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Never mind I found the information
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The new pass system is awful.That's 3 time less passes than we were allowed to get with pass horses, and 3 time more work to get them default smiley :( I can bear with different actions to be done to earn passes instead of aging pass horses, but not with minigames (I've been tired of them even when they run 2 weeks once a year or a half of a year, and now we'll have to do them all the time) and the fact that the monthly passes were reduced 3 times.
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By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 14:26:20
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If I may be honest they are hardly "free" passes as you have to

1, work on a horse over time and age it to 30 to Heaven


2, save up a ton of equus and buy a pass horse in sales.

Both of these require a good deal of work so it is hardly "free" as they do require work and is more like an exchange.
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 14:29:56
So guys.. about the new change - info from Czech person
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We tried to write them in person and not just in forum, and its quite sure that we cannot change it.
In fact, they told me that killing horses in other's person account is the reason for this change and its not fair for everyone. After this change, all players have equal conditiones as the other players.

Because they probably couldnt take care for their horses to become the pass horses. Because our pass horses just appeared on our accounts and we are constraining other players to kill them and they have to take the reward for it... Poor players

Oh, and they believe it wouldn't be so drastic change and we are going to adapt . And we surely find the other way how to adapt our strategy in game (Before they cancel it again)
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 15:02:11
beckyaul wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

There you go,,
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Morrigan is part of the Celtic Horses. Find 5 Ogham letters of his prediction by using every day his power of divination. Once completed you can win:
- 1 Medusa's Blood
-10 000 Equus
-1 Bell Boots.

You cannot sell this divine
Retired breeder wrote:

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Morrigan is part of the Celtic Horses. Find 5 Ogham letters of his prediction by using every day his power of divination. Once completed you can win:
- 1 Medusa's Blood
-10 000 Equus
-1 Bell Boots.

You cannot sell this divine

So Cute want it on my swedish account but don't know if i will have enough passes because i'm geting all the gemstone divins and they are so expensive. default smiley :s
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"Oh, and they believe it wouldn't be so drastic change and we are going to adapt . "

Oh yeah, 10 passes per month instead of 30 isn't a drastic change :/ And by "adapting" they mean buying passes instead of earning them through gameplay, I suppose? Really, why not, just spend more cash and adapt :/

I'm a loyal player who usually doesn't object any changes and sees them as a natural evolution of the game, but this one is the most major pass balance change since the moment when they changed the system of GA retirement. Obviously, the game is in decline and the revenues are in decline as well just because Howrse exists for a very long time already and lacks innovative technologies and gameplay. But reducing the number of "free" passes per month isn't a solution that will help Ubisoft to earn more money. Those who can buy 30+ passes per month are already doing that. Those who can't won't start. But the fact that a lot of loyal players will lose interest in the game is a predictable consequence of this change. Such changes can be understandable only with the major revamp of game balance and making it 3 times less "pay-to-win" than it is now.
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By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 16:14:21
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Yeah, they do not understand the fact, that the people who knew how to make passes without buying them is not going to change to be a person who buys them. It just make them upset and actually make them trying to figure out how to make the passes again or they just quit. But they dont care about this kind of players, because they arent making any money for them.
And for the new player it is quite stimulant to make a multi account. Like "Oh I can have 1 pas per 3 day ... If I had 3 accounts, its 3 passes per 3 day, so i can have 1 pas every day... Who cares its forbidden, i can have passes from that ! ... Another point is, that it was easiest to get the money from newplayers by buying passes. Now they dont have reason when they got it for free.

This change is the way how tu upset everyone except the people who dont know how to play this and they are excited that they can get something "for free"
Most sad thing about this is their sentense "We do care about your opinion" ... No, they actually dont.
Retired breeder wrote:

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If I may be honest they are hardly "free" passes as you have to

1, work on a horse over time and age it to 30 to Heaven


2, save up a ton of equus and buy a pass horse in sales.

Both of these require a good deal of work so it is hardly "free" as they do require work and is more like an exchange.

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I totally agree, the only people who are really going to be affected, if you can still get 10-30 passes per month "free" through the new system, are those who abused it - e.g. teams/players who use multi accounts to feed pass horse passes through.
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Well I have no problem with what is being posted.

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I never needed 30 passes.

I haven't gotten the free one we used to get by the equus reserve in a long time. Now 1 get one.default smiley (y)

So whatever comes I can work with it.
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Retired breeder wrote:

There you go,,

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Any news what exactly is this 'divination' or whatever?
  • Posted messages: 659
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By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 17:51:18
Retired breeder wrote:

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disco, the problem with your suggestion is that these people would be catching easy to spot ones, which eventually get caught anyway. The problem honestly is the ones that evade the system by proxying or using programs. Since IP detection is a big part of it, the system doesn't have much evidence when the same IP isn't in play. I'll tell you what the elite players in my server do and how this system will aid in stopping them. Since they are elite, breed a few top breeds, they've got an excess amount of pass horses to kill. They create a few accounts, send 10 horses each month and have the multi account buy a worthless horse from them for 10 passes after that. Now you'd think that would be suspicious enough, an account whose only activity is buying horses from only one certain player through reserves and then buying a worthless horse to transfer the passes. But you'd be wrong. I've spotted players with 10+ accounts, a certain team on my server collectively has 50+. But since they are smart, they evade the system and gain passes and objects unfairly.
Now what this change does is make them play in each one if they want passes, plus they're keeping what you need to do a secret because otherwise it'd be really easy for someone to set up a schedule on what to do in each account and get 10 points guaranteed and maximize their time.This also hurts honest players too, I admit.
This is all from years of experience watching it happen, reporting it and seeing no punishment come through because they do not have enough evidence.

