[Info] NIB Horses

By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:20:05
It's about time the NIB breeders had their own corner of the world default smiley ;)

Curious about NIB horses? Want to know what a NIB horse is? You've come to the right place!

What is this topic for? NIB enthusiasts to find each other and help one another progress in their respective games.
Otherwise, you may use this topic to help others learn about NIBs, share your experience, and find friends that breed NIBs default smiley :)

Please do not use this topic for advertising horses for sale.


What is a NIB horse?
A NIB horse is a horse that is not inbred; every horse in its pedigree appears only once (with the exception of Ouranos and Gaia). Horses with "Horse Disappeared" in their pedigree are generally not accepted by NIB breeders unless the horses in question were bought before the horses disappeared and have verifiable pedigrees.

Are there green star NIB horses?
These horses have lower GP than green stars and other top horses, as not inbreeding limits the breeding availability and is slower to progress than breeding brothers to sisters and so forth.
**Misabel edit: The first Green star NIB horse was created on February 21, 2011 - a 6th generation Connemara pony with a star in stamina. He was the end result of a lot of hard work and effort, but now that some dedicated breeders have shown it can be done, we all have something to shoot for!

Are NIB horses considered better than green stars or inbred horses?
Goodness, no! Nobody here is attempting to make that claim. Just like the Zero GP horses, these players choose to play the game in their own challenging way.

How can I get involved with NIB breeding?
It's simple! Start by purchasing a few foundation horses, or horses whose pedigrees can be tracked down and verified as non-inbred. Then carefully breed them to create foals with good GP's and skills that are not inbred!

- Current Top GPs for NIB Horses:
(bred with the *original foundies* who had 350-351.2 GP)

Akhal-Teke: 433.29 (2*)
Appaloosa: 592.04 (10*) 6th Gen
Arabians : 847.17 (31*) 3rd Gen
Argentinean Criollo: 534.37 (7*) 1st Gen
Barbs: 392.93 (1*)
Brumbies: 441.30 (2*)
Canadian: 710.75 (18*) 2nd gen
Curly : 897.50 (33*) 3rd Gen
Donkeys: 300.42
Friesian : 507.78 (6*) 2nd Gen
Gypsy Vanner: 565.03 (9*)
Hackneys: 608.80 (11*) 2nd Gen
Hanoverians: 618.73 (12*)
Holsteiner: 584.14 (11*) 1st gen
Icelandic Horse: 431.19 (1*)
Irish Hunters: 452.22 (2*)
Knabstrupper: 564.89 (8*) 1st gen
KWPN: 414.32 (1*)
Lipizzans: 451.15 (2*)
Lusitanos: 558.72 (10*)
Marwari: 551.66 (8*) 1st gen
Morgans: 411.95 (1*)
Mustangs: 419.50 (1*)
Nokota : 427.57 (2*)
Paints: 461.44 (2*)
Peruvian Paso: 441.91 (2*)
Purebred Spanish Horse : 509.03 (6*) 1st gen
Quarter Horse: 450.30 (2*)
Russian Don: 636.94 (13*)
Shagya Arabian : 767.55 (25*) 5th gen
Standardbreds: 469.76 (3*)
Tennessee Walkers: 378.92 (1*)
Thoroughbred: 1086.54 (52*) 7th Gen
Trakhener: 432.77 (1*)

Australian Pony: 581.44 (9*) 1st gen
Chincoteague Pony : 575.97 (8*) 1st gen
Connemaras: 440.00 (2*)
Fjords: 447.42 (1*)
Haflingers: 496.41 (4*)
Highland Pony: 409.22
Newfoundlands: 417.87 (1*)
Quarter Pony: 477.27 (4*)
Shetland : 591.53 (11*) 1st gen
Welsh: 415.59 (1*)

Percherons: 503.74 (3*)
Shires: 461.15 (2*)
Drum horse: 1911.21 (134*)

- Current Top GPs for NIB Horses:
(bred with the *'new' foundies* who have the higher GP)

Barb : 5010.37 (445*) 2nd gen
Camargue : 4944.16 (438*) 2nd Gen
Canadians: 4019.57 (346*) 3rd gen
Curlys: 4480.67 (391*)
Hanoverian: 5510.41 (494*) 1st Gen
Holsteiner: 4627.18 (405*) 1st Gen
Knabstruppers: 3611.72
Finnish : 7001.13 (*642*) 1st gen
French Trotter: 5674.95 (511*) 2nd gen
Friesian: 4608.48 (404*) 2nd Gen
Lustiano : 4977.80 (441*) 1st gen
Mangalarga Marchador: 7417.82 (685*) 4th gen
Marwari : 5409.48 (484*) 1st Gen
Nokotas: 5283.03 (471*) 3rd Gen
Paint Horse: 3094.08 (252*)
Purebred Spanish Horse : 6045.91 5th gen
Quarter Horse: 3104.63 (253*)
Russian Don: 6747.60 (617*) 1st Gen

Kerry Bog: 3892.85 (332*)
Newfoundland Pony: 6955.84 (639*) 1gen
Welsh: 6844.92 (627*) 2nd Gen

Ban'ei: 7638.35 (707*) 3rd gen
Drum Horse : 2378.86 (181*) 5th Gen
Percheron: 5508.49 (494*) 1st Gen
Shire : 5067.74 (451*) 2nd Gen

Rivenwood's update schedule:
Sundays: Players breeding non-inbred horses may post the GPs of the horses they think are amongst the highest in the breed in this topic. Complete details should include everything listed in the form below. **Please DO NOT Submit GPs for rankings EXCEPT on Sunday!**
Misabel will post the latest high GP's for NIB horses in each breed from the Sunday submissions. Horses will not be named

