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How is it possible to get 30 passes? You can only use 10 pass horses a month.
And the rest by selling horses for passes.......they can't change that.
  • Posted messages: 133
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Lucky-Starr wrote:

How is it possible to get 30 passes? You can only use 10 pass horses a month.
And the rest by selling horses for passes.......they can't change that.

11-30: you have a 1/3 chance of getting a pass after you send 10 horses. 2/3 for a bonus item
  • Posted messages: 37,116
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Lucky-Starr wrote:

How is it possible to get 30 passes? You can only use 10 pass horses a month.
And the rest by selling horses for passes.......they can't change that.

howrse can and does change anything they want to change. default smiley (o)default smiley :@

on the very rare and seldom occassion does howrse consult with and even more rarely listen to the players.default smiley :-x
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 11:47:06
I have to add to this.

Even though i haven't played howrse for as long as many of the others here, the decisions that will most likely be made within the next few weeks/months about this new 'update which will make the game more fair' just needs to be commemted on.

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First off i must ask, why? It's the question on everyones mind: what would make howrse - a fun family friendly game that has been entertaining the young and old for many years - suddenly do something that causes so many of their 'loyal players' to revolt? If the aim of this new update is to indeed reward the loyal players, then why doesn't howrse ASK how we would like to be rewarded instead of introducing something most of the howrse community will no doubt be against? If all of their so called 'loyal players' are against the idea which is supposed to reward them in particular, maybe howrse should take notice of this and come up with something better?
As far as i am concerned there is no reason to do an update that doesn't benefit the game players. The real reason for the update is to force people to buy passes, we all know that. The new divine won't take our attention away from the fact that this is completely unacceptable either... like others have said already, this new shiney can't do that. It doesn't blind us. Its another pixel horse to add a collection of other pixel horses, full stop. Our hard earned money is much more important to us than that.
So, dear howrse/owlient, we won't forget this and will continue to fight it until the update is in place, and beyond. You have been warned - we will leave the game permanently if you go with this. Yes, you heard me, permanently. Becuase remember, the customer is always right. Always.

Anyway, i feel my little rant has gone on for long enough, so here is a list of pros and cons to finish off my opinion about this possible update. I will add more, and i am sure others will too.

1. Don't have to pay 180k + to get a ready pass horse or spend months on end raising one
1. There is no market for pass horses, and selling/aging 30yr+ horses is pointless
2. You can only get a maximum of 10 passes per month + the 'free' one
3. The 10 passes aren't even guaranteed
4. The value of a pass will jump really high in a short period of time and cause havoc in the sales

What do you guys think? default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 12:04:31
Ok let's do a summary of everything here in past few days,,
!!Translations are NOT just from me, but all over the servers, thanks.!!
Hope I didn't forget something. default smiley (h)

For reposting purpose,,

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The changes will be applied on 8.11.2016 (November) > Only on few servers CZ, IT

1) You can earn one pass per 3 days, through loyalty pass player.
How? The daily limit for points achieved (10) will be replaced with maximum of 30.

2) Do not let your old horses die for passes. Keep them, as there will be new Divine horse, which will be achievable only, by sending old horses to heaven.
--If you send to heaven 10 horses, older than 25 years, you'll get new Divine.
(More infor from Ow next week.)

3) New rakings

"Number of horses sent to the heaven this month"
- This ranking will count EVERY HORSE sent to heaven, no matter it's age since 1. of every month.

"Number of old horses sent to heaven this month"
- This ranking will count only horses OLDER than 25 years, sent to heaven since 1. of every month.

"Number of horses sold to Safe Haven this month"
-This ranking will count EVERY horse, no matter it's age, sold to Safe Haven since 1. of every month.

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"By !unsubstantiated! information the Divine will "grow" everytime, you send horse to the heaven."

Perk is still a mystery.

