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By Retired breeder, 11th October 2016 23:46:20
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This system is also put in place to combat second, third, fourth accounts people create to get passes from by sending old horses there. It will be much more easier and obvious to detect these accounts with the new pass system, not to mention that now it will require the owner of the multi account to actually do things in it, which again is taxing if you have even more than one. Getting a divine by sending old horses? Great, newer players can do it too, achievable. Pass horses can still be sold to them for E, or even 2 for 1 credit. Now what the divine actually does or how you push it up the rankings by sending more old horses... I dunno. So the new change, if they implement it everywhere while testing, will maybe hurt individual players on some levels, but holds the potential to successfully combat multi accounts.
By Retired breeder, 11th October 2016 23:55:44
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I don't see why Howrse has to continue to hurt innocent players just because some think they don't have to follow the rules. :/ I use my pass horses to keep my vip going and with this change it means I will have to be insanely careful when using items as I could accidentally spend one and lose renewing vip for that montth. :/ That's why I like sending 10 straight away.
Retired breeder wrote:

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I don't see why Howrse has to continue to hurt innocent players just because some think they don't have to follow the rules. :/ I use my pass horses to keep my vip going and with this change it means I will have to be insanely careful when using items as I could accidentally spend one and lose renewing vip for that montth. :/ That's why I like sending 10 straight away.

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I agree. I use my pass horses for my VIP as well, and any extra can be used where ever I like. Now, I would have to wait the full month before I can renew it...
This is also going to effect pass horse sales and going to make regular junk horses more expensive.
Though, I can only support this is if the divine gives passes or really good BMIs. If it is just a trophy divine, I'm not going to be happy...
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Pass Horse Q:
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We can kill off 10 horses a month and get the free players pass, thats 11 passes a month, so with the new system will we be losing a pass?
Prophetic Dreams
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By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 04:26:50
Prophetic Dreams wrote:

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We can kill off 10 horses a month and get the free players pass, thats 11 passes a month, so with the new system will we be losing a pass?

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Yes, and also you can lose more than a pass, when you miss a single day/few activity points + you have to wait for every pass 3 days.
Unbelievable. I cannot-I simply have no words. Actually, on second thought, I do. Are you so greedy you that you must resort to
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Complicating the pass system EVEN MORE? Oh, and not to mention, throwing yet ANOTHER divine into the mix? What will it take to get that divine? All divines that have been introduced have been gotten through passes. So, then, how many passes will it take for us to obtain or maintain that divine, I ask. If my predictions are correct, we'll be paying passes to buy old horses to send to Heaven for the divine. And how will we get those passes?
Well. Howrse I am not so foolish that I am blind to your moneymaking tricks. Yes, I HAVE noticed that you clog up the notifications bar and the front page with your deals, rather than the promo, so that we are constantly getting distracted by your offers of this and that divine in this HoP or that Titan's Challenge, while we actually try to get to the promo. It bothers me quite a bit.
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And so, to answer how to get passes:
For all of you asking
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"why must Howrse make this more complicated?" Here is my educated guess, on my inductive reasoning: Howrse is making things as complicated as possible, counting on us being lazy/simply doing other things on Howrse besides doing whatever it takes for us to fill up the points bar, so that, rather than hassle around, we will take the promoted 'easy' route and buy the passes, thus getting Howrse more money. Typical Howrse logic. Foul things up, and add new shinies so they will buy passes.
Little do you know that this is making us angrier than ever, and more determined NOT to spend passes to show our disapproval. Or perhaps you do know, but you simply don't care. You do this under the reason that you want to reward loyal players. So, you want us to breed horses, care for them, do what the game was made for, etc. etc. And yet, I recall a certain Paint Can promo from some years back that had absolutely NOTHING to do with horses. Hmmmmm. No, it was your attempting to appease artists whom you forbid from selling their graphics. Hm again. As I recall, the general reaction was not good. Have you ever considered, my dear Howrse, that by continuing to displease the your players, that soon you might not have any loyal players to reward?
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By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 08:16:29
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This change is outrageous. First they make it harder for us to get our monthly (well, not monthly anymore) pass, and now this? Sigh. Howrse, this will upset so many players, especially non-pass buyers like myself.

