Friesian (50) - 2
Selle Francais (50) x Vanner (25) x Arabian (25) - 1
Hanoverian (50) x Friesian (50) - 1
Lusitano (87.5) x Nokota (12.5) - 1
Vanner (50) x Nokota (50) - 2
Shetland (50) x Standardbred (25) x Irish Hunter (25) - 1
Irish Hunter (50) x Newfoundland Pony (50) - 1
Australian Pony (50) x Morgan (50) - 2
Paint Horse (50) x Hanoverian (50) - 1
KWPN (50) x Nokota (50) - 1
Morgan (50) x Hanoverian (50) - 1
Vanner (50) x Thoroughbred (50) - 1
KWPN (99) x Australian Pony (1) - 1
Arabian (50) x Nokota (50) - 1
KWPN (50) x Friesian (50) - 2
Shetland (52.1) x KWPN (25.6) x Quarter Horse (9.9) x Thoroughbred (8.3) x Friesian (4.1) - 1
Australian Pony (50) x Irish Hunter (50) - 1
Irish Hunter (50) x Vanner (50) - 1
Irish Hunter (50) x Standardbred (50) - 1
Friesian (25) x KWPN (25) x Purebred Spanish Horse (25) x Lusitano (25) - 1

And for the purebreds:

Newfoundland Pony - 1
KWPN - 22
Knabstrupper - 3
Australian Pony - 2
Irish Hunter - 7
Vanner - 7
Friesian - 3
Arabian - 7
Lusitano - 4
Morgan - 2
Selle Francais - 1
Hanoverian - 1
Nokota - 3

I'm not sure what to do with my life default smiley :p
AVH Lover
  • Posted messages: 1,096
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By Retired breeder, 16th January 2021 20:02:20
I've got what breeds for my project and have bought 12 out of 36. Just need the riding horses and the drafts then I'm ready to go!
By Retired breeder, 17th January 2021 05:31:56

This project sounds super interesting, I'm excited to see it play out!
does anyone have a spreadsheet for calculating the skills for the crossbred foals?
  • Posted messages: 13
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Less a spreadsheet and more a pair of formulas?

(Mare GP + Stallion GP)/2 = genetic potential total (rounded within one one hundredth)

[(mother's skills X mother's BLUP%) + (father's skills X father's BLUP%)] X 10% = inborn skills of the foal (rounded within one one hundredth)

Multiply the above by 2 for a teared foal.

Hope this helps.
  • Posted messages: 128
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Thank you, although I am aware of what the calculations are. I've seen other breeders use spreadsheets for their calculations so I was wondering if maybe I could copy one for myself. I don't know how to make my own spreadsheet with formulas and such. I also don't want to do math, I'd rather just plug in some numbers lol. But if I have to do my own calculations then I will default smiley :p
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I actually settled down and started a breeding farm for my new project -- "the Sprinter's Deck" -- which I anticipate getting a whole set of crosses to represent the various gallop-comp runners. default smiley :) Hoping this pans out. I've got a couple of decent TBs, one of them a Company of Fairplay stallion, and I think I'll end up bolting him?
  • Posted messages: 128
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Have someone made 1% on every breed?
  • Posted messages: 214
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I have a horse with all of the horses and ponies in game in her lineage (I haven't updated the project to include the Finnish yet though), but they're not exactly 1%, based on how I bred them, and the genetics only shows the 5 highest percentages anyways.

All Breed Horse

Or did you mean something else?
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,191
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I have other stuff at the bottom, so I don't set it to public, but here's the main part I use. This is just to calculate genetics, and I don't take the +-4 random factor into account. It's just to give me an estimate.

The "Cross 1, Foal 1" is just for a simple 1 foal cross. I include the function (formula) at the top left next to where it says "fx" In the "foal 1, Cell E4" , you input =(the two cells (squares) you're adding, which in this case are cells B4 and C4 for Stamina. You then divide by 2, so the function is:
Do the same for the other E cells, but just replace the cell numbers in the function. You'll have B5 and C5, then B6 and C6, etc.

Cross 2, Foal 2 is the same set-up in case I want to compare two different crosses.

The "Final" column you see on the right that's in blue is a function that calculates the GP if the two foals had a foal.
The function for the final foal's stamina would be:

The pink highlighted cells were just to make it easier to see the particular skills I wanted to calculate.
Click to display

Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,191
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OH MY GOODNESS!!! Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed default smiley :-))default smiley <:o)

I had some trouble figuring out how to plug in the calculations but a friend was able to teach me so it's all good.

I am so thankful for this default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 13
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I hope this doesn't get buried, but I have a quick question for you guys. Does anyone know if Howrse stopped letting us breed two crossbred horses together?

I have an Anglo-Arab mare that I tried to breed to my Anglo-Arab stallion today. But when I tried to search for her in his profile page to offer the cover, I just got a message that says "You do not currently have a mare to cover." I even copy-pasted her name into the search bar in case I was misspelling it - still no dice. I covered her with a purebred TB afterward and it took. I'm really not sure what was wrong??
  • Posted messages: 1
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Crossbreeding is still possible. I just did a test to be sure something weird wasn't going on. Do you have a link to the two horses so we can see them?
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,191
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One thing I have done in the past was to put up a public covering at an insane price and then go to the mare and immediately find that covering.
AVH Lover
  • Posted messages: 1,096
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By Retired breeder, 5th February 2021 14:32:57

You may wish to use the more accurate GP formula. I'm made this public previously - would help you better calculate final skill genetic percentages as well for crossbreeding.
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