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Retired breeder wrote:

does someone knows how '' spring '' looks?

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Nope. He still has an Ocean image.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2014 17:46:22
About Preprod and the next GC;

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On Preprod, Dew can currently be won in Titan's Challenges. I thought, as I saw someone mention it earlier, that the GCs alternated between Titan's Challenges and HoPs to be the BMI that can win you the challenge Divine and that therefore HoPs would be what was coming up in January since Rain came in the TCs? Is this not correct?

Thanks to anyone who can answer. default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

About Preprod and the next GC;

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On Preprod, Dew can currently be won in Titan's Challenges. I thought, as I saw someone mention it earlier, that the GCs alternated between Titan's Challenges and HoPs to be the BMI that can win you the challenge Divine and that therefore HoPs would be what was coming up in January since Rain came in the TCs? Is this not correct?

Thanks to anyone who can answer. default smiley :)

Yes, the Great Challenge does alternate between the two

Assuming it continues in this fashion - the next Great Challenge would involve the use of HOPs as opposed to TCs

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Though as was said on Preprod - while the other Water Divines will be put in the Sales, there will be other methods to get Dew...So it's possible she might come out as a special non-Great Challenge Divine promotion OR be converted to being in HOPs for the next Great Challenge, etc
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ʀoo wrote:

Frost - female
Mist - female
Snow - male
Cascade - female
Rain = female

Mist + Snow = Ocean - male
Frost + Ocean = Snowflake - male
Snowflake + Cascade = Geyser - male
Rain + Geyser = Cloud - male

Oh boy I need a lot of those. So no full set for me


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the new divine called "Spring" - will get a namechange. We do not know what the adult looks like yet. Only foals on prepod, and they do not have their actual picture, just a placeholder.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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On Preprod, Dew can currently be won in Titan's Challenges. I thought, as I saw someone mention it earlier, that the GCs alternated between Titan's Challenges and HoPs to be the BMI that can win you the challenge Divine and that therefore HoPs would be what was coming up in January since Rain came in the TCs? Is this not correct?

I don't believe this was ever a set in stone thing. I'm thinking the TCs are for the more valuable horses.
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Dew can eventually produce 2 more divines.
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Yes, I believe Ow stated somewhere on Preprod that we will be getting a name change for "Spring" - she's been looking for name suggestions in the topic that mentions Divines as a whole.
Of course, we don't have a name yet - we don't even have an image for it
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ShorahNagi wrote:

Yes, the Great Challenge does alternate between the two

Assuming it continues in this fashion - the next Great Challenge would involve the use of HOPs as opposed to TCs

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Though as was said on Preprod - while the other Water Divines will be put in the Sales, there will be other methods to get Dew...So it's possible she might come out as a special non-Great Challenge Divine promotion OR be converted to being in HOPs for the next Great Challenge, etc

I hope that's how it turns out. I'm swimming in the HoPs.
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True - but the thing to remember is:

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Dew can only produce a second foal IF the player who owns her already owns the rest of the Water Divines. So there might be a slightly lower number of Water Spring Divines than some of the other 'complete set' ones
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Ooh, now my Cloud will have a purpose other than to win competitions! default smiley :d But if his foal's skills are higher than his I'm gonna cry... default smiley xd
crazypony10 11
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And Boom! I knew I saw this mentioned somewhere on Preprod

In regards to the new Water Divines

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The new water divines

Dew and her *says his on Preprod - but Dew is female* son Wave
Obtaining all the water divines will liberate Source, the final water divine horse.

So it seems the name will be changing to Source - makes sense...source of all Water...
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By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2014 18:24:52
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If you have all the water divines, will you get dew for free or..? Couse it will be so sad if you get later all the water divines but not dew..

Retired breeder wrote:

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If you have all the water divines, will you get dew for free or..? Couse it will be so sad if you get later all the water divines but not dew..

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No but she will give birth to the set finishing divine to the water set.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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If you have all the water divines, will you get dew for free or..? Couse it will be so sad if you get later all the water divines but not dew..

