[Info] Cross breeders

By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2010 20:13:43
Finally a post just for us cross breeders. The purpose of this topic is for cross breeders to have a place to discuss their crossbreeding programs and to share crossbreeding secrets and advice with others who may be interested in giving crossbreeding a try. Feel free to talk about your crossbreeding programs and your achievements and failures in crossbreeding.
Please remember to follow the rules of the forum and be informative and helpful. default smiley :-))


Reminder to all.

Please do not advertise sales or items wanted in this topic. I can turn a blind eye to the covers being offered (as long as they are not blatant advertisements) because we are, after all, trying to help each other progress and there is no filter on public covers for searching for crosses, but items sales and items wanted do not belong in any of the public forums and we have a sales forum for horse sales so please, lets keep our topic clean of the ads.

Thanks everyone


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Thank you


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If any of these things occur, you will be forum banned without prior warning.
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By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 02:45:03
I was thinking about cross breeding. Probably a Quarter Horse x Irish Hunter for a good dressage horse. I'm not sure though.
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 02:57:05
I have a cross breeding project in the works.

I'm attempting to bred a cross bred Paint with all attributes 200. What I'm having trouble with is finding good trotting horses. I know I can breed to Standardbred and Hackney to get the trot score up but I want to keep the Paint markings.

Anyone have a Paint with high trot scores?
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 03:15:11
I've bred a Quarter Horse/Paint. They're twins, each has 16*, 700+ GP, and 138 inborn skills. I like cross breeding!
Here's Liquid Silver's newest offspring:

Silver Sable's baby:
Liquid Sable

Lightning Lass' baby:
Silver Lightning
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WOW! I should have bribbed you for a twin of Liquid Sable-lol! Very nice! I can't wait to see how they turn out!
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I have dabbled with crosses from my very first day here, and it's my favorite thing about the game so far.

I have managed to produce individuals with stars in all six skills that are Friesian, Arabian, Paint, Irish Hunter, even Appaloosa.

What I have found works best for me is using a Friesian for trot and dressage, Hunters for uber-dressage and a little stamina, Arabian for stamina, and Paint for speed. I'm not fond of using Standards for trot because of their low dressage and general GP difficulties.

My more improved Frie foals are coming out soon - they are in the 740s and have KILLER dressage skills. They're not quite six-skillers, but they lack only a few points in one skill (or occasionally two) to make it there. The Paints are now in the 750s and looking good.

An example of each:

Friesian Foal

Paint Foal

default smiley ^)
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A little note - many of my crosses are somewhat lacking in the classic gaits (gallop, trot, and jump) but this is more than compensated for by their high speed and dressage versus their pureblooded counterparts.

So even though they are not usually breaking 200 on specific gaits, they are usually fantastic competitors because they're entering mid-level comps rather than super-high ones and have more dressage and speed to help them win.

For example, Ede's Whiskers, one of my Hunter crosses, has won first place in 26 out of her 30 gallop races (placed second in the other 4) because her gallop skill is maxed at 177 but her dressage is at 258 and climbing. I am pleased with her performance so far, and have bred her to a Paint stallion (nice foal) and another Hunter (even nicer foal). Next will be a Frie cross.
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Very nice, Cryfenril!
It certainly isn't as easy as one would think to get those kind of numbers.
I spend a fair bit of time crunching numbers before breeding my crosses just to make sure that I am doing better than I did the time before.
It seems that while trying to pick up the skills in one area, skills are lost in another.
It is quite a delicate balancing act to improve skills. I have learned much about cross breeding from breeders such as yourself.
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By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 06:37:57
I have been crossbreeding for a little bit now I do crossbreeding with Marwari's, but mostly Irish Hunters and Arabians. I added Freisian to the mix and had a beautiful 742gp 1032 skilled Friesian mare that I couldn't sell for even one pass because people don't think crossbreds are worth anything default smiley :( My Irish Hunter/Arabian's sell pretty well but not as well as purebred horses which makes me sad. I am glad zeph made a place for crossbreeders I would love to see them get more respect on this game. We work just as hard as the purebred breeders and maybe even harder because of the balancing of skills and our horses should be valued. (c)
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 06:44:57
Also here is my elite Marwai/Thoroughbred cross J'sBlueRibbon she is number 5 for all Marwari's right now, second in speed and 7th in Gallop default smiley :)


I also have a new Irish Hunter/Marwari mix with 625gp 12*'s and close to 200 ibs default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 09:42:04
jbradin23 i cross breed marwaris and IHs. I get 11stars from 21star IH and a 4star Marwari. They are pretty good. You 12star is great though! default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 09:42:41
Also your link dosn't work for us. default smiley ;)
Clematis, you're exactly right - crosses are not usually super-skilled in ANY category. They are just more well-balanced and able to enter more comps than their pure counterparts.

The way I explained it once was butter on toast - if you smear the pat around, every bite has at least SOME butter on it. But if you leave the pat whole in the middle of the toast, that one bite is REALLY buttery and the rest is just... well, dry toast.

My philosophy behind crossing is that in real life, great horses don't have just one thing that they do really well. They are adaptable to many different forms of racing and competition. They may not be the best at EVERYthing, but they'll darn sure make an impressive showing. That's what I am reaching for in my cross programs.
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By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 12:45:03
Okay I have been wondering this for a while. What is the lowest percntag you can get in a crossbreed? I have seen 1.2% but can it go lower? Can it disappar eventually and the hors would be purebred? Just a thought...
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 12:45:48
Sorry about the typos, my keys are not working today!default smiley :@default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 14:08:27
It takes 8 generations to turn a 50/50 horse back to purebred....
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 15:07:55
Wow! That must be a fun, but time-consuming project! Two thumbs up to anyone who has done it!default smiley (y)default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 15:40:46
I'm gonna start a cross breeding program. Thoroughbred x Irish Hunter for excellent dressage and gallop skills. PM me if you want to be breeding partners.
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 17:23:35
I've started breeding Quarter Horse x Paints, but I like the idea from Cryfenril. Maybe I'll try to produce horses like that! I've just started with cross breds, and so far, I like it alot! It is harder to sell them though. I'm thinking my new foals could possibly be comp horses.
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 17:31:14
I'm trying to get horses with better trotting and gallop. I'm gonna think about crossing Standardbreds and Quarter Horses. Does anyone know if it will work?

Or would Hackney and Quarter Horses work better?
Just letting you guys know, that howrse has just --lost--- one crossbreeder that knew what she was doing..default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 18:52:24
I am breeding Friesians, Arab's, and TB default smiley :) to try and get a ultimate mix!
I breed TB/Arabian crosses. Though, in the 4 foals I have bred yesterday and today, I plan to breed in either Quarter horses, Paints, or Friesians.
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Moneyyy, So you breed Anglo-Arabs! default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 8th April 2010 19:29:53
I would love to give this a try some day but I just don't have the time for a project like that.
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