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does anybody know if
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a nyx pack will be offered in the festivities?
Princess Celestia
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By Retired breeder, 7th October 2016 05:24:32
Princess Celestia wrote:

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a nyx pack will be offered in the festivities?

If you're talking about the upcoming promotion, here's a prize list as found on page 1890 -

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If you're talking about the upcoming Lottery,
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I'm sure a Nyx Pack should be one of the prizes!
how do the draws per day work? I haven't been able to find anything on the page for that. Well, the main promo page anyway.
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Bumping up T__T__ tips
(there are a couple new notes in here that are in asterisks ****, with ***New Note/tip*** next to them. The one at the bottom is important.

Some tips for the T__T__promo :
I included stuff I thought players will ask questions about when the promo gets here.

collecting stuff
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First, my terms for the treat levels so as not to cause confusion.

A short guide on the free ways to collect which treats(You also start with a few during a little mini tutorial, but I didn't include those).
-From login(x17 per day) you get a combination of all three rarities: 12 most common treats, 4 common treats, 1 rare treat

-Most common/top jar treats from login:

-Common /middle jar treats from grooming (x4 treats per day):

-Rare/bottom jar treats from competition wins (x4 treats per day):

These stats have been over the past 3 days and have held the same so I *suspect* this will hold for the rest of the promo. ***New Note: the stats have still held true in the few days since***

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Notes on children arrival:

The number of kids that show up seems to increase by 1 kid each day, with their being throughout the day. The free kids will leave after 48 hours(there is a countdown above the kid letting you know how long you've got until s/he leaves). The kids you call with the bells will stay until the end of the event so you can leave them be until you get their requested treats. On Day 1 we got 6 kids, Day 2 saw 7 kids,, Day 3 saw 8 and so on.

***New Tip: Since we have 48 hours until a child leaves patience is a good thing to have in this promo. If you don't have the two correct treats you need you can wait to see if you might get one you need from daily freebies or flash sales. That way you won't have to send anyone away with less than 21 points.

Getting Points:
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There are 3 levels of satisfaction a kid will leave with that will determine the number of points you get. Whenever you drag a treat into the pumpkin bag the pumpkin will give a reaction face giving you an idea of what satisfaction level you will get.

"Sad face" pumpkin(worst satisfaction)
"Ouch faced" pumpkin(better satisfaction)
"Happy face" pumpkin(best, obviously!)

Obviously giving the pumpkin the correct treat will yield a "happy" face; giving it the incorrect treat of the same rarity level will yield a "ouch" face; and an incorrect treat of a lower rarity level will yield a "sad" face. Since you're giving it two treats, the pumpkin will give you two reaction faces for each treat you give him.

For a refresher, here are the 3 satisfaction point levels:
Kids with less than 12 satisfaction points are sad. Expect a trick!
Between 12-21 points - neutral satisfaction
Greater than 21 points - happy child.
*The points given depends on the rarity of the treat*(I'll get into this farther down)
there are 26 points max.

Here was the combination of reactions I had vs. the satisfaction level:
(reaction+reaction=points received. Satisfaction level)
Sad+Sad= 2 points. Got a trick
Sad+Ouch= 10 points. Got a trick
Sad+Happy= 14 points. Neutral satisfaction

Ouch+Ouch=12 points. Neutral satisfaction
Ouch+Happy= 18 points. Neutral satisfaction

Happy+Happy= 22 points. Happy satisfaction

As noted above, you do get more points when you give it the correct treat of a higher rarity level, so just because your pumpkin gives an ouch+ouch face doesn't mean it'll get 12 points every time. For the above stats I just recorded the reactions and the points, not the rarity levels given. However, below I *did* record the points received for the correct treats and their rarity levels.

(These were all correct treats given so it was a happy+happy face)
22 points= Most common+Most common treat
23 points= Most common+Common
23 points= Common+Common
24 points= Most Common+ Rare
24 points=Common+Common
25 points= Common+ Rare
26 points=Rare+rare

I did do a point comparison giving 2 correct most common treats vs. giving 1 correct most common+1 incorrect treat of the same rarity level(the pumpkin reactions on second one were happy+ouch).
I got 22 points for giving 2 correct most common treats vs.
14 points for 1 correct most common treat+1 incorrect rare treat

Treats Requested: Cherry(most common) and a Licorice(rare),
Treats Given: Cherry and Pumpkin(rare).

***New Tip: Item Order. This is important!!!***
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Item Order matters! I can't remember if this applied last year or not, but it does this year.

I have noticed that when giving incorrect treats, you will receive *less* points if you put them in the pumpkin in the incorrect order. For the examples below I used a common ouch and a most common happy treat for both to demonstrate consistency.

