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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:30:18
Wow. default smiley :o

Howrse has done a great job fixing the horses. default smiley :-)) default smiley <:o)
Now, I'm greatly looking forwards to the change, even more than before!
The Gypsys and mustangs! default smiley :o
Spirit73 wrote:

What do the paints look like?

Here they are. default smiley (y)
Retired breeder wrote:

Here are all of the Paint Horse color variations on the new breed artwork
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  • Posted messages: 3,297
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:31:47
Wow, Paints are beautiful! Especially the Dun Overo.
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:33:07
sorry, but how can I make a spoiler bannerdefault smiley (o)
thanksdefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:35:03
The Royal Mirage wrote:

Just a quickly done edit on how the Friesian could be improved - I couldn't fix the mane and tail coloring, but the purpose of this was more for body shape than any mane/tail/feathering/color edits

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The image shown in this spoiler tag is FAKE and has been edited from the most recent Friesian coat revealed - it is meant to illustrate anatomy differences only.

In the edit, I moved the front legs and shoulders back, trimming the chest back as well, enlarged and lengthened the neck, adjusted the head's angle, shortened the ears, properly shaped the crest, reshaped the back and moved the withers forward.

Looks much better now!
Retired breeder wrote:

sorry, but how can I make a spoiler bannerdefault smiley (o)
thanksdefault smiley :)

[spoiler] Put the text you here and then remove the asterisk. [/spoiler*]

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See? default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:35:33
Retired breeder wrote:

I agree, ponyhorsegirl. I really hope the Paints look nice. I also hope they use the same image for Appies, Paints, and QHs.

They aredefault smiley (y) They are also used for the Argentinean Criollo
Click to display

Quarter Horse
Click to display

Spirit73 wrote:

What do the paints look like?

Click to display

Plus here are the new slimmed down Mustang coat colors
Click to display
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:38:46
Some colour changes I made to see the difference. First one is the original, second was edited by me.

Click to display
I played around with colour settings as some coats looked a little, I don't know dull?
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:38:48
I love the new expression the Paints/Quarter Horse has.
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:39:46
AlastorAce wrote:

Hold on... The last post with all the coat on it the gypsy changed. Did they fix it or did a player do that?

The Gypsy Vanner coat was edited
Retired breeder wrote:

Some colour changes I made to see the difference. First one is the original, second was edited by me.

Click to display
I played around with colour settings as some coats looked a little, I don't know dull?

I like the brighter color. It looks much more alive and bright.
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:42:53
[quote=1402089487]Some colour changes I made to see the difference. First one is the original, second was edited by me.

Click to display
I played around with colour settings as some coats looked a little, I don't know dull?

The second looks so pretty. I love it default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:43:12
Oops, that quote didn't work that well default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:45:10
Thanks! I also agree just that little contrast change makes a whole lot of difference!
Retired breeder wrote:

Some colour changes I made to see the difference. First one is the original, second was edited by me.

I think the original is much more realistic. Roans by nature are usually quite a 'faded out' colour. The level of contrast on the edited one just looks unnatural in my opinion. Sorry to sound mean, that's just my personal opinion and lots of people agree with you and prefer your edited version! default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 42
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Retired breeder wrote:

Some colour changes I made to see the difference. First one is the original, second was edited by me.

Click to display
I played around with colour settings as some coats looked a little, I don't know dull?

It looks so much nicer and more realistic. default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:48:39
logo44 it's fine! I just wanted to see a difference, some of the other coats are a little dull but the roan was just an example to colour changesdefault smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

logo44 it's fine! I just wanted to see a difference, some of the other coats are a little dull but the roan was just an example to colour changesdefault smiley :)

I think some of the solid colours might look a little better with a bit of colour editing - the liver chestnut for sure! - but I think the roans are more true to life as they are default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:50:50
logo44 .I meant it's fine that you don't like itdefault smiley ;) I think it came out wrong on the first post!
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:51:15
Retired breeder wrote:

Some colour changes I made to see the difference. First one is the original, second was edited by me.

Click to display
I played around with colour settings as some coats looked a little, I don't know dull?

Personally, the second one looks like a strawberry roan... not a roan.
But, that's just me. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:51:20
I really hope the bays are improved. On some breeds, they're not that pretty (especially on TBs)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:52:25
Yeah defiantly the liver chestnut. on the Australian ponies it is, mehdefault smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 4th April 2014 18:54:48
I Love the new Akhel-Teke Coats!
Click to display
The tail looks a little awkward to me though...
Retired breeder wrote:

Personally, the second one looks like a strawberry roan... not a roan.But, that's just me. default smiley :)

That's my problem - even the new 'strawberry' roan coats themselves are too dull, more like a dark red roan...

'Unrealistic' as they might have been, I loved the old strawberry roans. They were bright and easily recognisable. Now I see one and think, "Is that a roan or a strawberry roan?!"
  • Posted messages: 3,297
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Retired breeder wrote:

logo44 .I meant it's fine that you don't like itdefault smiley ;) I think it came out wrong on the first post!

Oooh I knew what you meant it's okay! :P
  • Posted messages: 42
  • Karma: 10 points
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