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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 15:35:39
I would really like to see what the Gypsy vanners and Mustangs will look like... If anyone could post that for me default smiley :) Thank you!
Retired breeder wrote:

I would really like to see what the Gypsy vanners and Mustangs will look like... If anyone could post that for me default smiley :) Thank you!

go to the previous page and look
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 15:44:22
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 15:57:40
More proof howrse is listening to us!! They have updated the Gypsy Vanner coats!

Gypsy Vanner All Colors
Click to display

Single Gypsy Full Sized
Click to display

They have lengthened the manes and tails, plus the featheringdefault smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 15:59:28
That looks so much better
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 15:59:31
YAY! default smiley <:o) See people its perfectly fine to complain about the new coats, they fix them default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 16:03:19
Then again on the other hand, I just found that the Friesians have been updated too...

Click to display
Old New Their neck was to large now they look too thin. If you look you can also see that on the new version the tail is no longer in front of the rear leg

I think they did well with improving the Gypsy Vanner, but In my opinion I think the Friesians still need some work
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 16:09:00
Retired breeder wrote:

More proof howrse is listening to us!! They have updated the Gypsy Vanner coats!

Gypsy Vanner All Colors
Click to display

Single Gypsy Full Sized
Click to display

They have lengthened the manes and tails, plus the featheringdefault smiley (l)

Wow, they look amazing.

Now, can everyone calm down, please?
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 16:10:19
[qu[author]<em>Retired breeder</em>[/author]ote=1402089315][author]<em>Retired breeder</em>[/author]o[/qu[author]<em>Retired breeder</em>[/author]ote]

They also need some more feathering on thier legs, but I can see improvement. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 16:12:10
Retired breeder wrote:

They also need some more feathering on thier legs, but I can see improvement. default smiley :)

Yes, and it is nice to see that they are listing to us and trying to get things right(:
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 16:14:04
Yeah the Friesan still needs some improving.
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 16:16:01
Baby steps in the right direction
Nicole N., could you post a Gypsy Vanner adult (the new coat) and foal with the same tobiano colour for us? I'm curious about something I saw on the old ones, and am curious about whether it's true for the new ones...
The Royal Mirage
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 16:30:12
Retired breeder wrote:

Gypsy Vanner All Colors
Click to display

Single Gypsy Full Sized
Click to display

i don't think the gypsy vanners are cute
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 16:40:26
The Royal Mirage wrote:

Nicole N., could you post a Gypsy Vanner adult (the new coat) and foal with the same tobiano colour for us? I'm curious about something I saw on the old ones, and am curious about whether it's true for the new ones...

Here is an adult Gypsy and a foal with the same coat,
Click to display

And @lollypopums you put your comment in the quote. To clarify, in my post I did not say they weren't cute, I had said what the changes weredefault smiley ;)
Thanks Nicole N., yet another thing Howrse fixed! The tobiano gypsy adults used to have their feathering the regular colour for their coats, while the foals' feathers were white (the proper tobiano pattern). Just proves they're fixing colours as well as the coats' shapes!
The Royal Mirage
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 16:45:02
The new gypsies are gorgeous! So much Better that there first try at updating them (:
Retired breeder wrote:

More proof howrse is listening to us!! They have updated the Gypsy Vanner coats!

Gypsy Vanner All Colors
Click to display

Single Gypsy Full Sized
Click to display

They have lengthened the manes and tails, plus the featheringdefault smiley (l)

default smiley (7) I love them now!!!!!default smiley (7)
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 16:46:49
The Royal Mirage wrote:

Thanks Nicole N., yet another thing Howrse fixed! The tobiano gypsy adults used to have their feathering the regular colour for their coats, while the foals' feathers were white (the proper tobiano pattern). Just proves they're fixing colours as well as the coats' shapes!

That's right! I hadn't even noticed! That's good they really looked funny beforedefault smiley (lol)
Retired breeder wrote:

More proof howrse is listening to us!! They have updated the Gypsy Vanner coats!

Gypsy Vanner All Colors
Click to display

Single Gypsy Full Sized
Click to display

They have lengthened the manes and tails, plus the featheringdefault smiley (l)

Aw! They look so fluffy now... default smiley *-)
  • Posted messages: 3,297
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Retired breeder wrote:

Then again on the other hand, I just found that the Friesians have been updated too...

Click to display
Old New Their neck was to large now they look too thin. If you look you can also see that on the new version the tail is no longer in front of the rear leg

I think they did well with improving the Gypsy Vanner, but In my opinion I think the Friesians still need some work

I think the original neck was not really the problem; for me it was more the fact that it was not actually black in colour. And I did quite like the tail the way it was the first time... Ah well. That is just my opinion!
  • Posted messages: 3,297
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Retired breeder wrote:

More proof howrse is listening to us!! They have updated the Gypsy Vanner coats!

Gypsy Vanner All Colors
Click to display

Single Gypsy Full Sized
Click to display

They have lengthened the manes and tails, plus the featheringdefault smiley (l)

I hate to one of these people always complaining but I still prefer the older gypsies.

The friesain could still do some work. now the neck looks to thin. Gaa! Why am I so picky.
Frank Iero 击
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Awesome. The Vanner look better. The cuteness-factor is gone. But it's totally an improvement default smiley (y)
Thanks for posting Nicole.

The Fry - erk just a little bit more please Howrse artists.
Lookie under the spoiler

Click to display

Suggestion if I may. Make it more black, not greyish.
Show us the magnificent broad neck with all the massive muscle tones, and give it a loooong mane, like the one on the picture. Also a thicker tail + feathers please default smiley (l)
Perhaps the neck on the PSH can be used as reference ?
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I don't know if it's a spoiler or not but the new horses/ponies that have a cremello coat seem to have black eyes.
I wish they kept the eyes blue. It look so better.
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 17:26:15
yeah, my cremello aussie pony has pitch black eyes.
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