I can see the issue with that. I'm just not sure how this will fix it.
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If they want the passes so badly, they will work the horses for it. They may just split their horses between their multiple accounts. If it's anything similar to the '1 free pass every 300 points' system right now, I only AP farm and participate in promos on most days and I usually get the 10 points daily. Either way, they are still going to get the passes if they want them so badly, aren't they?
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It seems to me that this new system of free passes will make it easier to fish out multi-accounters. Instead of a second account purchasing 1 horse a month for lots of passes, some players may be impatient and sell a horse to their second account every three days to get the pass. It just seems like there will be more transactions between accounts, and in this way Howrse can look at the accounts involved and try to determine if someone is multi-accounting. With the current system, they probably skip over a lot of multi-accounters who only do one horse sale between the two (or more) accounts every month or so.

I'm neither for nor against this change yet. If all I have to do is take care of some horses, post in the forums, and work in my EC for a free pass every 3 days, I can get rid of a TON of AP horses that I don't even need. It would be much easier on me if I didn't need to try and age 70 horses a month to 30 and send them to heaven to try and get 30 passes. It's not very pleasing that the free passes will go from 30 to 10 a month, but perhaps Howrse will implement a feature so that the extra-hard working players can get the additional 20 passes.
The Fifth Queen
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By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 19:05:55
I wonder what's going to happen to

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AP's and AP farmers then. The reason people AP farm is to age horses up to obtain passes or sell them to people who want pass horses. Some divines give APs as a perk - I wonder if that will change.
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 19:11:25
Retired breeder wrote:

I wonder what's going to happen to

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AP's and AP farmers then. The reason people AP farm is to age horses up to obtain passes or sell them to people who want pass horses. Some divines give APs as a perk - I wonder if that will change.

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Not necessarily, I need AP to blup for my competitive team and my personal team as well as my unicorn breeding project. I have a pass horse that is almost ready to be considered 30 so I will be sending her shortly to get the free pass.
Well, the great thing about the AP/pass horse farm
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is that you kill two birds with one stone. It makes AP farming more bearable that way as I know I'll eventually get a pass out of the horse. Grant it, I do have an immortal, H.Blanketed farm of horses I don't have to board, so those are quicker to care for, but it's taking a long time to collect immortals and H.Blankets.

And supposedly this tree divine is acquired by sending 10 pass horses to Heaven and I think I read that it grows when you send 10 off again. I'm guessing only 10 is allowed every month. We'll have to wait to hear more on him though. Maybe passes will grow on trees?
Legacy Ann
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Legacy Ann wrote:

Well, the great thing about the AP/pass horse farm
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is that you kill two birds with one stone. It makes AP farming more bearable that way as I know I'll eventually get a pass out of the horse. Grant it, I do have an immortal, H.Blanketed farm of horses I don't have to board, so those are quicker to care for, but it's taking a long time to collect immortals and H.Blankets.

And supposedly this tree divine is acquired by sending 10 pass horses to Heaven and I think I read that it grows when you send 10 off again. I'm guessing only 10 is allowed every month. We'll have to wait to hear more on him though. Maybe passes will grow on trees?

Hopefully...Money can't, but maybe passes can...
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By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 20:28:36

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I guess it's just about the Celtic religion. The horse will use his powers everytime, he wakes up and with this "power", he'll give you 3 Ogham letters.
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 21:03:09
Not sure if this should go in a spoiler or not so...

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I've seen the last few messages about new pass horse rules, but I don't know what they are. Could someone please tell me what's going on? I would prefer a PM. I don't mind spoilers.
/\ /\ /\ I'm not too sure either what the AP rules are about and what I've heard about a "tree divine?"
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By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 22:08:31
Retired breeder wrote:

Not sure if this should go in a spoiler or not so...

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I've seen the last few messages about new pass horse rules, but I don't know what they are. Could someone please tell me what's going on? I would prefer a PM. I don't mind spoilers.

linds0419 wrote:

/\ /\ /\ I'm not too sure either what the AP rules are about and what I've heard about a "tree divine?"

Reposting from UK server,,
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The changes will be applied on 8.11.2016 (November)
1) You can earn one pass per 3 days, through loyalty pass player.
How? The daily limit for points achieved (10) will be replaced with maximum of 30.

2) Do not let your old horses die for passes. Keep them, as there will be new Divine horse, which will be achievable only, by sending old horses to heaven.
--If you send to heaven 10 horses, older than 25 years, you'll get new Divine.
(More infor from Ow next week.)

3) New rakings

"Number of horses sent to the heaven this month"
- This ranking will count EVERY HORSE sent to heaven, no matter it's age since 1. of every month.

"Number of old horses sent to heaven this month"
- This ranking will count only horses OLDER than 25 years, sent to heaven since 1. of every month.

"Number of horses sold to Safe Haven this month"
-This ranking will count EVERY horse, no matter it's age, sold to Safe Haven since 1. of every month.


"Tree horse"
"By !unsubstantiated! information the Divine will "grow" everytime, you send horse to the heaven."

Perk is still a mystery.

By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 22:09:42
yeah, could someone update us on what's going on? or is there a masterpost or something?
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 22:12:15
thanks Kusni!
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 22:13:09
I'll probably make one big summary of everything tomorrow, because it's getting hard to find informations here for new comers,,,,,default smiley (h)
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