[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 00:01:18
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Should add: There will be another water divine given out for the players with a complete collection. There isn't any other information about it yet from what I know.
look a few pages back default smiley ;)
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Bringing this forward a few pages - so its easier to find:

For those of you wondering (and/or not wanting to hunt a bunch of pages back) - new Divines

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Dew is a divine mare that can switch her skills around.

Her skills change each day. One day she is great at galloping, the next day she has great stamina...

She can breed once with Cloud to give birth to this foal: Wave.

If you have obtained all the divine horses of water, Dew can breed a second time with Cloud and give birth to an ultimate foal: Spring*.

This mare cannot be sold.

*this is a new Water Divine who will be getting a new name in time - not the Season Divine

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*adult image - foal image is a place holder image (it is the Ocean foal with the word Vague on it)*

Wave is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

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Apologies for lack of image - at present time, the Foal and Adult images for this Divine are place holders (Ocean's foal image with the word Source on it - Ocean's Adult image with the word Source on it)

Brook is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He can only be born if the player already own all his family members.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

*At present time on Preprod - this horse's name is listed as Spring on his page and in Dew's information tab, Brook in his description, and in a post by Ow - is called Source. It is unknown at present time what the final name will be (but it will not be Spring to avoid confusion with the Season Divine of the same name)


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Snowball Fight
The regular UFO have been replaced by snowballs containing gifts.

These gifts come in twos which allows you to offer the second one to your friends. For that simply throw them the snowball!

Happy Snowball Fight to all!


At the end of the contest, the players who have thrown the most gifts will receive:

- 1st: Dew
- 2nd: Rain
- 3rd: Cascade
- 4th: Frost
- 5th: Mist
- 6th: Snow
- 7th to 20th: 1x Titan's Challenge
- The 30 next: 1 x Horn of Plenty
- The 50 next: 1 x Achilles' Heel
- Starting from the 101st: 1 x Medusa's Blood

*During this same time - there will also be a Reserved Sales event with the Water Divines:

Snow, Mist, Frost: 15 passes
Cascade, Rain: 20 passes

Dew will be offered to get by other means (currently, she is gotten by reaching level 6 of the Titan's Challenge on Preprod but it is unknown if this will be true when launched here)
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Account change
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Username Changes
From now on it'll be possible to change your login name when you get fed up with your current one.

This action is performed on the "My account" page (The little cog top right side of the pages.)

Of course as you'll all well understand we have had to set a few limits to avoid abuses with this feature.
This is why you can only change login once every 6 month and it costs 5 passes.
Your previous login name is displayed on your page for two weeks once you've decided to change it.

Your login will change everywhere it's displayed on the game.

Nothing else on your account changes: You keep your horses, affixes, teams, presentations, avatar. Everything.

*Note that if you block someone and they change their username - they will still remained blocked and the new name will show on your blacklist instead.
**You can change your username no matter what kind of account you have

EC change
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We've modified the way the boarding length is selected when you are looking for an EC for your horse.
Instead of setting the length of boarding as a search filter and needing to reset each time you perform a new search, we've displayed it as a set of squares with the total price in equus you'll pay if you chose that boarding length.

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Once again - we are able to give our own horses apples. However, it must be done from their Public profile page (same as if you were giving a random horse an apple)
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By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 01:08:42
Page 800 last post has a picture of forest.
By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 02:04:22

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Will we still be able to give other player's horses apples? Or only our own? It will still only give 2% morale a day correct?
Retired breeder wrote:


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Will we still be able to give other player's horses apples? Or only our own? It will still only give 2% morale a day correct?

To answer that question

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Yes, apples can still be given to the horses of others. And yes, it still is a +2 boost to morale when a horse is given an apple regardless of if it is your own or belongs to someone else
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By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 05:12:22
New Changes:

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So we can give our horses apples to make up for morale, what about the energy losses? All of my BLUP schedules depend on a box at least once!
By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 08:52:39
ShorahNagi wrote:

Bringing this forward a few pages - so its easier to find:

For those of you wondering (and/or not wanting to hunt a bunch of pages back) - new Divines

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Dew is a divine mare that can switch her skills around.

Her skills change each day. One day she is great at galloping, the next day she has great stamina...

She can breed once with Cloud to give birth to this foal: Wave.

If you have obtained all the divine horses of water, Dew can breed a second time with Cloud and give birth to an ultimate foal: Spring*.

