[Info] NIB Horses

By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:20:05
It's about time the NIB breeders had their own corner of the world default smiley ;)

Curious about NIB horses? Want to know what a NIB horse is? You've come to the right place!

What is this topic for? NIB enthusiasts to find each other and help one another progress in their respective games.
Otherwise, you may use this topic to help others learn about NIBs, share your experience, and find friends that breed NIBs default smiley :)

Please do not use this topic for advertising horses for sale.


What is a NIB horse?
A NIB horse is a horse that is not inbred; every horse in its pedigree appears only once (with the exception of Ouranos and Gaia). Horses with "Horse Disappeared" in their pedigree are generally not accepted by NIB breeders unless the horses in question were bought before the horses disappeared and have verifiable pedigrees.

Are there green star NIB horses?
These horses have lower GP than green stars and other top horses, as not inbreeding limits the breeding availability and is slower to progress than breeding brothers to sisters and so forth.
**Misabel edit: The first Green star NIB horse was created on February 21, 2011 - a 6th generation Connemara pony with a star in stamina. He was the end result of a lot of hard work and effort, but now that some dedicated breeders have shown it can be done, we all have something to shoot for!

Are NIB horses considered better than green stars or inbred horses?
Goodness, no! Nobody here is attempting to make that claim. Just like the Zero GP horses, these players choose to play the game in their own challenging way.

How can I get involved with NIB breeding?
It's simple! Start by purchasing a few foundation horses, or horses whose pedigrees can be tracked down and verified as non-inbred. Then carefully breed them to create foals with good GP's and skills that are not inbred!

- Current Top GPs for NIB Horses:
(bred with the *original foundies* who had 350-351.2 GP)

Akhal-Teke: 433.29 (2*)
Appaloosa: 592.04 (10*) 6th Gen
Arabians : 847.17 (31*) 3rd Gen
Argentinean Criollo: 534.37 (7*) 1st Gen
Barbs: 392.93 (1*)
Brumbies: 441.30 (2*)
Canadian: 710.75 (18*) 2nd gen
Curly : 897.50 (33*) 3rd Gen
Donkeys: 300.42
Friesian : 507.78 (6*) 2nd Gen
Gypsy Vanner: 565.03 (9*)
Hackneys: 608.80 (11*) 2nd Gen
Hanoverians: 618.73 (12*)
Holsteiner: 584.14 (11*) 1st gen
Icelandic Horse: 431.19 (1*)
Irish Hunters: 452.22 (2*)
Knabstrupper: 564.89 (8*) 1st gen
KWPN: 414.32 (1*)
Lipizzans: 451.15 (2*)
Lusitanos: 558.72 (10*)
Marwari: 551.66 (8*) 1st gen
Morgans: 411.95 (1*)
Mustangs: 419.50 (1*)
Nokota : 427.57 (2*)
Paints: 461.44 (2*)
Peruvian Paso: 441.91 (2*)
Purebred Spanish Horse : 509.03 (6*) 1st gen
Quarter Horse: 450.30 (2*)
Russian Don: 636.94 (13*)
Shagya Arabian : 767.55 (25*) 5th gen
Standardbreds: 469.76 (3*)
Tennessee Walkers: 378.92 (1*)
Thoroughbred: 1086.54 (52*) 7th Gen
Trakhener: 432.77 (1*)

Australian Pony: 581.44 (9*) 1st gen
Chincoteague Pony : 575.97 (8*) 1st gen
Connemaras: 440.00 (2*)
Fjords: 447.42 (1*)
Haflingers: 496.41 (4*)
Highland Pony: 409.22
Newfoundlands: 417.87 (1*)
Quarter Pony: 477.27 (4*)
Shetland : 591.53 (11*) 1st gen
Welsh: 415.59 (1*)

Percherons: 503.74 (3*)
Shires: 461.15 (2*)
Drum horse: 1911.21 (134*)

- Current Top GPs for NIB Horses:
(bred with the *'new' foundies* who have the higher GP)

Barb : 5010.37 (445*) 2nd gen
Camargue : 4944.16 (438*) 2nd Gen
Canadians: 4019.57 (346*) 3rd gen
Curlys: 4480.67 (391*)
Hanoverian: 5510.41 (494*) 1st Gen
Holsteiner: 4627.18 (405*) 1st Gen
Knabstruppers: 3611.72
Finnish : 7001.13 (*642*) 1st gen
French Trotter: 5674.95 (511*) 2nd gen
Friesian: 4608.48 (404*) 2nd Gen
Lustiano : 4977.80 (441*) 1st gen
Mangalarga Marchador: 7417.82 (685*) 4th gen
Marwari : 5409.48 (484*) 1st Gen
Nokotas: 5283.03 (471*) 3rd Gen
Paint Horse: 3094.08 (252*)
Purebred Spanish Horse : 6045.91 5th gen
Quarter Horse: 3104.63 (253*)
Russian Don: 6747.60 (617*) 1st Gen

Kerry Bog: 3892.85 (332*)
Newfoundland Pony: 6955.84 (639*) 1gen
Welsh: 6844.92 (627*) 2nd Gen

Ban'ei: 7638.35 (707*) 3rd gen
Drum Horse : 2378.86 (181*) 5th Gen
Percheron: 5508.49 (494*) 1st Gen
Shire : 5067.74 (451*) 2nd Gen

Rivenwood's update schedule:
Sundays: Players breeding non-inbred horses may post the GPs of the horses they think are amongst the highest in the breed in this topic. Complete details should include everything listed in the form below. **Please DO NOT Submit GPs for rankings EXCEPT on Sunday!**
Misabel will post the latest high GP's for NIB horses in each breed from the Sunday submissions. Horses will not be named