Please submit your entry to the current high NIB GP using the following format in a post. It is important you use this exact format so Misabel can locate your post easily, or your submission may be missed:

My NIB GP Entry
Horse's Name:
Horse's Breed (purebreds only please):
Current GP:
Link to the Horse's Page:
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Thank you Rivenwood for making this topic default smiley :)

I breed NIB Connies and if you are interested in starting breeding and need tips then I am avaible for questions default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 3,623
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By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:26:15
Welcome Hokota! I also breed NIB Connies, along with NIB Mustangs, Hanos, and (when i get around to it), Shetlands. I've been raising NIBs since shortly after I joined Howrse way back in May 2007. I hope every NIB breeder will find their way to this topic, and have some fun!
Thank you Rivenwood - I have a question now you are here. I read it happens on Sundays, but could I post my current highest GP now? default smiley *-)
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By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:32:25
I'd prefer GP posts be made on Sundays, otherwise this topic will be cluttered with nothing but GP entries, but if you've got a horse you're proud of and want to do a little polite bragging, you're certainly welcome to share your pride!
Thank you Rivenwood default smiley :)

I haven't been breeding for a while, but I do have my wonderful little mare "HeirMíeno 3rd
a NIB Connemara" who has a total GP of 362.99 - bred my me so she is my pride. I know there are others out there that have higher GP though default smiley ;)

Oh and she is looking for another 3rd generation stally if anyone has one with a similar GP? default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:39:08
I have a Thoroughbred NIB breeding program with a user named KaosWolfx, but due to her absence we are only just foaled the second generation.... default smiley *-)
By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:39:28
*have only just
By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:43:08
I tried to breed nibs.. but the time I gotten to the 3rd generation, one of the horses from the family tree Disappeared... so I given up....
By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:46:00
Forbidden - That's why I breed with other long-time NIB folks, and tend to keep most of my old stock so they never 'disappear' default smiley ;)

Hokota - that's a lovely mare!
Rivenwood thank you default smiley :)

I really hope that there are some Connie breeders out there that are just hiding and that more will try this default smiley :) Most of the people I knew that bred have decided to work with other breeds.
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By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:52:11
Rivenwood thanks

I breed NIB quaters. I have managed to breed a 14* colt without any in breeding. I am happy.
By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:53:20
caddy, sorry, but if your horse has 14*, it's inbred. Do you have a link to the horse?
By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:56:49
I'm going to breed NIB appys
By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:59:03
I have two NIB Frisian Unis I have been holding on to since the achievement says it is 3 of 4. Wondering if it would not be safe to sell them to someone who is in the NIB program?
By Retired breeder, 18th November 2009 00:01:42
toasty - might want to hang onto yours for a bit longer, considering there may be more requirements coming up in the achievements that would require them. But I am sure somebody that breeds NIBs would love to have them, or breed to them!
By Retired breeder, 18th November 2009 00:23:01
Thanks Rivenwood, any idea when new achievements will be coming out?
By Retired breeder, 18th November 2009 00:26:06
Nope, but any horses you've been using might be worth hanging on to. I have no idea what the new achievements might require default smiley :)
I've been intending to breed NIB Hackneys since they came out, but keep neglecting my project!
After my NIB TB project fell apart in the early stages due to 'disappeared' horses, I've spent a lot of time gathering foundation Hack foals. Just need to put the work in with them now, as I only have two BLUPed horses and a couple of first gens so far.

I'm not in any hurry to beat any other breeder to a goal, this is all purely for myself - and that's the nice thing about NIB breeding. It doesn't need to be any stress at all.

Hokota, I believe Forest Queen is getting into Connie NIBs, so your clan numbers are growing default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 1,342
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I have to admit I looked briefly into NIB breeding with mustangs and have 2 foundations to go with but just never took the time to get into it properly. I have a couple more foundation/NIB horses from different breeds. I may take it up at some stage for the challenge. default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 18th November 2009 10:03:21
Great topic - shame I'm pretty much out of NIB breeding now!
By Retired breeder, 18th November 2009 10:21:28
Inner Chorus, you're always welcome to share your expertise! default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 18th November 2009 10:30:02
i was thinkin of starting NIB with hunters as i have a few foundys, but would be happy to help anyone else out if they wanna breed to them
My NIB GP Entry
Horse's Name: Mi-Hung-Tang
Horse's Breed (purebreds only please): Newfoundland Pony
Current GP (foals without completed games do not count): 359,68
Link to the Horse's Page: http://www.howrse.com/elevage/fiche/?id=6593080

she might not be highest NIB at this breed but is my highest and totally pure as it can go.
for me personally dissapeared ponies at pedigree is no probelm on my own herd cause I have since beginning written up their pedigrees and that can be seen at my EC forum there I have kept them. some very old lines at my ponies and some that has left game and their lines are still known by my list.
  • Posted messages: 2,607
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oh forgot to tell I immortalize many Foundies (Ouranus-Gaias) I have so I get breeding pair that is totally NIB. these I have at many breeds. also I have habit to buy such horses only that I can easily see are NIB and I have no need to buy starred howrses at all, I will eventually come there with my own herd default smiley ;) I have no rush.
contact with other breeds at those NIB breeds I keep is welcome, I can co work but I cannot put loads of BM items on any howrse. many breeds are worked without pass and manybe later I get some in that breed that specially deserves timer and other stuff.

I love this topic Rivenwood can you tell default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 2,607
  • Karma: 10 points
By Retired breeder, 18th November 2009 11:08:59
rebekka, I'm glad to see you have a horse to submit, but submissions should only be made on Sundays or else this topic will be clogged default smiley :) Thank you!

And I am very happy you are enjoying this topic so much!
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