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Based on you feedback we decided to cancel the limited items.
Items from promos will no longer be limited, as well, as items from your inventory. (Not sure here, heh.) Also items given by Divines (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini...) will no longer be limited.
Together with this, there'll be new changes in Item Exchange system:

- Hermes' Wings, Bewitched Pumpkin, Seal of the Apocalypse aren't tradeable anymore
- Magic Hat, Double-Sided Medallion, Ow's Helios' Ray aren't tradeable but without a time limit
- Bonus items (whip, spurs etc) not tradeable but giftable
- Golden Fleece is tradeable

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Celtic cards
Thanks to some card you can win a prize and the other cards can help you finish the puzzle.
Get also the Wild cards! These card will allow you, to choose any card with the same rarity.

You'll get the golden horseshoes, if you'll collect certain number of different cards:
> 3 different cards
> 12 different card
> 33 different card
> 63 different cards
Collect at least 2 golden horseshoes to take part in the prize draw, which will take place at the end of the event, to try and win the divine horse Morrigan.

How to get cards?
First log in in the day. (2 cards per day)
While training your horse. (1 card per day)
Winning with a horse in a competition. (1 card per day)
Flash sales.
Change of the duplicated cards for equus. (1 card per day)
Buying cards. (for passes)

Bronze Joker
This card will alow you to get any bronze card of your choice.
Choose the card, you want to get.

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Celtic horses are Divine horses. Each of them represents one of the Celtic gods. They have the power of divinationm, that allows you to discover 3 ogham* letters each day. Some letters are part of a prediction and some not. Find 5 letters which are part of prediction to win a gift. Then discover a new prediction!

Each of the Celtic horse is immortal, unsellable and unclassifiable.
They cannot:
Being customized
Participate in Grand Prix
Be aged manually
They do not affect the prestige of a EC, where they are boarded
They can participate in a competitions for a normal horses once a day. However they can participate in competition for Divines, Wild horses and Legendary horses as many times, as their energy allows.

*Ogham is an Early Medieval alphabet used to write the early Irish language.

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Morrigan is part of the Celtic Horses. Find 5 Ogham letters of his prediction by using every day his power of divination. Once completed you can win:
- 1 Medusa's Blood
-10 000 Equus
-1 Bell Boots.

You cannot sell this divine
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 12:06:12
Legacy Ann wrote:

Just a note on this "change" for those unaware

I'm from Slovak version (almost same language as Czech language).

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Let me just tell you that players are more than not happy about this. As I stated there, if they will add this update to the game, I will quit. I am paying customer but let me tell you I won't let them destroy my wallet. What are they trying to do is steal one free pass from players every month, that means 12 passes per year. This is their way how to deal with multi-accounts. Oh, and yeah. They also stated their are trying to make game easier for new players. Like excuse me but did they forget that only thanks to us paying customers they are able to eat or even live ? I am really mad and I don't like this game anymore. They changed so many thing that it is not even old Howrse we know. They are trying to make game easier for new players .. but what about all old players ? I honestly think that people from from Owient/Ubisoft have no idea about what this game is or how it works. Since Owlient is part of Ubisoft, this game is dying .. rapidly.

Either they will stop making stupid changes or a lot of players will quit.

And I thought divine horses are supposed to be special and rare. Now they are going to give free divine horse to everyone. Awesome logic, another slap for paying customers. Also I don't know if someone already mentioned it, but this supposed to be that new divine horse :

...Iw ould LOVE to use some words that are blacklisted right now. But I guess Iw ill have to sugarwrap it since its happy happy unicorn land howrse is trying to build (and guess what it isnt working.).

Spoiler for caps. And no.I do NOT care today about the happy happy thing. I am NOT happy today. default smiley (d)
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WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!? Sending horses to heaven above to to get passes is the ONLY way I can keep my VIP INCLUDING play this game. Occasionally have a pass spent on a black market item. Achivement divine? Go ahead and send it out if its that needed,but no.Nonononono.

