[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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On this topic, you may talk about what isn’t on the game yet.

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By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 22:39:01
Rynx wrote:

Well yeah,

Oh, yes; me too. I just don't really understand what removing one thing on certain items has to do with making a new rule for some of the others, though. *Shrug.*

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Why not have a group of volunteers set up, kind of like the mods, that look for easy to find multi-accounters? Report their name to the admin, they can investigate, and do as they deem necessary. Or encourage people to tell admin or whoever of the multi-accouters

I am sure there are a lot that report. default smiley (m)
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By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 23:02:25
Spyder wrote:

I am sure there are a lot that report. default smiley (m)

default smiley (y)default smiley (y)
I'm sure there would be plenty more that would if they actually told people to report it as well, though. default smiley (8)
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 23:03:49
On a completely unrelated note, that new divine from a few pages back is adorable. c: I love how (if this does go through) it grows more than once during its life.

As a non-pass buyer who doesn't appreciate having to buy pass horses, but gets 10 points a day anyway, I think I'll like this change more than most players, and-
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Yeeeeeeees, the Cards are back!
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 23:23:31
Okay, I joined the Czech server. Here is what I can make of Ow's post. All I've got is Google Translate and guesses on what oddly translated words mean, so **I cannot promise that this post will be 100% correct**. I have had to fix sentences that were strangely translated. I will post both my translated version and Google Translate's version.

My version:
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I would like to inform you that it will be adjusted to obtain a pass for hardworking players. The change will take place on November 8.

We want to reward hardworking players who actually play the game, so you will not have to send the horse to Heaven to get a pass. Instead, it will suffice to actively play a game every three days you can get a pass.

More information about the change:

Pass hardworking player allows you to play and if you are active, get passes for free.

How does it work?
Pass hardworking players still refer to the purchase of passes tab for free. Points will continue to load, depending on how actively you play and the more you can earn up to 10 points per day and the maximum is now 30.

After filling the meter you can just play a mini-game and get a free pass.

Conditions of access
- You must have a confirmed email address (you can do this on the my account page)
- Have at least 30 days of seniority

Be active in the game and you will get a passport for every 3 days. If you do not do anything in the game, the points you ??nepřičtou??. If you are not active enough, you get fewer points and it will take more than 3 days to get a passport. Actions taken by the player through the account sharing will not bring any points.

What exactly do you have to get your points, remains a mystery.

Sending older horses in Heaven:

Keep your old horse will come in handy! The game will be given a new divine horse that you can get just by sending horses to Heaven.

If you send it to Heaven 10 horsepower, which is more than 25 years, you get a new divine horse. More information bring you next week!

> New order:

In order breeders we are adding new rankings.

More information:

• The number of horses sent to Heaven this month.

This order included all horses (regardless of age) are sent to Heaven from the first day of the month.

• The number of older horses sent to Heaven this month

This order included horses, which were more than 25 years, sent to Heaven from the first day of the month.

• The number of horses sold to the pound (Safe Haven??) this month

This order included all horses (regardless of age) sold to a shelter (Safe Haven??) from the 1st day of the month.

Prepare to change and adjust your strategy if you want to get a new divine horse!

This innovation is far tested on selected versions, so please tell us your opinion and take part in the vote. In your opinion matters to us, but vulgar or inappropriate comments will not be tolerated. Please make your prefer constructive criticism and questions that I could answer you.

default smiley (ow)

Google translate:

Click to display


I would like to inform you that it will be adjusted to obtain a passport for hardworking player. The change will take place on November 8.

We want to reward hardworking players who actually play the game, so you will not have to send the horse to Heaven to get a passport. Instead, it will suffice to actively play a game every three days you can get a passport.

More information about the change:

Pas hardworking player allows you to play an active get passports for free.

How does it work?
Pas hardworking players still refer to the purchase of passports tab for free. Points will continue to load, depending on how actively you play and the more you can earn up to 10 points per day and the maximum is now 30th

After filling the meter can just play a minigame and get a free pass.

conditions of access
- You must have a confirmed email address (you do this to my account page)
- Have at least 30 days of seniority

Be active in the game and you will get a passport for every 3 days. If you do not do anything in the game, the points you nepřičtou. If you are not active enough, you get fewer points and you will tvrvat more than 3 days to get a passport. Actions taken by the player through the sharing will not bring any points.

What exactly do you have to impute you points, remains a mystery.

Sending older horses in Heaven:

Keep your old horse will come in handy! The game will be given a new divine horse that you can get just by sending horses to Heaven.

If you send it to Heaven 10 horsepower, which is more than 25 years, you get a new divine horse. More information bring you next week!

> New order:

In order breeders we are adding new rankings.

More information:

• The number of horses sent to Heaven this month.

