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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 21:15:15
i am glad i like the new appys as that's what i want to breed. default smiley :d

the friesians though! they look awful. the ones we have now are much prettier and more realistic default smiley :'(
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 21:23:51
Did all of the foals change today?
The new foals look.... well their faces are weird. They look like their sick.. or dead. >.>
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Does any one have a comparison of the old Fjord coat and the new one? They look exactly the same to me.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 21:40:24
Old Fjord:

Click to display

New Fjord:

Click to display

More details on the face, slightly longer mane, slightly bigger build, and touch-ups on the shading and coloration.
Thank you ~Freedom~
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i like the old Fjords as they look more realistic.
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Wolfgirl1692 wrote:

Does any one have a comparison of the old Fjord coat and the new one? They look exactly the same to me.

These are both Gra Fjords. The old version is on top and the new one on the bottom.

Click to display
[img] http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121117173614/howrse/images/f/f9/Fjord_-_Gra.png [/img]
[img] http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm167/grimes228624/ScreenShot2014-04-03at54050PM_zps8b3d5929.png [/img]
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 21:49:00
I'm super excited for the Akhal-Teke, they're to die for! I wasn't too fond of the current designs, but the new ones... they've convinced me to start breeding them!
Anyone no what's coming out tomorrow?
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  • Posted messages: 1,364
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 22:00:27
Only Admin know the order of the breeds, and they aren't telling default smiley (8)
Love the new Fjord foals!!
  • Posted messages: 342
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Thw new foals are adorable! LOVE them! I likeall the new coats, they are a lot better than the old ones
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kkere08 wrote:

The new fjord coats look awful. I prefer the old they don't look as ugly.

That's mean to the artist who made them. Look on the brighter side of things, Now the Fjord doesn't have the same stance as all of the other foals, and better shading! Plus, the new Connemara foals are a huge improvement in my book! default smiley (l)default smiley (l)default smiley (l)
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what do the Akhal Tekes look like?
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 22:22:27
honey28 wrote:

what do the Akhal Tekes look like?

Going to miss some old coats but I am enjoying the new ones.default smiley (y)
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krystalsharz wrote:

The new foals look.... well their faces are weird. They look like their sick.. or dead. >.>
Sick. They look horrid.
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 22:56:49
Here are the Shetland and Vanner coats posted by pappermintponies
Retired breeder wrote:

Shetland Coats
Click to display

Gypsy Vanner Coats
Click to display

And here are breed colors that I collected and put together
First the Gypsy Vanner foals
Click to display

The rest of these are adults
Click to display

Click to display

Paint Horse
Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Quarter Horse
Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Click to display

Trotters (Standardbred and others that share their breed art but not the Tennessee Walker)
Click to display

Tennessee Walker
Click to display
How on earth do they look sick? They look more like real foals,the old ones look like plastic default smiley (o)
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By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 23:02:48
The KWPN's look like they have no eyes. lol. Or they're blind..default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 23:04:26
I find it funny that who ever chose to release the gyspy foal chose the one with no mane default smiley (lol) shows their bad side.....same goes for the majority of the breeds that were released......like choose the Quarter Horse coat with no forelock, or the coat least flattering to the breed (I am guessing they were trying to spark a reaction)default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 23:06:17
I like the new foals, true they arent perfect, but the old ones were not either. I definitely see these new foals as an improvement over the old ones. I also like the fact that a lot of the breeds get different foal art, before most of them had the same one. It is nice to see that howrse is beginning to diversify the breed images.
By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2014 23:08:22
Retired breeder wrote:

I find it funny that who ever chose to release the gyspy foal chose the one with no mane default smiley (lol) shows their bad side.....same goes for the majority of the breeds that were released......like choose the Quarter Horse coat with no forelock, or the coat least flattering to the breed (I am guessing they were trying to spark a reaction)default smiley ;)

That is funny, you would think they would be sure they had everything strait before putting it out there. default smiley (lol)
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