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By Retired breeder, 3rd October 2016 09:23:29
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How many medallions will be needed for the werehorse and how many passes will be needed for the divine of the Halloween promo? Thanks default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

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How many medallions will be needed for the werehorse and how many passes will be needed for the divine of the Halloween promo? Thanks default smiley :)

It depends, and it depends. Both of the things you're asking about are dependent on luck of what you get. The promo should be in the normal pass range of around 20-45 or so passes though.
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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2016 06:09:02
Does anyone know if or when the
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next new horse breed
is being released? And what would it be? default smiley *-)
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know if or when the
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next new horse breed
is being released? And what would it be? default smiley *-)

Since we just had the Drum Horse released, it will be a while before a new one is released.
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What is the
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Haven't been really paying attention to the spoiler zone lately. default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2016 07:04:15
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 4th October 2016 07:06:17
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 4th October 2016 07:08:52
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 4th October 2016 08:17:21
@ robinsin
I don't know what you asked but if it wasn't in spoilers it probably was removed for that reason
By Retired breeder, 4th October 2016 09:18:32
Starry-Eyed wrote:

It depends, and it depends. Both of the things you're asking about are dependent on luck of what you get. The promo should be in the normal pass range of around 20-45 or so passes though.

Yeah it does, I am asking for these things, because if I remember right, last year there were very accurate statistics what is the chance in percents to find a shaman coat in the MH... I thought that this year will be similar, but sadly it is not ... And for the promos there is usually a good pass range... These things are just very helpful...
Retired breeder wrote:

Yeah it does, I am asking for these things, because if I remember right, last year there were very accurate statistics what is the chance in percents to find a shaman coat in the MH... I thought that this year will be similar, but sadly it is not ... And for the promos there is usually a good pass range... These things are just very helpful...

We never have 'very accurate statistics' for these types of things, as Howrse has never released them, for any of the special coat items. If enough players test the item out on PreProd, then we can have a very rough idea of what to expect, but a) no one has tested this item on PreProd yet, and b) even those rough ideas can be wrong. You might get the coat you want on the first try. You might have to spend 20 passes before you get that coat. So even if there are statistics, you shouldn't rely on them, since in the end, it is down to luck.

Same thing with the upcoming promo. There isn't really a specific pass range for the next promo (similarly there isn't one with the Cards promo) because it will simply come down to

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which candies the kids will want and how many of those candies you will have in your inventory.

You might get lucky and only have to spend a few passes to get everything that you need and to complete the promo. And you have an equal chance of getting very unlucky and having to spend close to 50 passes. The 'good' pass range to go by is 25-45 passes. If there isn't a detailed guide for a specific promotion, then assume that one can't be made because of one or another aspect of the promotion.
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Starry-Eyed wrote:

There isn't really a specific pass range for the next promo

Here is the closest I can find. From the US server.default smiley :)

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First you need 7600 points to get the divine.

You get points by feeding two candies to each kid that shows up. The points depends on what you give and if you give all right ones. Giving two of the easiest will get you 22 points. Giving two rarest gives you 26 points. Giving a mixture of rare, medium and common will earn you from 23 to 25 points.

So for this calculation I am going to use 24 points. On this basis you will need 318 kids to come knocking for the promo duration ( estimated 19 days). Calculated by dividing 24 into 7600.

You are given 6 kids the first day and it increases by 1 extra kid per day. This will give you 261 kids for the complete promo. Enough to get all the prizes without spending any passes.

You will be approx 57 kids short of the total required for the divine. If you wait for the promo "special" which gives you 3 extra kids plus 1 treat for each jar from common to rare ( guaranteed).

So what this means is even if you have all the treats available to give you will need to spend passes to get the 57 kids you are short, no getting around it.

My suggestion is to buy 10 of the special the first weekend it is offered and buy the rest you need from the second special when it is offered. This is the best way to take advantage of the free kids and buying only the kids needed when the second special is offered at the last weekend (the end of the promo).
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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2016 16:21:29
Thank you so much for telling me.
Here is some of the information again in spoilers!