This order included all horses (regardless of age) are sent to Heaven from the first day of the month.

• The number of older horses sent to Heaven this month

This order included horses, which were more than 25 years, sent to Heaven from the first day of the month.

• The number of horses sold to the pound this month

This order included all horses (regardless of age) sold to a shelter from the 1st day of the month.

Prepare to change and adjust your strategy if you want to get a new divine horse!

This innovation is far tested on selected versions, so please tell us your opinion and take part in the vote. In your opinion matters to us, but vulgar or inappropriate comments will not be tolerated. Please make your prefer constructive criticism and questions that I could answer you.

default smiley default smiley (ow)

I will continue to look at comments on that post to see if Ow says anything that may provide extra information.
By Retired breeder, 12th October 2016 23:51:10
I don't see any extra info in Ow's comments. There certainly are a lot of comments from players, though. default smiley :o
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 01:19:38
does anyone know what the next event will be?
Bumping up T__T__ tips

Some tips for the T__T__promo :
I included stuff I thought players will ask questions about when the promo gets here.

collecting stuff
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First, my terms for the treat levels so as not to cause confusion.

A short guide on the free ways to collect which treats(You also start with a few during a little mini tutorial, but I didn't include those).
-From login(x17 per day) you get a combination of all three rarities: 12 most common treats, 4 common treats, 1 rare treat

-Most common/top jar treats from login:

-Common /middle jar treats from grooming (x4 treats per day):

-Rare/bottom jar treats from competition wins (x4 treats per day):

These stats have been over the past 3 days and have held the same so I *suspect* this will hold for the rest of the promo. ***New Note: the stats have still held true in the few days since***

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Notes on children arrival:

The number of kids that show up seems to increase by 1 kid each day, with their being throughout the day. The free kids will leave after 48 hours(there is a countdown above the kid letting you know how long you've got until s/he leaves). The kids you call with the bells will stay until the end of the event so you can leave them be until you get their requested treats. On Day 1 we got 6 kids, Day 2 saw 7 kids,, Day 3 saw 8 and so on.

***New Tip: Since we have 48 hours until a child leaves patience is a good thing to have in this promo. If you don't have the two correct treats you need you can wait to see if you might get one you need from daily freebies or flash sales. That way you won't have to send anyone away with less than 21 points.

Getting Points:
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There are 3 levels of satisfaction a kid will leave with that will determine the number of points you get. Whenever you drag a treat into the pumpkin bag the pumpkin will give a reaction face giving you an idea of what satisfaction level you will get.

"Sad face" pumpkin(worst satisfaction)
"Ouch faced" pumpkin(better satisfaction)
"Happy face" pumpkin(best, obviously!)

Obviously giving the pumpkin the correct treat will yield a "happy" face; giving it the incorrect treat of the same rarity level will yield a "ouch" face; and an incorrect treat of a lower rarity level will yield a "sad" face. Since you're giving it two treats, the pumpkin will give you two reaction faces for each treat you give him.

For a refresher, here are the 3 satisfaction point levels:
Kids with less than 12 satisfaction points are sad. Expect a trick!
Between 12-21 points - neutral satisfaction
Greater than 21 points - happy child.
*The points given depends on the rarity of the treat*(I'll get into this farther down)
there are 26 points max.

Here was the combination of reactions I had vs. the satisfaction level:
(reaction+reaction=points received. Satisfaction level)
Sad+Sad= 2 points. Got a trick
Sad+Ouch= 10 points. Got a trick
Sad+Happy= 14 points. Neutral satisfaction

Ouch+Ouch=12 points. Neutral satisfaction
Ouch+Happy= 18 points. Neutral satisfaction

Happy+Happy= 22 points. Happy satisfaction

As noted above, you do get more points when you give it the correct treat of a higher rarity level, so just because your pumpkin gives an ouch+ouch face doesn't mean it'll get 12 points every time. For the above stats I just recorded the reactions and the points, not the rarity levels given. However, below I *did* record the points received for the correct treats and their rarity levels.

(These were all correct treats given so it was a happy+happy face)
22 points= Most common+Most common treat
23 points= Most common+Common
23 points= Common+Common
24 points= Most Common+ Rare
24 points=Common+Common
25 points= Common+ Rare
26 points=Rare+rare

I did do a point comparison giving 2 correct most common treats vs. giving 1 correct most common+1 incorrect treat of the same rarity level(the pumpkin reactions on second one were happy+ouch).
I got 22 points for giving 2 correct most common treats vs.
14 points for 1 correct most common treat+1 incorrect rare treat

Treats Requested: Cherry(most common) and a Licorice(rare),
Treats Given: Cherry and Pumpkin(rare).

