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Starkitty wrote:

They were not to be removed, there was an item announced that would allow people to buy more copies of them. Due to a huge outcry, that item was decided to be not implemented. default smiley :d

I hope the game will listen to the players that wanted that item they could made those copys where thery couldn't been solddefault smiley :@
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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I meant to say I wish the game would have listned to the players that wanted that item and could have made it so the copys from that item couldn't be sold
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 01:26:08
Horse Fan wrote:

I meant to say I wish the game would have listned to the players that wanted that item and could have made it so the copys from that item couldn't be sold

I do believe Howrse runs as a democracy. If 96% of howrse didn't want that BMI, Howrse will not introduce it.
One petty little player who wants it does not bring a new BMI.
And I haven't heard a single person *but* you who actually wants that BMI.
By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 01:30:10
Didn't mean to sound harsh, but I had no gentler way to put it. default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 02:35:19
Retired breeder wrote:

I do believe Howrse runs as a democracy. If 96% of howrse didn't want that BMI, Howrse will not introduce it.
One petty little player who wants it does not bring a new BMI.
And I haven't heard a single person *but* you who actually wants that BMI.

In addition (and I think the above wasn't harsh, but particularly strong-worded and clear), you're beating a dead horse, Horse Fan. Everyone who frequents this forum is *more* than aware of your displeasure. Everyone has said essentially the same thing to you. Instead of repeating yourself in the forums, why don't you just post something on your page and leave it where it lies? You're the only one still going on about something everyone else is happy to let be...
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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If a player changes there usename will their new name show up on your Blacklist if they are blocked?
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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Well it shows up when they delete their account. I'm assuming that accounts are tied to user ID numbers. I'll test it with someone on prepod to prove/disprove. I'm ~Aoife over there.
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Retired breeder wrote:

In addition (and I think the above wasn't harsh, but particularly strong-worded and clear), you're beating a dead horse, Horse Fan. Everyone who frequents this forum is *more* than aware of your displeasure. Everyone has said essentially the same thing to you. Instead of repeating yourself in the forums, why don't you just post something on your page and leave it where it lies? You're the only one still going on about something everyone else is happy to let be...

Very well worded !default smiley (y)
Couldn't of said it better myself !
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 05:16:01
Just let it go Horse Fan!
i have a right to say how displeased I am the game changed their mind on what could have been a useful item for some
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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Horse Fan wrote:

If a player changes there usename will their new name show up on your Blacklist if they are blocked?

Click to display
I would assume so, although I can't check it because as far as I know nobody on my blacklist is on the test server. However, everything else connected to the account's previous name is changed, so I don't see why the blacklist names wouldn't be.
  • Posted messages: 11,909
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Horse Fan wrote:

i have a right to say how displeased I am the game changed their mind on what could have been a useful item for some

You've said it. Repeatedly. We all know you aren't pleased. However, in this case the desires of many outweighs the desires of few, and the majority are firmly against it. Endless whining is not endearing you to anyone or convincing anyone to take you seriously.
You have the right to express your displeasure. You have the responsibility to know when you are just spamming the forums with messages about something from a month ago that has shown no indication of changing.
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I wrote contact us about the new Nickname feature asking my question about above
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 05:50:00
Horse Fan wrote:

i have a right to say how displeased I am the game changed their mind on what could have been a useful item for some

Yes, although when you're spamming the forum with it every few minutes saying the same thing over and over again we also have a right to you to calm down and hold back on the complaining.

Horse Fan wrote:

I wrote contact us about the new Nickname feature asking my question about above

Good, maybe you can get answers from people who know about the game. =)
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 06:06:37
Horse Fan wrote:


Is that an insult to me or a passive reply?
Can we please stop beating the metaphorical dead horse?

There will be compromises made for all features that come into play.

and with the RC deal they said that they're taking it away for now and are rethinking how to introduce an item like that without strife. They didn't permanently take it off the table. They just simply pushed it back.
  • Posted messages: 1,179
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 06:35:43
If you all just stop responding to Horse Fan's comments, that should be enough to do the trick default smiley ;)
Horse Fan wrote:

If a player changes there usename will their new name show up on your Blacklist if they are blocked?

Yes, it does *just put this to the test on preprod*

Click to display
I made a second account on preprod (ShorahTest) and blacklisted myself:

After black listing myself - I logged into ShorahTest and made the change to my username. However, when I went to PM ShorahNagi - I got the message I was still blocked and looking at my black list:

You will see it updated the name as well
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By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 11:42:36
Click to display
in January we will bea able to change our names
By Retired breeder, 26th December 2014 12:50:44
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Talk about beating a dead horse....everyone let it go the forums don't need ten people saying exactly the same thing to someone.
MaRk My WoRds
  • Posted messages: 3,028
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The dead horse simply wanted it to be able to resell.. ( which is exactly why public outcry was against it.) I think the main issue here is that Howrse actually listened to its players and should be congradulated!
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Does anyone known what the benefits of Hippidion's son are (or if there are any)?
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