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By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 22:13:24
Horse Fan wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Wondering why this is a spoiler in the spoiler topic... Rants don't belong in the forums either default smiley (8)
By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 22:25:01
Horsefan go complain some where else everybody here is tired of seeing your post.
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weren't halflingers originally on the test server, for the magic ride but they were removed? Maybe it means we'll be getting some soon
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Retired breeder wrote:

Horsefan go complain some where else everybody here is tired of seeing your post.

default smiley (m)
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 23:08:09
Seriously. We come here to see spoilers, not arguments.

And thanks, ShorahNagi, for all of the information.default smiley (l)
Retired breeder wrote:

Horsefan go complain some where else everybody here is tired of seeing your post.

This is just plain rude.
I can understand getting annoyed at the useless ranting over and over, but if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
  • Posted messages: 3,538
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Horse Fan wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

And what is the reasoning. If it's just about the silly BMI, there is no need to be upset. It was obviously upsetting a ton of more people than it was helping, and was unfair to collectors and coat makers.
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kkeappy wrote:

if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all

Which part of your post was nice, exactly?
That saying makes no sense and is not sensible either.
There is another one after all: "silence means agreement" default smiley (a)
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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Come on everybody, stop arguing! If howrse had wanted you to argue here, they would have called it the 'arguing' topic. Horsefan doesn't need to keep repeating the same thing, but come on, it's no longer him that is annoying. Likes ppt is right, and Starkitty, that was not needed. We don't need howse closing the topic for misbehavior like they did with the retired coat topic.
MaRk My WoRds
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MaRk My WoRds
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By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 23:47:26
Wow... just wow. I was just saying what nobody else would say. This isn't the complaints form. Just saying.
By Retired breeder, 28th December 2014 00:21:01
ShorahNagi wrote:

Though to add - my idea of being able to buy those bonuses was just that - and Idea, not something concrete. I simply thought of that as one of the easiest solutions to keeping them on the game as opposed to needing to change them to something else.

I knew that's what you were getting at. Was merely expressing my frustration at the thought of losing two very valuable bonuses. I really hope Howrse makes the items available as a reward for doing missions, otherwise there are going to be some seriously unhappy campers.
I really think they should bring objectives back, or something like that.
MaRk My WoRds
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It's pretty useless to be complaining about things that haven't even come to testing yet. Do your complaining at the time and place where it matters which is prepod when they actually ask for opinions.
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Who are you talking to?
MaRk My WoRds
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Um, I found this on the US/Canadian server:

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Mist + Snow = Ocean
Frost + Ocean = Snowflake
Cascade + Snowflake = Geyser
Rain + Geyser = Cloud
Dew + Cloud = Wave

--->Source = Given when all water divines listed above are obtained<---
--->Dew + Cloud = Brook (After you have obtained Source)<---

The US/Canadian server is saying that
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Brook and Source are different divines, but the International is saying they are the same. So does this mean that Brook and Source are two different divines, or are they the same? default smiley :s
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By Retired breeder, 28th December 2014 01:37:37
Hmm...They must be different, then.
By Retired breeder, 28th December 2014 01:42:27
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Does anyone know or have an idea when we will be able to change our usernames?
By Retired breeder, 28th December 2014 01:57:10
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know or have an idea when we will be able to change our usernames?

The next updates are in...

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February, so maybe then.
By Retired breeder, 28th December 2014 02:24:19
Ok thank you very much Zany R. Merry,!
By Retired breeder, 28th December 2014 02:31:39

That actually makes a lot of sense! Since
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somone did say previously that brook (or spring or whatever) is not the divine given when you obtain all the water divines. Maybe this "Source" will have some power unique from the others of the set. It would be disappointing that all it had was good skills.
So if you have all the water divines except the foals and you get Dew after you get the missing foals, Dew will be able to breed twice?
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 28th December 2014 03:29:26
yes if you own all the water divines you can breed dew twice to get the ulmite water divine
By Retired breeder, 28th December 2014 03:39:11
So Source is supposed to be the end all to be all water divine? Sweet! Can't wait for him/her (Source is not an it, I refuse to call a horse an it) to come out!

Since it's the "ultimate" water divine, what if it had ...

All the powers of all the water divines? 0.o
LegendarySword wrote:

The US/Canadian server is saying
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that Brook and Source are different divines, but the International is saying they are the same. So does this mean that Brook and Source are two different divines, or are they the same? default smiley :s

I believe they are the same - as based on these shots from the Preprod server:

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The first two shots are the shots of the horse I was able to breed after having all the Water Divines (Snow, Mist, Ocean, Frost, Snowflake, Cascade, Geyser, Rain, Cloud, Dew, and her first foal Wave):

*Couldn't get it all to fit to one image, so I did two to show the parts of the page*

Then Ow mentions in the Snowball Fight topic on Preprod that:

Obtaining all the water divines will liberate Source, the final water divine horse.

These three horses have their skills that change each day.
Wave and Source come both in foal and adult versions.

Source/Spring/Brook *call him what you will* matches up to this as being the second foal of Dew, as stated in her information tab:

I'm thinking the confusion comes due to the different names of the Final Divine - though the trophy page on Preprod seems to confirm that the new name for Spring will be Brook, and that there are no others:

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