[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Retired breeder wrote:

Make sure you delete saved logins from your browser as well. default smiley ;)

I'll have to remember that, my kindle's the only one that has it saved, I'll have to see about changing it!
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 16:14:51
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 16:22:40
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Nobody's forcing you to stay default smiley ;)
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

This isn't the place to say about howrse here.
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Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Well, seeing as your on Howrse....what does that make you? default smiley ;) nobody is forcing to you play or stay on this game. If you dont like it, then dont play it default smiley ;) simple's default smiley ^)
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I dont know if anybody has posted this yet,sorry if someone has.default smiley :$
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When new changes come we can give apples to our own horses.default smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 16:57:35
bluey wrote:

I dont know if anybody has posted this yet,sorry if someone has.default smiley :$
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When new changes come we can give apples to our own horses.default smiley (y)

We used to be able to years ago. I don't see a reason why Howrse would bring that back though.
Perhaps to compensate for removal of the option to put horses in box or in the pasture
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 17:06:11
Sherloki wrote:

Perhaps to compensate for removal of the option to put horses in box or in the pasture

Speaking of their removal I hope Howrse does something to replace some of the divines' bonuses that include those. I know there is a certain Gemstone horse and a Chinese divine that use those.
Retired breeder wrote:

Speaking of their removal I hope Howrse does something to replace some of the divines' bonuses that include those. I know there is a certain Gemstone horse and a Chinese divine that use those.

I know the Chinese divine is Longma. Gemstone might be Quarts or Opal
Princess Celestia
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 17:17:26
Longma gives you 100 percent chance of finding a tub of grease when a horse is put in its box on the day of the bonus.

Is it just me or do Divine bonuses occur more often near promotions? Tianma and Longma hadn't triggered any bonuses until the Magic Ride started.
I wonder what they'll give us for longma.
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 18:23:02
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Can someone find the water divine prices for me please?
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OH shoot that probably should have been in a spoiler default smiley :-x sorry!
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Ah, I forgot to add the [/spoiler] to the end so in case my message gets censored I'll redo it. From the top now:

I really hope that howrse doesn't
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Take away the meadows, I don't know if someone asked this but I havn't gotten much info on the matter, except that meadows are getting taken away, it won't affect me much on this server but on the AU it will, are we still going to be able to grow crops? Like, are they just takeing away meadows for horses or completely takeing them away?
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 20:12:19

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We will still be able to grow crops. We just can't put horses into the meadow or in the boxes. Howrse will compensate for this though, no worries
I can see it now, horseys and donkeys floating around in limbo.default smiley (7)
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To be honest, I'm not liking any of the new EC changes. It's bad enough that the equus in your EC and your game money are the same, and that they took away turnips, but now maybe no meadows?! And I don't know many who like it, either.
MaRk My WoRds
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Almost forgot, for you all on the test server, when they reach the point of

[Spoiler] tractors in the meadows instead of s carecrows,

If we destroy a meadow, will the scarecrow go in inventory, or tractor. I had scarecrows on my large crop fields when they did the meadow changes, so they went to 10 acres ones, and I have been up grading my crops to large fields again, sure would like them back on my crops.
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 21:02:36

But keep in mind that howrse compensates immensely! When they took away turnips, they gave us mashes that could be used every single day. And what's wrong with having extra equus in your EC? No one can take it away from you, and it's extra helpful to buy better boxes and meadows.

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And in regards to the meadow change, like many people have said, Howrse will balance everything out
Does anyone know anything about the...

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Cremellos getting blue eyes again

Ive been waiting to see if they chage that back... or are they done with coats?
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Also, does anyone know about ....

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Boxes being upgradable in later updates?
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By Retired breeder, 24th December 2014 21:40:30
goldforever. wrote:

water divine prices

Water divine prices:

Frost: 15 pass
Mist: 15 pass
Snow: 15 pass
Cascade: 20 pass
Rain: 20 pass
Dew: Comes from GC, will not come to sales
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