When will this happen? I'm a bit confused on that. Should I use my pass horses now?
Retired breeder wrote:

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This change is outrageous. First they make it harder for us to get our monthly (well, not monthly anymore) pass, and now this? Sigh. Howrse, this will upset so many players, especially non-pass buyers like myself.

When will this happen? I'm a bit confused on that. Should I use my pass horses now?

It should start on

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8th of November...
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Guys, let's just hold our ponies for now...literally, don't get rid of them. We don't know the full details of this change at all as what has been brought over is translated, or even if they will implement it here. I don't like the idea of it myself, but for now, let's just focus on the upcoming events we *do* know will be heredefault smiley :)

Besides, the server this information has been posted on is in an absolute uproar over this change. The players there seem to be doing a good job of protesting it for usdefault smiley (lol)
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 14:38:04
Here I'm back again, gathered informations from Shalassa on UK server,
and a bit from Bughs in CZ spoiler topic (thanks to both!), ,
So reposting here. default smiley (h)

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"Support answer to ticket:

There will be changes about sending horses to heaven, that's true. The changes on the 8.11. affect only the IT, CZ and BG server and not the German one. We don't have a date yet when and if we get the update or if there are other ones as well. We will inform the players as soon as we have more informations."

And the new spoiler coming with the changes
New Divine - "Tree horse"

"By !unsubstantiated! information the Divine will "grow" everytime, you send horse to the heaven."

Perk is still a mystery.
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 16:05:10
Also about the promos,,
For information thanks to Moonshine2208 from UK server,, default smiley (h)

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"Next promo is....

After Halloween is the cards and the realease of the celtic Divines."

Heehee!!! Way too exciting news to keep this under wraps
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No more timed items!

I had most of it typed into google translate and then accidentally deleted it so I'll summarize the main points, and if anyone else wants a go, feel free. Specifically, I'd like to make sure that the first part isn't saying that you can't win certain items in luck items anymore as it translated a little weird.

Timed items in promos are no longer and the timed gifts certain divines bring will also no longer be timed(Aquarius, Gemini and Libra). However, the trade off will be that certain items are no longer exchangeable(the bonus items: spurs, bell boots, lunges and whips) and it looks like the Seal Of the Apocalypse, Hermes Staff, and the Bewitched Pumpkin will *not* be exchangeable anymore. The Magic Hat, Ow's Ray and Double-Faced Medallion(see trick or treat promo info on that one) will *not* be exchangeable, so no change there, but they will *not* be timed either.

I'm also not quite sure if timed items currently in inventory will have the timers removed or not.
Legacy Ann
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Question about a future promotion:
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What should I do to prepare for the Trick or Treat promotion? I don't do a lot with my equestrian center, but should I make sure I have Workshops that are up and functional? And there's no calculation as to how many passes it will take to get the Divine for the Trick or Treat promotion yet, is there?
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By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 17:18:47
I have mixed feelings on every single thing on this page.

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changes from what I have read sound *awful*. Why not just introduce a divine and not change the pass system? That makes no sense! And before people begin on "this will keep away multi-accounters", how will this change anything? Would it not be easier for a multi-accounter to play the game for three days to get a pass, than buying a pass horse for 150,000+ equus, or aging a baby up (without APs) for approximately six months?
One must be a pretty active player on this game to get pass horses. They cost a lot, and they take a long time to age up to pass horse age.
Perhaps Howrse should make some adjustments to their multi-account detector instead, yeah? Because from what I see, it seems that this change may actually benefit the multi-accounters.

Timed items

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Very happy if this goes away...but I'm rather upset if I can't exchange my Hermes' Winged staffs...
Goat_Girl wrote:

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What should I do to prepare for the Trick or Treat promotion? I don't do a lot with my equestrian center, but should I make sure I have Workshops that are up and functional? And there's no calculation as to how many passes it will take to get the Divine for the Trick or Treat promotion yet, is there?

