[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 29th December 2014 16:15:58
Retired breeder wrote:


Forest horse is part of the prehistoric divines.

Is the son of Hippidion and Tarpan.

Each day he progresses of 1 point in each of his skills in the limit of half the skill total from the best horse of the game for that particular skill.
This horse cannot be sold.

Doesn't need to be in spoilers, there's already a few in the game

oh XD i didn´t know that default smiley (8)
Retired breeder wrote:

im vegetarian and against animal cruelty, if there is one set up, i dont want to live on tis planet anymore XDdefault smiley (lol)

Did you know that PETA has a mock-up of pokemon. Google 'Peta pokemon black and blue.'

I kid you not, they are a bunch of nutters.

I was called a murder when i was on a college campus onetime taking some meatballs to a office wearing leather shoes and a leather coat. But get this, the person yelling at me had on doc martins(Leather) and a rabbits foot keychain!
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Flame_Keeper wrote:

Did you know that PETA has a mock-up of pokemon. Google 'Peta pokemon black and blue.'

I kid you not, they are a bunch of nutters.

I was called a murder when i was on a college campus onetime taking some meatballs to a office wearing leather shoes and a leather coat. But get this, the person yelling at me had on doc martins(Leather) and a rabbits foot keychain!

Agreed. My ag teacher had a run in with one of them at a Livestock show when he was younger, they were yelling about how the lambs and other animals were mistreated (The lambs and goats wear coats at shows because it was cold so they are obviously mistreateddefault smiley ;))default smiley xd
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Ummmm what does all this have to do with spoilers? Im lost
Maddy Hunter
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They were talking about the introduction of
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cows and how the cows would be used for leather. This led to it being brought up that PETA might try to cause a stir
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Publicity bad or good would benefit howrse. When they did the Pokemon thing the sales for Pokemon games rose.

If anything it'd hit the news and we'd gain more players who never knew howrse existed.
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Omg, I would literally die if that happened
"Horse simulator game, Howrse, confronted by PETA due to alleged pixel cow slaughter"
Everyone would be like
"gotta play dat game bro, so dope swag"
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I mean think about the other brutal things we do to our horses in game. Like killing pass horses, starving and depriving horses of rest to change your EC/send it back to your teammate.

Not to mention ripping horns off of unicorns and tearing the wings off of Pegasus. Lol
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Why u hurt my unizzz! default smiley :k

JK lol
Donut Lady
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By Retired breeder, 29th December 2014 22:29:53
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Well, if anyone didn't think about this, maybe the cows will be in a meadow like the crops, buy a cow, put it in the meadow, wait a few days etc and click I don't know, 'harvest leather' and there nothing mentioning cow slaughter default smiley xd, besides in the real world how else do you get your beef in hamburgers and other things.. Where do you get the leather from your saddle? Hmmmm?
I like my bacon burgers default smiley (lol)
Donut Lady
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Who is defending those poor tofu critters, you never see anybody throwing sow beans at some one eating tofu dogs.default smiley :d

You can always tell when the players are restless, waiting for any news from anytest serverm
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By Retired breeder, 29th December 2014 23:08:43
katiedingo wrote:

You can always tell when the players are restless, waiting for any news from anytest serverm

Yes default smiley xd

Anyway, back to the test server stuff..
Click to display
So have we figured out whether Brook and Source are different divines? It's so confusing default smiley xd
Retired breeder wrote:

Anyway, back to the test server stuff..

Brook is Source's new name and is the second divine ( and final one) from Cloud.
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katiedingo wrote:

Who is defending those poor tofu critters, you never see anybody throwing sow beans at some one eating tofu dogs.default smiley :d

You can always tell when the players are restless, waiting for any news from anytest serverm

I think it is time to settle the natives and bring out the Christmas packs and reserved water divines that we are all waiting for.default smiley (y)default smiley :d
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Shishi no Seirei wrote:

why do I have a feeling we will soon have a PETA-group on howrse saying "stop cow slaughter" here...

Save the pixels!!!!1!!one!! default smiley xd
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What is it with the cows, the last weird topics we came up with, waiting for news on those new rides. Was started over the cows also, that was when the cow beans came out.default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 00:19:44
XD This, i am so done, im getting my bags and going to the moon.
By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 00:22:31
Also,is there anymore on drafts?
By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 00:52:37
Sorry, I don't want to get back to the cows (since there are LOTS of posts on that!), but when is that new update supposed to come?
I have a feeling drafts are going to be like the cattle
Princess Celestia
  • Posted messages: 124,385
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Retired breeder wrote:

Sorry, I don't want to get back to the cows (since there are LOTS of posts on that!), but when is that new update supposed to come?

I think they're going to be in February. default smiley ;)
MaRk My WoRds
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along with no longer being able to feed your horses in meadows anymoredefault smiley :@
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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Horse Fan wrote:

along with no longer being able to feed your horses in meadows anymoredefault smiley :@

Give it a break. Howrse will most likely replace that feature with something else that might even be better
Princess Celestia
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By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 01:07:07
Horse Fan wrote:

along with no longer being able to feed your horses in meadows anymoredefault smiley :@

We. GET. it.
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