Here, I put the treats in the correct order. You see in the box that the kid asks for a most common ice cream and then common lollipops. I first put the ice cream in the pumpkin, and then I dragged the Ghosts(incorrect treat) in second. I got 18 points as shown.

Here, I did *not* put them in the correct order. The kid asks for Fried Egg and then Candy cane. First I gave him Ghosts (incorrect treat) and then the Fried Egg. However, i only got 13 points for this.

I've tested this several times and got less points when I put them in the incorrect order. Giving two happy treats in the incorrect order does not seem to matter. I got the same points regardless of order
Legacy Ann
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Cybertron wrote:

how do the draws per day work? I haven't been able to find anything on the page for that. Well, the main promo page anyway.

It's basically just depending on how many horseshoes the server collects determines how many lottery draws will happen each day when the lottery comes.
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Also about draws per day...

It is important to know that the server "collects" horseshoes by players doing the objectives under "Helping the Community". I don't think everyone understands what that is for, after you get your extra ticket.

default smiley (b)
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en_amie wrote:

Also about draws per day...

It is important to know that the server "collects" horseshoes by players doing the objectives under "Helping the Community". I don't think everyone understands what that is for, after you get your extra ticket.

default smiley (b)

I know many people, including myself that help more than 10 times each day, but sadly it doesn't seem to make much of a difference
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
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By Retired breeder, 7th October 2016 22:13:55
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
I have never been to this forum before, just a heads up.
I am here to ask if there is any word about a promotion coming up that may give out a new breed of unicorn? Also does anyone know which breed that may be?
Thanks in advance
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・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・ wrote:

I know many people, including myself that help more than 10 times each day, but sadly it doesn't seem to make much of a difference

I like to think of it as making a difference to that individual player. It is helping them reach their goal so they get the puzzle piece prizes.
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By Retired breeder, 8th October 2016 00:11:43
Blue-Jaywillow wrote:

I have never been to this forum before, just a heads up.
I am here to ask if there is any word about a promotion coming up that may give out a new breed of unicorn? Also does anyone know which breed that may be?
Thanks in advance

We can't know when/if Howrse is going to release a new breed right now. Only the administration team could know. The breed would most likely come first and then the unicorn, too.
1kkurtz wrote:

I like to think of it as making a difference to that individual player. It is helping them reach their goal so they get the puzzle piece prizes.

true in that case it is, but not so much in reaching the 4 draw goal
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
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By Retired breeder, 9th October 2016 08:40:41
I have to ask for the T____T____ promo/event, do i need to be able to click and drag anything?
Retired breeder wrote:

I have to ask for the T____T____ promo/event, do i need to be able to click and drag anything?

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From my experience you will have to click and drag the candy to the pumpkin, not simply click on it
Königin Katze
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By Retired breeder, 9th October 2016 19:16:07
Question, since I haven't been here for a long time!

What sorts of prizes do we find in the lottery? Super excited! default smiley :)
Retired breeder wrote:

Question, since I haven't been here for a long time!

What sorts of prizes do we find in the lottery? Super excited! default smiley :)

Prize list (In spoiler banner to save space):
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^Adding on, Libra is a grand prize
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By Retired breeder, 9th October 2016 21:55:24
Haven't been in here in a long while, any new breeds and or divines I should know about?
By Retired breeder, 10th October 2016 00:06:03
Retired breeder wrote:

Haven't been in here in a long while, any new breeds and or divines I should know about?

Take a look at the change log for that information, should have everything you need. As for divines, I don't know how long you've been gone, but the Zodiac series can be officially completed now, and the Egyptian series
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will be soon with Apophis in the Halloween Trick or Treat Promotion.
Wilds and Gemstone divines are being re-released as well, in luck items (and maybe a few in reserved sales too, if I remember).
By Retired breeder, 10th October 2016 00:06:04
Ok, so quick question regarding the T__ T____ promo:

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If you go through the promo without spending any passes or anything, I know you can get all the prizes offered without passes.....but you'll be 57 kids short for the divine, and I'm assuming that's going at the normal rate with the promo. I've heard that the bell brings more kids that stay to the end of the promo, so does anybody know if you can actually get enough kids for enough points for the promo if you use the bell in addition? Thanks!!
Retired breeder wrote:

Ok, so quick question regarding the T__ T____ promo:

There is no way around it.

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You will be short those kids. Whether you use the special package or just the bell rings you will have to use passes or diamonds.

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How do we remove WoY from a horse?
  • Posted messages: 714
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By Retired breeder, 10th October 2016 05:23:49
You can only remove WoY during promotions, such as the GC (now) if you get it as an objective. A box will appear on the horse's page if it is eligible for WoY removal.
By Retired breeder, 10th October 2016 16:01:12
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Does anyone have any info for the lottery prizes?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone have any info for the lottery prizes?

they are listed a couple of posts higher, in a spoiler banner
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
  • Posted messages: 2,506
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