T__T prep:
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While you can craft all treat items in your workshops, the ones you'd most likely want to craft require 2**colored tack and BM items like HoPs, GAs, PoCs and Croesus' Fortune. So you can ready them if you want and see whether anything will be worth crafting to you.

You may want to make sure you have competition ready horses as you can collect the rare treats from winning comps.

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It's really difficult to predict pass spending for this one as it's very dependent on what treats you're able to collect and give to the kids.

But Cyberhorse posted this on the US server:
First you need 7600 points to get the divine.

You get points by feeding two candies to each kid that shows up. The points depends on what you give and if you give all right ones. Giving two of the easiest will get you 22 points. Giving two rarest gives you 26 points. Giving a mixture of rare, medium and common will earn you from 23 to 25 points.

So for this calculation I am going to use 24 points. On this basis you will need 318 kids to come knocking for the promo duration ( estimated 19 days). Calculated by dividing 24 into 7600.

You are given 6 kids the first day and it increases by 1 extra kid per day. This will give you 261 kids for the complete promo. Enough to get all the prizes without spending any passes.

You will be approx 57 kids short of the total required for the divine. If you wait for the promo "special" which gives you 3 extra kids plus 1 treat for each jar from common to rare ( guaranteed).

So what this means is even if you have all the treats available to give you will need to spend passes to get the 57 kids you are short, no getting around it.

My suggestion is to buy 10 of the special the first weekend it is offered and buy the rest you need from the second special when it is offered. This is the best way to take advantage of the free kids and buying only the kids needed when the second special is offered at the last weekend (the end of the promo).
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 17:29:32
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Could anyone tell me how the Cards promotion works?

Also, the Celtic divine looks awesome default smiley (7)

I need to work, but it seems like there is so much exciting stuff going on default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 18:48:51
I made another translation, feel free to correct me. default smiley :)

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Celtic horses are Divine horses. Each of them represents one of the Celtic gods. They have the power of divinationm, that allows you to discover 3 ogham* letters each day. Some letters are part of a prediction and some not. Find 5 letters which are part of prediction to win a gift. Then discover a new prediction!

Each of the Celtic horse is immortal, unsellable and unclassifiable.
They cannot:
Being customized
Participate in Grand Prix
Be aged manually
They do not affect the prestige of a EC, where they are boarded
They can participate in a competitions for a normal horses once a day. However they can participate in competition for Divines, Wild horses and Legendary horses as many times, as their energy allows.

*Ogham is an Early Medieval alphabet used to write the early Irish language.
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 19:02:56
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Howrse does need to make a change with their detection system, there are many ways to go around the IP part of it. However this change won't benefit multiaccounts, how will it? Players need to dedicate time to the accounts, which might not be easy when they've got a lot. Plus the multiaccounts might not be built up enough to get the full 10 points each time. So there's a bad and good side to this and most people are only worried about themselves and not the bigger picture. Perhaps multiaccounts don't make much difference in such a big server, but in small ones it hurts the honest players, it actually turns pass buying players into non-buying pass players simply because they've got the multiaccounts and required number of horse to send to each one to be killed off to reap the profit themselves. And this is elite players (breeders ) doing it that know their way around the multiaccount detection system. It's killing smaller servers and creating a monopoly because these players have enough passes coming in to successfully compete with others through unfair ways and retain the breeds they have to themselves without much competition. It's like a syndicate.
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 19:55:17
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I don't know, I don't have that big of a "no" for this new pass thing if it becomes effective. I've played this game several times, always quitted because I stopped. The main reason was usually that I wasn't getting anywhere because I couldn't buy passes, I never had enough equus to buy pass horses, and I've never managed to breed a single pass horse, no matter how few horses I had or how long I played. Call it bad playing, if you will, doesn't really matter. I got my first pass since I found out about this game years ago thanks to the free pass game. The idea of being able to get maybe two or three passes per month just by playing at my own rate like I do, seems nice. I see why it's not fun for the majority of players, but..there's a few of us who just want to put a stone on a horse precious to us and we can't even to that because even the promos lately have been rotten luck for us who aren't able to spend passes on them. Even when it comes to luck items.