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This is Ra

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This is the Double Sided medallion

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Here is information about the Double sided Medallion
I believe it acts like the SOA

Its image will change consequently.
When the horse shows its dark side:
its day starts with 2h (and finishes with 18h at the latest)
it gives a no-claims bonus specific to each dress
This object gives no-claims bonus to the horse:
Endurance: +5
Speed: +5
Raising: +5
Gallop: +5
Trot: +5
Jump: +5

Your horse can become…
Ruined robot:

When it presents its dark side, your horse has three times more chance to find delicacies at the time of its actions.

Insane doctor:

When it presents its side sinks, energy, the moral one and the health of your horse remain to 100% all the day.

Démoniaque angel:

When it presents its dark side, your horse gives a malus of -6 points on the competence of inscription to a competition to its competitors (out Great Price).


When it presents its dark side, your horse gains 0.02 points of competences in more when it takes part in a mission.
Only the horses of more than 1 year and 6 months can use the Medallion Doubles Face.
The Medallion Doubles Face is not cumulable with another special dress. If you give to your horse an Apple of Gold then the Medallion Doubles Face, it will lose its Gold Apple.
The Medallion Doubles Face disappears after 90 days spent in your inventory if you do not use it. It is not exchangeable.
By Retired breeder, 4th October 2016 16:24:33
Starry-Eyed wrote:

If enough players test the item out on PreProd, then we can have a very rough idea of what to expect, but a) no one has tested this item on PreProd yet, and b) even those rough ideas can be wrong.

Well thanks for your time to try to answer my questions default smiley :)
I was hoping that enough players have tested them so I can get ,,rough'' idea... It is better than having to divine everything...
By Retired breeder, 4th October 2016 16:31:43
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I have all the pictures and etc but I can't post them on here because the spoiler thing won't work. But if someone would like me to send the info to them I would gladly do that and they could post it on here!
By Retired breeder, 4th October 2016 16:32:18
Here are some of the images above in the same order

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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2016 16:38:35
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
does anyone know what event is after the next one?
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kipton98 wrote:

does anyone know what event is after the next one?

Well it puts it around the US Thanksgiving day ( Nov 24th) so maybe something relating t that event. Can't think of anything else. The Canadian thanksgiving is the 11 of October so too soon there.
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I have work in the day time, will that affect my chances on the next promo at winning the Divine?

I know some Promo's really do depend on you logging in frequently throughout the day, so....

Thanks default smiley :)
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weasleysimpala wrote:

I have work in the day time, will that affect my chances on the next promo at winning the Divine?

I know some Promo's really do depend on you logging in frequently throughout the day, so....

Thanks default smiley :)

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while the Trick or Treat promo does have a time limit for how long the kids stay, you have 48 to get the treats you need. There is lots of info and tips about the promo all over the 5 pages if you'd like to know more
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 5th October 2016 22:21:59
T_T_ Promotion information:

Promo main page:

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Every day, children will turn up and ask you for treats.
Give them the specific treats they ask for in order to get the maximum number of Satisfaction Points and win prizes.
Expect a trick if you give them treats they don't like!

How do you get treats?
when you log in for the first time each day (17 per day)
when grooming a horse (limited to 4 a day)
from winning competitions (limited to 4 per day)
by making them in your workshops
in flash sales
by trading passes for them on the Black Market
How do you get children to visit?
Children will turn up regularly throughout the day. Every day the number of children who come and ask you for treats increases. These children will go away after 48 hours if you don't give them treats.
Get bell rings by purchasing them with your passes in order to get extra children to visit you.

Apophis is one of the Egyptian horses.
He will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day.
By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:
1 x Seal of the Apocalypse
some flax
skill points you can assign as desired to any of Apophis's skills
This horse cannot be sold.