Please submit your entry to the current high NIB GP using the following format in a post. It is important you use this exact format so Misabel can locate your post easily, or your submission may be missed:

My NIB GP Entry
Horse's Name:
Horse's Breed (purebreds only please):
Current GP:
Link to the Horse's Page:
Go to page:

Exactly might not talk as much as we used to. But still hanging on default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 9,758
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I've been wondering, if you breed 2 original (GP 350) foundies, do their offspring wind up with the rolling GP?
  • Posted messages: 5,858
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My last NF NIB had:
GP 501.83, Skills: 104.38

They're way better then they used to be, but not even close to "new" RGs.
  • Posted messages: 37
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Nope! As long as your breeding comes from OG (350-351.2) stock, it's not rolling GP. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 364
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Hi all! Can someone PM me the link for the discord?
  • Posted messages: 108
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I, too, would like the discord.
  • Posted messages: 3,289
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I think I beat my own record lol
My NIB GP Entry
Horse's Name: Legendary Miracle
Horse's Breed (purebreds only please): Shire
Current GP: 4948.31
Link to the Horse's Page: https://www.howrse.com/elevage/chevaux/cheval?id=67549347
  • Posted messages: 473
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A reminder for all NIBers buying horses - check that foundation you bid on is:

1. really a foundation (check the parentage, some sneaky people call them foundies when they aren't because at first glance, the GP looks about right)
2. not a gelding!

And if you're like me and you're averse to flipping, check history of sales to see whether you're paying out loads to someone who just wants to make money off NIBers and collectors.

Happy foundie hunting, all. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 1,531
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Is there a place to find people that are selling rolling gp foundations? I am interested in buying one of each breed for an all breed project, but i am having trouble finding about half of them!

Anything will help me out! I am looking for rolling above 5k
  • Posted messages: 711
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It's really hard to identify them unless you look for ones from specific event releases where the GP was known, otherwise you just have to trawl through one by one to make sure you're not getting a non-foundation.

I don't know of anywhere that acts like a marketplace for rolling gain, but I can tell you my Hipparion threw a foundie with 6293 GP yesterday, if that helps you to narrow your search a bit! You could set GP to less than 6294, age under 8 months, purebred, skills 0, and see what comes up? That would find foals without games at least, although you'll still be doing a lot of sifting through non-foundies.

Good luck though!
  • Posted messages: 1,531
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New account, old player!

I am still kicking myself for letting my previous account lapse, as I had a significant amount of 350 KWPN foundies. But I am back, and plan to try my hand at NIB again, this time with the new rolling genetic potential system Thoroughbred foundies.

It's neat that there's a discord server, may I get an invite?
  • Posted messages: 14
  • Karma: 10 points
Welcome back! Sent you the invite!
  • Posted messages: 941
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Hi. Getting into breeding NIB quarter horses. Can I have an invite as well? default smiley :) Thanks!
  • Posted messages: 404
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My NIB GP Entry
Horse's Name: Mystical Mayhem
Horse's Breed (purebreds only please): Canadian
Current GP: 519.60 (1st gen)
Link to the Horse's Page: https://www.howrse.com/elevage/fiche/?id=67121406
  • Posted messages: 3,395
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I keep forgetting to enter NIB's on Sundays default smiley :'(

How are everybody doing?
  • Posted messages: 9,758
  • Karma: 10 points
Hello everyone!

Just wanted to let you all know we started a brand new International based Howrse NIB community discord! You can message Shisei, I, or Flicker for it! default smiley :d We hope to see you there. This is in addition to my EC forum which I've already started transforming into a NIB area and updating the breeding list of active NIBBers!
  • Posted messages: 941
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@Twinjodi isn't the old one active any more? .. the discord channel
  • Posted messages: 9,758
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We decided to make a new one for just International NIB breeders and clean it up a bit from old breeders that weren't there anymore instead of deleting a bunch of posts default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 941
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I've become hermit-like for NIB things. My original friend group no longer play, and I recall too vividly what happened the last time a community was attempted - it got pretty unpleasant and I still have trust issues because of it. Really showed some people's true colours. So I'll wish you good luck wrangling a new community, but I'm going to stay completely detached and hope I still qualify as an NIB breeder if I don't join in! default smiley (lol)

I've also reached 64 Finns at 100 BLUP - woohoo. Only 100+ to go? default smiley (d)
  • Posted messages: 1,531
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Of course Hydeist! You're always welcome to join in though.

If you'd like though, I would love to update your list of breeds you're doing in my forum!
  • Posted messages: 941
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So, this is a thing that happened.... default smiley (8)

Horse's Name: Prayers For Rain
Horse's Breed: Thoroughbred
Current GP: 1045.01 (5 gen)
  • Posted messages: 20,868
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WOW! What a jump from your 4th gen!
  • Posted messages: 941
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Congrats Misabel!!!

I'd love the discord link. I haven't been active on the old one but granted, I haven't been active in much of any part of my life lately default smiley xd I'm still checking on things here pretty much daily though. I have a lot of work to do on my foundies but I loathe doing comps with them so I've been lazy lol.
  • Posted messages: 364
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I so wish we had a foundie search option default smiley :'(

Trying to see if I can find some RG Russian Dons. Guess their uber rare. Have only managed to grab 3
  • Posted messages: 9,758
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My latest shire twins beat my old record
My NIB GP Entry
Horse's Name: Star-struck Legend/Star in the Darkness
Horse's Breed (purebreds only please): Shire
Current GP: 5017.95 (2nd?)
Link to the Horse's Page: Star and Legend
  • Posted messages: 473
  • Karma: 10 points
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