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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 16:18:03
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 16:18:44
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There maybe a new BMI coming to the game to stay in the black market in 2015!

Now? XD
Retired breeder wrote:

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There maybe a new BMI coming to the game to stay in the black market in 2015!

What is it? Can you put it in a spoiler?
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 17:43:29
Can anyone tell me when
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The water divines are put up for sale

Thank you.
jlmiller wrote:

What is it? Can you put it in a spoiler?

I believe it will involve the EC side of your game , not the horse breeding side.default smiley (m)
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 18:34:40
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In the German version of the water horse will come in the rV rumored the January-feburuar. Come to here? you know that? if so, how much will they cost?
New BMI,

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this would not be the trough or tractor would it. The tractor is replacing the scarecrow.
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 19:57:41
katiedingo wrote:

New BMI,

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this would not be the trough or tractor would it. The tractor is replacing the scarecrow.

Really? Will we receive compensation for the lost scarecrows?
Retired breeder wrote:

Really? Will we receive compensation for the lost scarecrows?

Take note of the word "replacing". That is our compensation.
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 20:00:53
Oh ok thanks! Just checking because I use scarecrows
By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 21:43:01
Forgive me if this was answered somewhere already, but in re: the upcoming EC changes, what happens to the comb, grease, and hoof pick?
By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 22:05:25
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Is it true there is a new water divine coming to Howrse after this promo and that the water divines are going into the sales? And also - anyone have an idea of the rough pricing of them?
NicleCAA wrote:

Does anyone known what the benefits of Hippidion's son are (or if there are any)?

As far as I know - nothing is known about this (but we'll know in around 3 days time when the first ones are born)

Retired breeder wrote:

Forgive me if this was answered somewhere already, but in re: the upcoming EC changes, what happens to the comb, grease, and hoof pick?

No one knows - all we know is that the update mentions the removal of boxes and meadows. What effect and how this will be compensated for is unknown. My guess is however:

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n Preprod - we can once again give apples to our own horses for a morale boost (what time in the meadow does).

As for Box Bonus items - it's possible they may become regular bonus items we can buy for our horses (or they will be merged into one bonus item (like the Eolus' Wind and Seahorse were merged into one before they turned into the Whip)

Again though - all we can do is wait and see what happens (I personally am not going to worry about it until testing starts and I see what effect (if any) this potential change will have on how I play my game.
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 22:21:32
Oh for heaven's sake, PLEASE don't make the hoof pick/comb a buy-able item. Why not have it be something you can win randomly during missions and what now?
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh for heaven's sake, PLEASE don't make the hoof pick/comb a buy-able item. Why not have it be something you can win randomly during missions and what now?
Retired breeder wrote:

Forgive me if this was answered somewhere already, but in re: the upcoming EC changes, what happens to the comb, grease, and hoof pick?

Those changes have not taken place yet on prepod.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Oh for heaven's sake, PLEASE don't make the hoof pick/comb a buy-able item. Why not have it be something you can win randomly during missions and what now?

you won't be able to find them putting your horse in the box anymore since they decied to remove thatdefault smiley :@
Horse Fan
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Horse Fan wrote:

you won't be able to find them putting your horse in the box anymore since they decied to remove thatdefault smiley :@

You know that your answer has nothing to do with the question, don't you?
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we dont know how these changes are going to work, howrse WILL compensate for them as they have already said, so we should all stop worrying and get on with our games default smiley (y)
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Horse Fan
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Horse Fan wrote:

Yes it did

Nope, the question was about whether the items can't be won by doing missions and you talked about putting the horse in the box.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Oh for heaven's sake, PLEASE don't make the hoof pick/comb a buy-able item. Why not have it be something you can win randomly during missions and what now?

If boxes and meadows are removed as mentioned in the upcoming changes - any objectives, Divines, and similar things that would involve boxes/meadows would be changed as well.

Though to add - my idea of being able to buy those bonuses was just that - and Idea, not something concrete. I simply thought of that as one of the easiest solutions to keeping them on the game as opposed to needing to change them to something else.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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There maybe a new BMI coming to the game to stay in the black market in 2015!

Now? XD

This was talked about a few pages back.
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the BMI is said to permanently reduce crop time in one meadow by 2 days. It costs 2 passes I think
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I remember what that is. There is something on it way way back many pages.
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To those mentioning the new BMI

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This is a screen cap that's been circulating around;

There are doubts if this is real or not due to the quality of the image, as well as what the item is stated to do. If my translator is working right:

Temporal Dust
This item reduces the duration of a crop growing to just 3 days - regardless of how long the crop takes. It also last for the life of the meadow as opposed to fertilizers which are only good for one harvest.
You can not use more than one temporal dust on the same meadow.

Again though - it is unknown if this is real or not, as it would not be the first time a real looking spoiler image was circulated and turned out to be false or never came to light
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 23:56:18
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Dew is an water divine horse.
He has this ability to be able to replace their skills and consequently good in all areas.
Once in a lifetime can mate with the cloud, gave birth to Wave.

These horse can not sell.
Wave is a water divine horse.
Every day he can be change its capability so that he is good in all areas.

This horse can not sell.

Next promotion:

Clash of snowballs- 2015

If you liked the game "Clash of the confectionery" you will surely like "Clash of snowballs", which starts in January.

How to play?
- UFOs, which contained treats is now replaced by snowball
- Gifts always come in pairs, so that the other can throw a ball

All you have to do when you catch a ball, you have to select friends and throw it at them!

Players will be thrown more than lumps will receive:
1 - Dew
2. - Rain
3 - Cascade
4 - Frost
5 - Mist
6 - Snow
7 to 20 - Titan's Challenge
21 to 30 - Horn of Plenty
31 to 50 - Achilles' Heel
from 51 to 101 - Medusa's blood

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