***New Tip: Item Order. This is important!!!***
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I have noticed that when giving incorrect treats, you will receive *less* points if you put them in the pumpkin in the incorrect order. For the examples below I used a common ouch and a most common happy treat for both to demonstrate consistency.

Here, I put the treats in the correct order. You see in the box that the kid asks for a most common ice cream and then common lollipops. I first put the ice cream in the pumpkin, and then I dragged the Ghosts(incorrect treat) in second. I got 18 points as shown.

Here, I did *not* put them in the correct order. The kid asks for Fried Egg and then Candy cane. First I gave him Ghosts (incorrect treat) and then the Fried Egg. However, i only got 13 points for this.

I've tested this several times and got less points when I put them in the incorrect order. Giving two happy treats in the incorrect order does not seem to matter. I got the same points regardless of order
Legacy Ann
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By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 02:42:45
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so what exactly is going on with the pass horses, I've seen a lot of responses to it just cant find the original post of what they are hinting on doing. I know it's already being tested on some servers and has a strong possibility of coming here
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 03:08:37
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I hope if this pass system comes into place they at least make the item from inventory the default so people are not having to watch their every item spend like a hawk if they are saving for something
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 05:53:09
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disco, the problem with your suggestion is that these people would be catching easy to spot ones, which eventually get caught anyway. The problem honestly is the ones that evade the system by proxying or using programs. Since IP detection is a big part of it, the system doesn't have much evidence when the same IP isn't in play. I'll tell you what the elite players in my server do and how this system will aid in stopping them. Since they are elite, breed a few top breeds, they've got an excess amount of pass horses to kill. They create a few accounts, send 10 horses each month and have the multi account buy a worthless horse from them for 10 passes after that. Now you'd think that would be suspicious enough, an account whose only activity is buying horses from only one certain player through reserves and then buying a worthless horse to transfer the passes. But you'd be wrong. I've spotted players with 10+ accounts, a certain team on my server collectively has 50+. But since they are smart, they evade the system and gain passes and objects unfairly.
Now what this change does is make them play in each one if they want passes, plus they're keeping what you need to do a secret because otherwise it'd be really easy for someone to set up a schedule on what to do in each account and get 10 points guaranteed and maximize their time.This also hurts honest players too, I admit.
This is all from years of experience watching it happen, reporting it and seeing no punishment come through because they do not have enough evidence.
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 09:13:45
Retired breeder wrote:

Okay, I joined the Czech server. Here is what I can make of Ow's post. All I've got is Google Translate and guesses on what oddly translated words mean, so **I cannot promise that this post will be 100% correct**. I have had to fix sentences that were strangely translated. I will post both my translated version and Google Translate's version.

My version:
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I would like to inform you that it will be adjusted to obtain a pass for hardworking players. The change will take place on November 8.

We want to reward hardworking players who actually play the game, so you will not have to send the horse to Heaven to get a pass. Instead, it will suffice to actively play a game every three days you can get a pass.

More information about the change:

Pass hardworking player allows you to play and if you are active, get passes for free.

How does it work?
Pass hardworking players still refer to the purchase of passes tab for free. Points will continue to load, depending on how actively you play and the more you can earn up to 10 points per day and the maximum is now 30.

After filling the meter you can just play a mini-game and get a free pass.

Conditions of access
- You must have a confirmed email address (you can do this on the my account page)
- Have at least 30 days of seniority

Be active in the game and you will get a passport for every 3 days. If you do not do anything in the game, the points you ??nepřičtou??. If you are not active enough, you get fewer points and it will take more than 3 days to get a passport. Actions taken by the player through the account sharing will not bring any points.

What exactly do you have to get your points, remains a mystery.

Sending older horses in Heaven:

Keep your old horse will come in handy! The game will be given a new divine horse that you can get just by sending horses to Heaven.

If you send it to Heaven 10 horsepower, which is more than 25 years, you get a new divine horse. More information bring you next week!

> New order:

In order breeders we are adding new rankings.

More information:

• The number of horses sent to Heaven this month.

This order included all horses (regardless of age) are sent to Heaven from the first day of the month.

• The number of older horses sent to Heaven this month

This order included horses, which were more than 25 years, sent to Heaven from the first day of the month.

• The number of horses sold to the pound (Safe Haven??) this month

This order included all horses (regardless of age) sold to a shelter (Safe Haven??) from the 1st day of the month.

Prepare to change and adjust your strategy if you want to get a new divine horse!

This innovation is far tested on selected versions, so please tell us your opinion and take part in the vote. In your opinion matters to us, but vulgar or inappropriate comments will not be tolerated. Please make your prefer constructive criticism and questions that I could answer you.

default smiley (ow)

Google translate:

Click to display


I would like to inform you that it will be adjusted to obtain a passport for hardworking player. The change will take place on November 8.