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No - Dew is not the final one in the Set. It is stated on Preprod that she will be a prize for an event, and that another way to get her will also be available (I'm guessing in a Titan's Challenge promotion as that's how she's won on Preprod right now)

The final member of the set (in a way) is Dew's second foal - Spring (which it seems the name will be changing to Source to avoid confusion with the Season Divine Spring)
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Does anyone know when the snowball fight will start
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jush11 wrote:

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Does anyone know when the snowball fight will start

At present time - nope

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My guess is that it will probably start shortly after the Magic ride ends (as Howrse stopped the Great Challenge to avoid having too many things running at once) - but I don't know for sure
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The TC's in the Ultimate pack
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...makes lot more sense now.
I just wonder if 10 will be enough default smiley (lol)

It's tempting.....and a very expensive buy.
I simply adore the looks of Dew - it's one of the most gorgeus divines here so far.

I'm getting a headache here ^
--- temptation thou name is Xmas Packs
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Asfridur wrote:

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...makes lot more sense now.
I just wonder if 10 will be enough default smiley (lol)

It's tempting.....and a very expensive buy.
I simply adore the looks of Dew - it's one of the most gorgeus divines here so far.

I'm getting a headache here ^
--- temptation thou name is Xmas Packs

I like a loot how will be looking new water divines..but not sure if I will allow myself to spend soo many real money default smiley (m)
Horses of Angel
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For those of you wondering (and/or not wanting to hunt a bunch of pages back) - new Divine images

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Dew is a divine mare that can switch her skills around.

Her skills change each day. One day she is great at galloping, the next day she has great stamina...

She can breed once with Cloud to give birth to this foal: Wave.

If you have obtained all the divine horses of water, Dew can breed a second time with Cloud and give birth to an ultimate foal: Spring.

This mare cannot be sold.

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*adult image - foal image is a place holder image (it is the Ocean foal with the word Vague on it)*

Wave is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

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Apologies for lack of image - at present time, the Foal and Adult images for this Divine are place holders (Ocean's foal image with the word Source on it - Ocean's Adult image with the word Source on it)

Spring is the son of Dew and Cloud.

He can only be born if the player already own all his family members.

He has extraordinary skills that change every day, which makes him potentially good in all areas.

This horse cannot be sold.

*Note that his name will be changing to avoid confusion with the Season Divine of the same name - as stated by Ow in one of the Preprod topics:
"Obtaining all the water divines will liberate Source, the final water divine horse."
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Horses of Angel wrote:

I like a loot how will be looking new water divines..but not sure if I will allow myself to spend soo many real money default smiley (m)

Yea same Horse of Angel...same.

I do not really care about the Prehistorics. I got the 2 Hipo..Hypo thingies in the xmas promo. But the others does not matter if I get those.

I'd love another Balios and the 2 months worth of VIP memberships are tempting. Mine expires mid January.
So $221 to get 110 passes, a Balios, 10 TC's and a Greyfell + 2 months of VIP
Or $125 to get 80 passes, a Balios and a Greyfell

...grab the $125 pack and potentially buy 10 TC's - leaving 60 passes left.....or gawd grab the $221 pack. Use the 10 TC's and have 110 passes left...IF the divine is obtainable with the 10 TC's

I don't know. No matter what it's an expensive choice default smiley :s
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I'm between buying two olympus packs for two balios or just sucking it up and buying the ultimate. Although, I couldn't care less about the prehistoric divines or the greyfell...
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By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2014 19:52:05
Wave is gorgeous, may have to save up my passes for the release of the new Water divines default smiley (7)
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2014 19:58:26
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I'm kinda disappointed about Source.... In Dew's description it said Source was the "ultimate foal", but it seems he is really no better than Cloud or Wave. At least some bonus perk (not VIP-only for complete ultimateness) to freshen things up? Oh well. :b
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2014 20:05:19
yeah just took me 12 to get them on prepod hmm decisionns on packs eh? lol
By Retired breeder, 23rd December 2014 20:10:54
*22 default smiley xd whoops
Retired breeder wrote:

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I'm kinda disappointed about Source.... In Dew's description it said Source was the "ultimate foal", but it seems he is really no better than Cloud or Wave. At least some bonus perk (not VIP-only for complete ultimateness) to freshen things up? Oh well. :b

Keep in mind ~

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Ultimate does not always mean awesome or top of the pile. It is also an adjective meaning "final" - so even though his skills are no different than Rain, Cloud, etc. - he can still be called the Ultimate Water Divine because he is the final part of the series
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