[Info] Cross breeders

By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2010 20:13:43
Finally a post just for us cross breeders. The purpose of this topic is for cross breeders to have a place to discuss their crossbreeding programs and to share crossbreeding secrets and advice with others who may be interested in giving crossbreeding a try. Feel free to talk about your crossbreeding programs and your achievements and failures in crossbreeding.
Please remember to follow the rules of the forum and be informative and helpful. default smiley :-))


Reminder to all.

Please do not advertise sales or items wanted in this topic. I can turn a blind eye to the covers being offered (as long as they are not blatant advertisements) because we are, after all, trying to help each other progress and there is no filter on public covers for searching for crosses, but items sales and items wanted do not belong in any of the public forums and we have a sales forum for horse sales so please, lets keep our topic clean of the ads.

Thanks everyone


There are reasons for rules and everyone is expected to follow them. There will be no posting of advertisements in this topic and everyone is expected to be respectful. Any disrespect towards fellow players or moderators will not be tolerated. Anyone posting advertisements will receive a forum ban without prior warning. If breaking of rules continues to take place in this topic I will delete it.

Thank you


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If anyone has personal issues with another player, or needs something back from another player(items/passes), other than covers/fills-please take it to private pms...anymore posting here will mean an instant forum ban without a warning.

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A reminder that this is not the place for trading/buying/selling BMI, horses or advertising or asking for someone to train your horse.
If any of these things occur, you will be forum banned without prior warning.
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By Retired breeder, 5th October 2020 04:50:03
I have a selle francais with no horn. what are good breeds for that?

Thank you for pointing out the dam's breed order. I went by her name, and forgot to check the geneticsdefault smiley (lol)

Ah, I also forgot that to mention this was my 4 way, with all different breeds, so that's why they're Vanners. I bred up to 4 generations, and all of those foals followed the pattern that yours did. The 3rd gen reversed its breed order of the parents, and then its foal reversed it back. That Oct 1 foal was the only one to have a different breed order.

Here are my same breeds parents.

Their foals:
Brianna, born 2016, (Vanner/Paso/Lus/Appy)
Their May 2020 foal(Appy/Lus/Vanner/Paso)
Both of these were born yesterday:
Foal 1(Paso/Vanner/Lus/Appy)
Foal 2(Appy/Lus/Vanner/Paso)

They all correctly took Claire's last listed breed for their "official breed", it's just the breed order that kept switching. Since the parents have different breed orders, I may try Bolting them on preprod and see what happens.
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 15th October 2020 21:05:56
I am not really sure how to find this horse I want it to look like a vanner but I want the skills of a really good horse is a crossbreed what I need? and what are the dam and sire?
By Retired breeder, 15th October 2020 21:08:35
Hi, I am looking for a horse breed that is a crossbreed that looks like a vanner but has high skills from another horse.is there a way I can make it have high genetic when it's a foal? What are the parents? will I need a black market item?

I believe Thoroughbreds are holding the highest GP positions in the game currently.
If you wanted a Vanner-looking cross, the father has to be the Vanner (assuming you are breeding a purebred Vanner to another purebred).
If you really want the highest possible skills, you will want to put A.Tears on your mare before breeding.
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Hi there, wondering if anyone has any advice on how I can get myself out of a pickle.

I have this baby here, but I'm not sure what to cross it with once I BLUP and use a lightning bolt. He's a Selle Francais cross but I've bred too much for speed and don't have enough dressage and jumping skill for what I want to do with him.

I would like a higher dressage and jumping skill in the next generation, but don't want to compromise GP. Should I just breed this one to another Selle Francais to improve dressage? Any advice is appreciated, thanks!
Event Horizon
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To balance the skills you could cross her to a Russian Don, try a Hanoverian for a less drastic change, or simply raise the KWPN percent. KWPNs seem to have the highest GP and are listed as the most common breed of those three options, however, I have no idea whether there are public coverings available. You can always ask some teams for cover offerings.
  • Posted messages: 102
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Thanks for the idea about the team offerings, limecyanide. I had avoided upping the KWPN percentage again because there were few offerings around that GP last time I checked. But I'll keep and eye out and possibly reach out to a team. Thanks!
Event Horizon
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I'm not sure about the GPs of these breeds in coverings/sales but with this Walker I raised the dressage and jump with KWPN and used Lusi to lower the speed while not compromising the dressage
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So- I am thinking about starting a little project for myslef to cross a horse with as many other horses as possible, with a goal of having nothing over 10%- a true mutt if you will. I've started off in my 'special' tab you can see the 'cross project', there is only three horses right now. My first baby was the easiest one I think- he is