We want to reward hardworking players who actually play the game, so you will not have to send the horse to Heaven to get a passport. Instead, it will suffice to actively play a game every three days you can get a passport.

More information about the change:

Pas hardworking player allows you to play an active get passports for free.

How does it work?
Pas hardworking players still refer to the purchase of passports tab for free. Points will continue to load, depending on how actively you play and the more you can earn up to 10 points per day and the maximum is now 30th

After filling the meter can just play a minigame and get a free pass.

conditions of access
- You must have a confirmed email address (you do this to my account page)
- Have at least 30 days of seniority

Be active in the game and you will get a passport for every 3 days. If you do not do anything in the game, the points you nepřičtou. If you are not active enough, you get fewer points and you will tvrvat more than 3 days to get a passport. Actions taken by the player through the sharing will not bring any points.

What exactly do you have to impute you points, remains a mystery.

Sending older horses in Heaven:

Keep your old horse will come in handy! The game will be given a new divine horse that you can get just by sending horses to Heaven.

If you send it to Heaven 10 horsepower, which is more than 25 years, you get a new divine horse. More information bring you next week!

> New order:

In order breeders we are adding new rankings.

More information:

• The number of horses sent to Heaven this month.

This order included all horses (regardless of age) are sent to Heaven from the first day of the month.

• The number of older horses sent to Heaven this month

This order included horses, which were more than 25 years, sent to Heaven from the first day of the month.

• The number of horses sold to the pound this month

This order included all horses (regardless of age) sold to a shelter from the 1st day of the month.

Prepare to change and adjust your strategy if you want to get a new divine horse!

This innovation is far tested on selected versions, so please tell us your opinion and take part in the vote. In your opinion matters to us, but vulgar or inappropriate comments will not be tolerated. Please make your prefer constructive criticism and questions that I could answer you.

default smiley default smiley (ow)

I will continue to look at comments on that post to see if Ow says anything that may provide extra information.

I hope thats all in spoilers default smiley :p
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does anyone know if this stuff is going to happen on the international sever?
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 10:34:54
Some kind of relief for all you girls who don't like the upcoming change default smiley (8) :
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Again browsed through the German Spoiler and someone wrote a ticket to their (feels weird to say our as the German should be 'mine' server) support.

The answer was:
Es wird Änderungen geben was das himmeln angeht, dies stimmt soweit. Die Änderungen für den 8.11 betreffen nur den IT, CZ und BG Server und nicht den deutschen Server. Wir haben noch kein Datum wann es auch bei uns zu diesen Änderungen kommt und ob diese so übernommen werden, oder ob es weitere Änderungen geben wird. Wir werden die Spieler informieren sobald wir mehr Informationen haben.

There will be changes about sending horses to heaven, that's true. The changes on the 8.11. affect only the IT, CZ and BG server and not the German one. We don't have a date yet when and if we get the update or if there are other ones as well. We will inform the players as soon as we have more informations

And the new *spoiler* coming with the changes:

Click to display

copied from UK spoiler zone default smiley :) by Shalassa
By Retired breeder, 13th October 2016 11:03:58
What country is BG?
I am not really surprised that they are doing this, I suspected it as soon as they changed how we got the free pass every month. It is Howrse's way of making sure their are less free passes on the game every month plain and simple.
Lunar Moon
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Retired breeder wrote:

What country is BG?

・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
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There is a big problem with.....

[Spoiler]People on mobiles can not do stupid mini game.
So great I will have no way to get any passes?

Quite messing with the game, I have no place to go buy a new computer and had to ship computers off to have them repaired.

No clue to how long I will be stuck on mobile.
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Sheesh... after reading back a few pages I'm now really wishing I didn't spend all 50 of my hard earnt passes on the GF last weekend, for no Amber either default smiley :s I just thought "easy, doesn't matter, it won't take me long to get them back up again" but I guess maybe that's not going to be the case for much longer..
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It would be nice if they stuck with stuff that worked on all devices.

The mini games just do not work.
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I know this might be too early to tell, but...
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Does anyone know what the next promo is after the Trick-or-Treat promo?
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RachelCinnamon wrote:

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Does anyone know what the next promo is after the Trick-or-Treat promo?

It was posted on the last page, so it probably got buried but it's there.

Upcoming promo 2:
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the Cards promo which introduces the Celtic divine series. There is also a Greyfell diamond card.
Legacy Ann
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Yay thanks so much!!! I'm so excited for this one! I have only done it once, but that's when I didn't know how to play the gamedefault smiley (lol) I think I had an option to choose a greyfell, but I didn't...oops.
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What page could I find the information about the card promo on?
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