See a list of everyone who owns Apophis
Golden horseshoes:
Gagnez également des fers en or pour le trophée Event lorsque vous cumulez :
20 Satisfaction Points
940 Satisfaction Points
3730 Satisfaction Points
7600 Satisfaction Points
Collect at least 2 golden horseshoes to take part in the prize draw, which will take place at the end of the event, to try and win the divine horse Apophis.

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Name: Candy apple

Name: Candy cane

Name: Cherry

Name: Crocodile

Name: Fried Egg

Name: Ghosts

Name: Gummy worms

Name: Heart

Name: Ice cream

Name: Licorice

Name: Lollipops

Name: Pumpkin

Order of rarity:

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That seems to be:


Fried Egg
Ice Cream


Candy Apple
Candy Cane

Gummy Worms

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Apophis is one of the Egyptian horses.
He will offer you one treasure when he wakes up each day.
By scratching the treasure chest, you have a chance to win:
1 x Seal of the Apocalypse
some flax
skill points you can assign as desired to any of Apophis's skills
This horse cannot be sold.

Prize List:
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3 x Aging point
1 x Helios' Ray
25 x Carrot seeds
1 x Bell boots
1 x 2** Classical Bridle
1 x Apollo's Lyre
20 x Mash
1 x Croesus' Fortune
1 x 2** Classical Saddle
500 Points in the overall ranking
1 x Black 2** polo wraps
1 x Ploutos' Parchment
50 x Leather
1 x Water of Youth
1 x Black and white 2** ear bonnet
1 x Water trough
100 % morale for your horses
1 x Medusa's Blood
1 x 2** Black classical saddle cloth
1 x The Bewitched Pumpkin
5,000 Equus
1 x Fertility Wand
Use within 90 days.
1 x 2** Black and white Western saddle cloth
1 x Bonus Pack
20 x Aging point
1 x Seal of the Apocalypse
10 % energy for your horses
1 x Poseidon's Pack
1 x Spurs
1 x Hestia's Gift
25 x Manure
1 x Magic Hat
Use within 90 days.
1 x Hypnos' Blanket
1 x Philosopher's Stone
Use within 90 days.
1 x Achilles' Heel
1 x Double-Sided Medallion
Use within 90 days.
1 x Shower
1 x Themis' Scale


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1.) Free?: 3 x Aging Point; 1 x Helios' Ray
2.) 80 points:


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All crafting duration are: 1 day

Craft 8 x Fried egg
240 Carrot

Craft 8 x Cherry
800 Apple

Craft 8 x Heart
2400 Oats

Craft 8 x Ice cream
4800 Wheat bran

Craft 8 x Ghosts
2 Black and white 2** Classical saddle cloth
4 Red 2** polo wraps

Craft 8 x Lollipops
2 Violet and white 2** Classical saddle cloth
4 Violet and white 2** ear bonnet

Craft 8 x Candy apple
4 Piñata 2** polo wraps
4 Red and white 2** ear bonnet

Craft 8 x Candy cane
2 2** Black classical saddle cloth
2 White 2** polo wraps
2 Red and blue 2** ear bonnet

Craft 8 x Licorice
4 Croesus' Fortune
100 Apple

Craft 8 x Pumpkin
2 Piece of Cloud
40 Apple

Craft 8 x Gummy worms
2 Horn of Plenty

Craft 8 x Crocodile
2 Golden Apple
By Retired breeder, 6th October 2016 17:12:21
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What do they mean with 'expect a trick'? Do the children take away some of the candy? Or what?
Retired breeder wrote:

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What do they mean with 'expect a trick'? Do the children take away some of the candy? Or what?
No, it's just for fun
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One trick is that your mouse cursor turns into a green ghost and another is a witch on a broom that flies across your screen
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 6th October 2016 17:20:12
Retired breeder wrote:

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What do they mean with 'expect a trick'? Do the children take away some of the candy? Or what?

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No, no, nothing like that. It's usually like a witch on a broomstick or some other 'Halloween' graphic that zooms across your screen for a few seconds, freezing it up, or things of that sort. Just a graphic that is on the page for no more than a few seconds at a time - it will never harm your game like taking candy away, etc!
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