[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 04:22:45
wildfire7979 wrote:

I disagree.. I run a business and have a personal account and a business account. Tax purposes you can't mix business with pleasure so to speak.

One way I have managed to have "2 banks" again is to set aside the money I won't allow myself to use by buying fodder. Fodder buys for 1e each and sells for 1e each, so no loss of money, and restricts your money use so you can save it until you want to use it again.
so with stall auctions being removed what happens since players may have a lot of them and used passes or eq to get them in the first place, Not happy with this new un-needed changedefault smiley :@
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 04:33:49
Horse Fan wrote:

so with stall auctions being removed what happens since players may have a lot of them and used passes or eq to get them in the first place, Not happy with this new un-needed changedefault smiley :@

You should really put that in a spoiler.
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And the boxes will still be used for the horses, no one's taking that away. Has nothing to do with the actions. You've expressed your feelings about the changes enough already. We get it Horse Fan.
By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 04:37:01
Horse Fan wrote:

so with stall auctions being removed what happens since players may have a lot of them and used passes or eq to get them in the first place, Not happy with this new un-needed changedefault smiley :@
Not sure what you mean. We've never had stalls in auctions. In the new year the EC's will update again and we will be able to produce/buy the materials to make our own stalls. No need to buy them from the store.
Crepes. I bought my stalls with passes.
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By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 04:40:15
Retired breeder wrote:

Not sure what you mean. We've never had stalls in auctions. In the new year the EC's will update again and we will be able to produce/buy the materials to make our own stalls. No need to buy them from the store.

I believe she meant *Stall Actions* as in the ability to put in the meadow and boxes.
By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 05:59:48
Retired breeder wrote:

I believe she meant *Stall Actions* as in the ability to put in the meadow and boxes.

default smiley (lol) that makes sense. I'm sure Howrse has an alternative for Divine's that benefit from meadows and boxes and all horses for that matter. They've already said as much regarding adjusting how horses will gain energy/morale without these 2 actions. No need to worry about something that isn't even in testing yet. default smiley ;)
Nobody has heard anything about scarecrows going back in inventory if we destroy a meadow yet? Sure would like to get my scarecrows in a crop meadow instead of being useless. Not my fault they got put on the wrong meadows.
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By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 16:05:20
Does anyone know when draft horses are coming?
By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 17:35:21
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know when draft horses are coming?

spoiler] I don't know but i wonder which breeds? they will be great for crosssbreeding! [/spoiler]
I see we are all out of spoiler practisedefault smiley :d
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default smiley (lol)

regarding the draft horses
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the draft horses won't be introduced until after we get the February change. The one that allows us to raise cows (for leather), and the lessons are replaced by missions, we get the drinking trough....and my least favorite change..no more meadow and box option while working our horses.
Still hoping we get to keep the box an the meadow. But I doubt it.
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[SPOILER] if they get rid of the boxed and meadows, and/ or let VIPs get an extra copy of RCs, I am done with this game. And this is only a maybe, that I'd stay because it is my only (so far, but I can make other arangements) outlet for my art.[\SPOILER]
MaRk My WoRds
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By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 19:01:51
MaRk My WoRds wrote:

[SPOILER] if they get rid of the boxed and meadows, and/ or let VIPs get an extra copy of RCs, I am done with this game. And this is only a maybe, that I'd stay because it is my only (so far, but I can make other arangements) outlet for my art.[\SPOILER]

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They will not release any more RCs. Ow has confirmed that that will not happen. And in regards to boxes and meadows, Howrse will most certainly make the transition as smooth as possible. And if it's art you love, not the horses, perhaps try deviantart?
By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 19:02:30
Oops, I meant

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They won't release any more of the old rare RCs. Of course new RCs are possible
I don't know what's wrong with that spoiler.default smiley :p
MaRk My WoRds
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By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 19:09:24
MaRk My WoRds wrote:

I don't know what's wrong with that spoiler.default smiley :p

lol, I didn't mean to say that
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all RCs would no longer be allowed. It sounds a bit like that so yep. Didn't want to cause any mass confusion and hysteria. default smiley (lol)
No prob I didn't think you said that anyway. I heard someone say [SPOILER] that VIPs would get a special copy of RCs.default smiley :o[\SPOILER]
MaRk My WoRds
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Rawcow, that was in the last set of testing and never made it into the game due to the uproar from the players.
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By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 19:46:07
@rawcow, you need to use "/" the forward slash, not the back slash, it should work then

[spoiler][/spoiler*] take out the *.
MaRk My WoRds wrote:

[SPOILER] if they get rid of the boxed and meadows, and/ or let VIPs get an extra copy of RCs, I am done with this game. And this is only a maybe, that I'd stay because it is my only (so far, but I can make other arangements) outlet for my art.[\SPOILER]

Laur wrote:

Rawcow, that was in the last set of testing and never made it into the game due to the uproar from the players.

Very Unfair to some of the players that wanted this itemdefault smiley :@
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 25th December 2014 20:04:40
Honestly, Horse Fan, just please let it go!
Retired breeder wrote:

Honestly, Horse Fan, just please let it go!

default smiley (n)default smiley :@
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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Retired breeder wrote:

One way I have managed to have "2 banks" again is to set aside the money I won't allow myself to use by buying fodder. Fodder buys for 1e each and sells for 1e each, so no loss of money, and restricts your money use so you can save it until you want to use it again.

this actually seems like a very good idea! default smiley :d have you encountered any problems with it?
I would be afraid that suddernly howrse would say "hey, now the resale value of fodder is 0.5 equus" and I'd loose half my money default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 7,883
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Horse Fan wrote:

so with stall auctions being removed what happens since players may have a lot of them and used passes or eq to get them in the first place, Not happy with this new un-needed changedefault smiley :@

I think you mean actions - not auctions

Anyhow, if they are removed...I'm sure Howrse will compensate for what boxes do (add energy) in some way. As for Centers - they still need boxes to board horses, and they will probably tweak that as well (maybe make it so the current energy boost given for putting a horse in a different size box is added when the horse wakes up (a way to wake a horse with 100% energy?)

I myself have spent around 50 passes and an untold amount of Diamonds on getting boxes for my center - yet I have no fear of my work done to get them will go to waste. I'm not going to worry too much about the removal of boxes or meadows until we test and see just what will happen.


Anyhow - for those of you wondering about the FOrest Horse:

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No foal image has been found, and given the age of the other horses in the set - my guess is that he will be born as an adult like Uranus, Moon, and Chitu. Also, I have yet to find anything about what (if any) benefit he offers.
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