Selle Français
Argentinean Criollo
Purebred Spanish Horse

And I'm trying to find a good lady to breed him with that has none of those breeds in it. The problem i'm coming across is everything is crossed with selle francais and thoroughbred- not that its a bad thing they are really good horses- but I want to get those numbers down so I am trying to find him a compadible lady.
I've got a backup mare that is 75% mustang 25% Tbred that I can cross with my horse Tallahasse to mix in quarter pony, purebred spanish, and nokota, but thats still not optimal becuase Tallahassee also has Tbred and Selle Francais in him and my numbers there would go up agian. So what I am looking for I think is a good mare for my first baby- that way I don't have to use my backup mare. I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has a filly without/with small amounts of my first baby's breed that would make a good match for him.
This is just a curiosity project, I just wanted to see where it could get me really- so it is nothing too serious! Just for fun default smiley ^)
Lemme know in the PMs or here-
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Unfortunately, Howrse only shows five breeds, regardless how many actually exist in a horse's pedigree.
  • Posted messages: 9,105
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oh man. I didn't know that. Is it still possible to get less than 10%?
  • Posted messages: 231
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You could certainly get some of the percentages under 10%, but you can't get all of them that low.
  • Posted messages: 9,105
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Ahh. I will have to figure out what to do. Thank you
  • Posted messages: 231
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I think you can still do that. You would just have to keep track of everything on your own. I am not sure though.
AVH Lover
  • Posted messages: 1,096
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Does anyone know of some uncommon but good crosses to do? I want a new breeding project and am looking for something different, prefferably a breed with lots of coat diversity (:
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Not a common cross by far is the project I am working on. Unfortunately, there is only one color option. default smiley (lol)


I am still on the lookout for someone to partner up with me, even if only temporarily.

On a side note, I have a new high GP pair. Glitch and Error : 404 . Named so due to their sire constantly glitching in and out when I was training him up. They are twins and their GP is 15617.43. I hope to breed them together and focus mostly on those two for a while. I still plan on breeding their sire and dam as the dam has MA on her.
AVH Lover
  • Posted messages: 1,096
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Sorry for double post, but I just realized something about the Legacy project. On February 5th next year, the project will be 5 years old. That is just crazy!!
AVH Lover
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What's the project? I may be interested in helping!
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I'm back at this game after a 10 year hiatus. I want to do something different and settled on breeding Appendixes (TBxQH). Technically to be a Registered Appendix (in real life) you have to have purebred parents (Reg. TB, Reg. QH). However, do you think players will care if a 50:50 Appendix has 50:50 parents? This is kind of the whole basis for my (future) breeding program, so I'd love advice before I begin! default smiley ^)
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At least with the US registry, an Appendix must have one purebred QH (AQHA) parent, and one TB (Jockey Club) OR Appendix (AQHA) parent.
BUT for the sake of the game, I've been doing 50/50 parent crosses myself and no one has complained yet default smiley xd
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I am extremely new to crossbreeding, but I think it would be fun to start. If I am allowed to ask, does anyone have some tips to get started?
I also heard that some crossbreeds can end up having better skill distribution than their purebred competition, so I was wondering, what do you think would be the best cross to win rosettes? Thanks!
  • Posted messages: 2,558
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^^My go-to rosette crosses are KWPNxSelle (make it KWPN dominant though) for show jump, and Appy×Thoroughbreds for gallop. KWPNs have breed only rosettes, and the Selle will give you higher jump than a purebred KWPN. Appyies will give the TB a higher speed. I usually go for those two crosses because high GP is usually available in sales and covers

I keep a spreadsheet handy for planning crosses if I'm focused on high skills for specific comps. You can roughly calculate the foal's GP in each skill from a breeding combination by taking the average of the parents' GP in each skill. It's just an estimate, because you've got both the auto-gain and 4% random factor thrown in there
Legacy Ann
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  • Posted messages: 2,558
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In 2017, I bred a KWPN and a Friesian together as a project to create a Howrse version of Friesian Warmblood crosses which excel in basically everything. What I ended up with was a Fri dominant 50/50 cross that kicked butt in low level cross country competitions. Ever since then, I have just been continuing the line. I currently have 2 horses in the rankings for cross country wins from the line.

The other aspect was that all the horses have to be related to the founding horse, Doom. And they all have to be Friesian dominant. Originally the reasoning for that was because they did so well in Friesian breed only cross country comps. Now they pretty much do well in all breed low level comps so them being Friesian dominant is more of a tradition I suppose. If you click on one of the horses I linked in my original post and then click on the affix, there is more information, including a link to their full pedigree (since Howrse only includes 3 generations). And I also have a forum topic in my EC dedicated to keeping a diary of the project and the rankings.
AVH Lover
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