[Info] Cross breeders

By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2010 20:13:43
Finally a post just for us cross breeders. The purpose of this topic is for cross breeders to have a place to discuss their crossbreeding programs and to share crossbreeding secrets and advice with others who may be interested in giving crossbreeding a try. Feel free to talk about your crossbreeding programs and your achievements and failures in crossbreeding.
Please remember to follow the rules of the forum and be informative and helpful. default smiley :-))


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Please do not advertise sales or items wanted in this topic. I can turn a blind eye to the covers being offered (as long as they are not blatant advertisements) because we are, after all, trying to help each other progress and there is no filter on public covers for searching for crosses, but items sales and items wanted do not belong in any of the public forums and we have a sales forum for horse sales so please, lets keep our topic clean of the ads.

Thanks everyone


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Thank you


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If anyone has personal issues with another player, or needs something back from another player(items/passes), other than covers/fills-please take it to private pms...anymore posting here will mean an instant forum ban without a warning.

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If any of these things occur, you will be forum banned without prior warning.
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Hey wolfcat! check out cainhurst! we offer crossbreed covers above our public releases! default smiley (y)default smiley :)
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Bit of a nightmare in all honesty, I need to start specialising them.

Have you messaged some teams if they do coverings for crossbreeds?
midnight stargazer
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It has been a while since I have played the game or been in this thread. I have decided to continue on my project of getting my name in the top 10 of the victory ranking for XC. The mare above, Doom, should be the one to get me there. She is currently 88th and is still winning even though she is almost 10,000 GP below the current GP race.
AVH Lover
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New top Canadian Horse, she is a nice comper as well.

What a nice cross! I've been meaning to try my hand at a Fri/KWPN cross, I'm glad it turned out so well!
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  • Posted messages: 19,812
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part one of two default smiley :d

excited for this project!! default smiley ^)
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Hi, I am new to crossbreeding and was hoping somebody could answer some questions I have.
What two breeds can I cross to make a monster xc horse?
Do the two horses need to be near the same GP for it to work properly?
Do I need to add any BM items or bonuses to the foal?
Thank you, any help is greatly appreciated!default smiley :ddefault smiley :ddefault smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 5th May 2020 16:45:39

This depends on what you're going for. If you want, as you said, a "monster XC horse", you have a few options- if you want high Stamina, you could mix a GV and another high-stamina breed (Akhal? Arabian?). If you want lower stamina but good Dressage and Jump, try mixing 3 parts of an XC dominant breed with 1 part SJ breed (SF/GV/GV/GV).
So assuming we're still talking about your monster XC horse, you'd want to have both horses you're breeding be very high GP- and the horse contributing the highest stamina should probably have the highest GP, so it'll have higher influence on the foal. Shifting the GPs of various parts of a cross can contribute to slightly different outcomes, depending on the skill sets of the breeds involved in the cross.
If you're going for a skiller, you should do all the typical skiller BMIs- Water of Youth, Nyx Pack, pieces of cloud, tears, etc. Though it's really up to you.
Just waiting for Temperano to get his 20 wins and he's gonna go live default smiley :-))

I'm actually thoroughly impressed he was close to 21,000.
ꜱᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅꜱ
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By Retired breeder, 6th May 2020 20:43:11
Okay so I bred this guy, just gonna be an AP breeder but I like at least one parent to be 100 blup, so he is a very odd cross, anyone got a western schedule for him? He has these breeds mixed into him:
*Morgan 50.0%
*KWPN 25.0%
*Thoroughbred 25.0%


GP Breakdown:
Total: 4911.03
Stamina: 601.16
Gallop: 789.97
Speed: 940.36
Trot: 547.82
Dressage: 1116.16
Jumping: 915.54

I know this really doesn't matter but I thought I'd throw in the info anyway.
Breed: Morgan
Age: 2 years 2 months
Species: Riding Horse
Height: 15.1 hands
Gender: male
Weight: 908.6 pounds
Coat: Cremello
Date of Birth: 2020-05-06
Producer: ThoroughBredFarm
Click to display
Speed, Dressage Jump Western Schedule
Board in mountain EC
Foal games (optional for BLUP)
Mountain rides until training is available
Train speed and jump (no higher than X {see description} for rookie, fully if not)
(Optional) train trot (no higher than X {see description} for rookie, fully if not)
Enter (rookie) trail comps until no gains
Train dressage (to just below rookie limit if rookie, fully if not)
Enter (rookie) cutting comps until no gains
Finish training speed, dressage, and jump and finish mountain rides
Do forest rides (switch to forest ec if you can)
If wins still needed, try western pleasure or reining comps
Age to 10
Speed, Dressage Jump Western Schedule

Luckily the Morgan and the KWPN have similar skill sets, so it didn't change a whole lot. I would use this one. default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 6th May 2020 22:49:38
Thank you so much!default smiley :)
How many passes and equus can I expect to need to create a good crossbred?
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Now - What would the skills be if someone were to make an Arab/GV/Teke skiller? I'm wondering if I should make one but I don't want to make it if it won't work or skills will be all over the place.
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Wow, I typed more above. Didn't come through.

You don't need to spend passes and $ to make a good skiller. You just have to have patience and wait for good covers to come along.
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You don't NEED to spend much if you save up--and if you are good at networking, you can get covers from cross friendly teams. Now for your mare...I like Selle crosses, so I'll often pick up a high GP colt and bolt/blup myself because it is so much cheaper. Then you'll want to Hera (or at least tear and/or wand) her.

So, generally what goes into one of my crosses is:

-250 passes or 500k for a top gp foal
-Possibly a bolt
-50ap or arms to blup
-Hera's pack
-7500e for a top cover
-Typical skiller items for your foal: I do Nyx, Bonus Pack, Stroke (VIP includes a heel in the Nyx pack), Poseidon's pack, Harmony pack, companion, and possibly WOY/clouds.

If I spent passes on most of these items and used APs for the mare, I'd be looking at approximately 2,000 to 2,500 passes. However, if you are willing to settle for less bonuses, your cross doesn't necessarily need all of the items I mentioned. default smiley :) Just an idea of what I do.
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By Retired breeder, 8th May 2020 20:57:16
You'd probably end up with a (very generic) XC cross. High stamina, followed by Dressage and then Jump. Gallop would be the fourth best skill, most likely, with trot either fifth or last (fifth if GV dominant, but probably last if either of the other breeds are). You could possibly cross out to a breed that does cutting as well, and end up with a horse that could do passable cutting along with XC.

What breeds would be good for that (what you just said)
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Thank you so much!
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I know I'm being a pain, but what are everyone's favorite crosses and for what contests?
I'm just curious to know what works for everybody.
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By Retired breeder, 8th May 2020 22:38:58
For the cutting? QPs maybe, Criollos, Fjords, Highland Ponies or Brumbies would also work (Stamina/Speed/Jump).
(literally just scrolled through sales to bring you this information. I don't usually do cutting crosses, reiners are my norm)
By Retired breeder, 8th May 2020 22:41:31

My favorite project ever would have to be my Marwari/GV/TB cross, which is good at... lots of things! Can do cutting, barrels, reining, and gallop comps passably. I typically focus on reining crosses on here because I was on a Marwari team (Curled Ears) a while back.
I of the Storm was the first semiskiller I did using this cross, and he is MY CHILD. (I will never sell him lol)
By Retired breeder, 8th May 2020 22:45:08
(could actually probably have done decent in XC comps too, now that I think about it)
Sounds like an interesting cross wolfcat111
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