This mare cannot be sold.

*this is a new Water Divine who will be getting a new name in time - not the Season Divine

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*adult image - foal image is a place holder image (it is the Ocean foal with the word Vague on it)*

Wave is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

Click to display
Apologies for lack of image - at present time, the Foal and Adult images for this Divine are place holders (Ocean's foal image with the word Source on it - Ocean's Adult image with the word Source on it)

Brook is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He can only be born if the player already own all his family members.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

*At present time on Preprod - this horse's name is listed as Spring on his page and in Dew's information tab, Brook in his description, and in a post by Ow - is called Source. It is unknown at present time what the final name will be (but it will not be Spring to avoid confusion with the Season Divine of the same name)


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Snowball Fight
The regular UFO have been replaced by snowballs containing gifts.

These gifts come in twos which allows you to offer the second one to your friends. For that simply throw them the snowball!

Happy Snowball Fight to all!


At the end of the contest, the players who have thrown the most gifts will receive:

- 1st: Dew
- 2nd: Rain
- 3rd: Cascade
- 4th: Frost
- 5th: Mist
- 6th: Snow
- 7th to 20th: 1x Titan's Challenge
- The 30 next: 1 x Horn of Plenty
- The 50 next: 1 x Achilles' Heel
- Starting from the 101st: 1 x Medusa's Blood

*During this same time - there will also be a Reserved Sales event with the Water Divines:

Snow, Mist, Frost: 15 passes
Cascade, Rain: 20 passes

Dew will be offered to get by other means (currently, she is gotten by reaching level 6 of the Titan's Challenge on Preprod but it is unknown if this will be true when launched here)

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When is the snowball fight coming?
By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 10:39:46
does anyone know when
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haflingers will come out and in wich promo ?
When is the next snowball fight going to happen?
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Retired breeder wrote:

New Changes:

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So we can give our horses apples to make up for morale, what about the energy losses? All of my BLUP schedules depend on a box at least once!

Apologies - but I feel this can not be answered until we start the next round of testing for the February EC changes

As for the other things I posted - nothing is known for sure but:

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Chances are high - the Snowball fight will start sometime around Early to mid-January.
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 14:44:05
Dose anyone know what bonus
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forest horse (son of Hippodon and Tarpan) has ?
By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 16:04:12

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How often can we give our own horses apples? I mean, once every time the game updates?
Lace up: Seems so. I just tried and ageing the horse does not allow you to give another one.
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@ anybody who can answer this at all
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Does it take time out of the horses day to give it an apple, or would it be the same as if someone else gave that horse an apple?
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By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 17:12:04
Azarath wrote:

@ anybody who can answer this at all
It would not take extra time out.
By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 18:34:17
How do you make a spoiler banner? Please PM me.
By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 19:37:26
Retired breeder wrote:

How do you make a spoiler banner? Please PM me.

[spoiler*]type text here[/spoiler*]
Take out the *'s

And since everyone's too busy arguing in the magic ride topic, maybe someone could answer this here? (Since it has to do with the test and the answer might be a spoiler)

I like to spend as little money as possible which might be difficult since I can't tell if theyre bringing elven packs back again. They usually have them until the end if the promo, but I don't remember them being released 3 times. Anyone on test remember how many times they were released?
Not on test, but it seems like every promo releases it's pack at the end. In addition I'm pretty are the puzzle promo did have three times where you could get puzzle pieces from hops.
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By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 21:05:59
Sherloki wrote:

Not on test, but it seems like every promo releases it's pack at the end. In addition I'm pretty are the puzzle promo did have three times where you could get puzzle pieces from hops.

Makes sense, and just did some brief math.
The first round was 20-21st. (Saturday. And Sunday)
The second round is 27-28th. (Also Saturday and Sunday)
The third round would make sense to be on the 3rd-4th. (Saturday and Sunday)
Though my only concern is that the promo ends early on the 4th
Retired breeder wrote:

They usually have them until the end if the promo, but I don't remember them being released 3 times. Anyone on test remember how many times they were released?

They were released twice last year and the year before that.default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 27th December 2014 21:24:06
Do you remember how many times they were released on the test this year?
Retired breeder wrote:

does anyone know when

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haflingers will come out and in wich promo ?

No information from a PROVEN source that we are even getting them.
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