Just throwing my thoughts in. We'll see where this goes, anyway. Good luck to all in the lottery!
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 20:11:37
Just some statistics,,

Already around 1300 comments under "news".
Still 98% of them are disagreeding comments.
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 20:18:11
ClaryB wrote:

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Seems like there won't be a chance to send old horses to the heaven and get passes from them. This function is about to be replaced with different system - to get a pass we'll have to actively play and we'll have a chance to get one pass in three days (if we did enough actions to fill the bar) - and that's how our free ten passes would look like. Also, there was announced a new divine horse but with no details about his name or look. To get the horse we'll have to send 10 old horses (25 years and older) to the heaven, more info next week (says the statement) And another thing - new ranking categories: Amout of horses sended to heaven from the first day of month (there are no limits for age), amout of old horses sended to heaven per month and amount of horses sold to the safe haven.

I think I will actually like that change. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 20:18:37
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I am really not happy about this and I am seriously thinking of leaving howrse and deleting my account for good!I miss the old howrse the one that I made my account in not the crazy rule game that we can't do anything with.I am not a pass buyer and for us its like 10 times harder to get one pass than the pass buyers the prices are insane 1 dollar for one pass
which means 1 dollar for a very limited happiness I wish things will change but they ain't gonna
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 20:18:47
Statistics from my servers show more support for it than people not liking it, an equal part want to test these features first before casting a final vote.
Retired breeder wrote:

Timed items

Well yeah,
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I would rather lose time limit and not trade Hermes's Staff than otherwise. Because some BMIs are just not always good, I used Ow's Helios Ray on random fallabela just because it would run out of time.
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By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 22:36:43
Retired breeder wrote:

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Howrse does need to make a change with their detection system, there are many ways to go around the IP part of it. However this change won't benefit multiaccounts, how will it? Players need to dedicate time to the accounts, which might not be easy when they've got a lot. Plus the multiaccounts might not be built up enough to get the full 10 points each time. So there's a bad and good side to this and most people are only worried about themselves and not the bigger picture. Perhaps multiaccounts don't make much difference in such a big server, but in small ones it hurts the honest players, it actually turns pass buying players into non-buying pass players simply because they've got the multiaccounts and required number of horse to send to each one to be killed off to reap the profit themselves. And this is elite players (breeders ) doing it that know their way around the multiaccount detection system. It's killing smaller servers and creating a monopoly because these players have enough passes coming in to successfully compete with others through unfair ways and retain the breeds they have to themselves without much competition. It's like a syndicate.

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I played the game for I think a little over a month and a half before I got my first pass horse, and I played alllll the time when I first joined. I would say that it *sounds* easier for multi-accounters to play their game and get a pass every three days than to have to either A.) Save up for pass horses every month,
B.) Age up pass horses with the APs that you must earn, or daily care.
But I guess we will not know until it is tested what is required. I'm basing on what I've heard thus far, and it honestly just sounds like a pain in the hind end.

I'm not on any other servers very much, so perhaps I am a bit biased, but my VIP account is pretty much 100% run on my pass horse farm now that the RC market has pretty much crashed.
If that is gone, and I miss one of the days for the points, then there is a possibility of no VIP account that month, and I am not going back to AP farming 300+ horses with no auto-feed and auto-bed.

But another issue I have found, too, is that multi-accounters with rather decent seniority that will blatantly state on their pages 'Friend my other account XXXX! (:' and people are told that the admin will find it and not to report it unless they are harassing you. Obviously they are not finding these people very quickly, then.

Why not have a group of volunteers set up, kind of like the mods, that look for easy to find multi-accounters? Report their name to the admin, they can investigate, and do as they deem necessary. Or encourage people to tell admin or whoever of the multi-accounters.

I'm not 100% sure about it all yet, but time limited BMIs were supposed to deter multi-accounters, too, and I guess it didn't work too well since they could just slap it on a horse and sell it to their other account. :P Either way, if they want the passes/items/whatever for their other account so badly, without working for it on their main account, they will eventually find a way to get around the system.
I will look into some of the other servers to try to get a better perspective, though.
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