[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 21:44:41

Cremellos already have blue eyes..

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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 21:55:48
Whoops, that should've been in spoilers default smiley :odefault smiley (m)default smiley (8)
By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 22:03:14
Accidents happendefault smiley ;) im sure a mod can fix it
Retired breeder wrote:


But keep in mind that howrse compensates immensely! When they took away turnips, they gave us mashes that could be used every single day. And what's wrong with having extra equus in your EC? No one can take it away from you, and it's extra helpful to buy better boxes and meadows.

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Yes, but you could give turnips to foals, but you can't give them mashes. Also I may have had a lot of money in my EC, but when I spend it on a horse on the other part of the game, I lose money I may have been saving up for a shower!
MaRk My WoRds
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 22:15:13
"I lose money I may have been saving up for a shower!"
That's why you need to budget your money. In real life, you wouldn't have two separate bank accounts, one for you and one for your stables :P
But, if it's a business, you may easily have two bank accounts.
MaRk My WoRds
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I know some of this is already posted, but I don't know if the pictures are. I got these all off the Canadian Server. I do not own the images!

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Snow - 15 passes
Mist - 15 passes
Frost - 15 passes
Cascade - 20 passes
Rain - 20 Passes
*Dew will be offered by another means*

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Dew is a divine mare that can switch her skills around.

Her skills change each day. One day she is great at galloping, the next day she has great stamina...

She can breed once with Cloud to give birth to this foal: Wave.

If you have obtained all the divine horses of water, Dew can breed a second time with Cloud and give birth to an ultimate foal: Spring.

This mare cannot be sold.

Dew will look like this: (sorry the image isn't that great)

Click to display

Wave as a foal:

Wave as an adult

Wave is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

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This is Brook or possibly Source
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I'm not sure if the last one is correct since he looks a lot like Ocean...
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melissa793 wrote:

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Wave as a foal:

Wave as an adult

Wave is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

Oooh I love Wave! I'll have to save up then.....
MaRk My WoRds
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 22:40:52
melissa793 wrote:

I'm not sure if the last one is correct since he looks a lot like Ocean...

He's a cover image
Ahh, that explains it.
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 22:49:38
Can anyone tell me what
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The new divine; Forest [whatever its name will be] will look like *AS* a foal?
Thank you!
By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 22:50:02
Those spoiler banner just hate me.
By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 22:50:40
You can't use a bracket [] in the spoiler banner, unfortunately.

We don't have an image yet.
I use brackets but the spoiler part is all caps.
MaRk My WoRds
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 22:52:26
I bet
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baby Forest Horse
is really cute and Fluffy!!!
My best guess is
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It will look very foresty and green
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 23:15:31
melissa793 wrote:

My best guess is

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The adult version isn't, so I wouldn't assume so..
Thanks to Christmas gifts, I have enough iTunes cards to be able to purchase Frost and Mist, and possibly Cascade default smiley ^)
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Retired breeder wrote:

In real life, you wouldn't have two separate bank accounts, one for you and one for your stables :P

I disagree.. I run a business and have a personal account and a business account. Tax purposes you can't mix business with pleasure so to speak.
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By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 03:38:50
Click to display
Any body have pictures of a forest horse yet? I saw a pic once, but I forgot....

Thank you!
By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 03:42:09
Never mind, found one.
Retired breeder wrote:

In real life, you wouldn't have two separate bank accounts, one for you and one for your stables :P

I'm wondering what planet you live on, because in some ways its actually illegal for you to mix personal and business accounts. You most certainly would keep your personal account and your personal business account (AKA, the account of the business you own, whether it be a stable or a store,etc) separate. Not only for tax purposes, but so that you aren't accused of over paying yourself, doing anything "weird" with the budgets, etc.
So, actually, Howrse took away that "realistic" feature when they merged reserves.
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By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 03:47:57
Hmm, I was thinking more of your personal stable where you'd keep your own horses...probably because my EC's private.
I understand where people are coming from though, I guess I interpreted it different then all of you .. Sorry about that!
Does anyone know what forest horse does yet?
WAr- kitten
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