Do.NOT.touch my pass horses. EVER.
Not cool.Not cool,never will be cool,Stop DESTROYING my gameplay!!
Shishi no Seirei
  • Posted messages: 5,297
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Also another thing: this change,if we as players on preprod have anything to say about it , may be stopped.if you have preprod,PLEASE make your annoyance/disappointment known.I know I will.default smiley (y)
Shishi no Seirei
  • Posted messages: 5,297
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 12:27:12
Shishi no Seirei wrote:

Also another thing: this change,if we as players on preprod have anything to say about it , may be stopped.if you have preprod,PLEASE make your annoyance/disappointment known.I know I will.default smiley (y)

It's tested on CZ, IT server.
On CZ there's 1500 disagreeing comments, just like your.
If Owlient really care about the people opinions, like they say, they won't make this real...
But be honest... when did Owlient cared about people opinions?...
Kušni: They do care...from time to time.I hope this time they will scratch this too.
I hope this isnt a part where we who actually PLAY the game have nothing to say about it.

Unfortunately they only usually ask about "do we do enough of changes" instead of "with changes would make this game better" x.x
Shishi no Seirei
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Does the new change mean you can only have 10 passes on your account at one time?What happens to the extra passes if the change goes into effect?
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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Horse Fan wrote:

Does the new change mean you can only have 10 passes on your account at one time?What happens to the extra passes if the change goes into effect?

No, it's just a change as to how many passes you could gain per month for free. There is no limit to how many passes you can have on your account.
  • Posted messages: 37,444
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 12:52:38
Retired breeder wrote:

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First off i must ask, why? It's the question on everyones mind: what would make howrse - a fun family friendly game that has been entertaining the young and old for many years - suddenly do something that causes so many of their 'loyal players' to revolt? If the aim of this new update is to indeed reward the loyal players, then why doesn't howrse ASK how we would like to be rewarded instead of introducing something most of the howrse community will no doubt be against? If all of their so called 'loyal players' are against the idea which is supposed to reward them in particular, maybe howrse should take notice of this and come up with something better?
As far as i am concerned there is no reason to do an update that doesn't benefit the game players. The real reason for the update is to force people to buy passes, we all know that. The new divine won't take our attention away from the fact that this is completely unacceptable either... like others have said already, this new shiney can't do that. It doesn't blind us. Its another pixel horse to add a collection of other pixel horses, full stop. Our hard earned money is much more important to us than that.
So, dear howrse/owlient, we won't forget this and will continue to fight it until the update is in place, and beyond. You have been warned - we will leave the game permanently if you go with this. Yes, you heard me, permanently. Becuase remember, the customer is always right. Always.

I completely agree with you!
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 13:24:26
Shishi no Seirei wrote:

Also another thing: this change,if we as players on preprod have anything to say about it , may be stopped.if you have preprod,PLEASE make your annoyance/disappointment known.I know I will.default smiley (y)

Nope, they don't care about our opinions. They will add it anyway. They might create topic "We care about your opinions, do you like it or nah ?". But in the end, they will add it anyway.
Pass horses are a way I pay for the VIP....... The update is UNREASONABLE! the New divine and the new rankings and UNREASONABLE! I am against it....
  • Posted messages: 865
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 13:28:27
Shishi no Seirei wrote:

Also another thing: this change,if we as players on preprod have anything to say about it , may be stopped.if you have preprod,PLEASE make your annoyance/disappointment known.I know I will.default smiley (y)

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They know about it. Why do you think Ow from Czech version is quiet about this ? At first he was like "It is great change.", "You will like it.", "It will be easier." WELL maybe fore new players. If they already made new divine horse for this, they are serious about it.
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 13:32:01
cheecko27 wrote:

Pass horses are a way I pay for the VIP....... The update is UNREASONABLE! the New divine and the new rankings and UNREASONABLE! I am against it....

As half of the community around the world, yet Owlient don't care. Small versions like Canadian, Slovak and others might die because I am sure a lot of players will quit after this update. : )
Retired breeder wrote:

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It is just so sad. They are hardly doing this to make it more fair as they claim, they are simply doing it to make people buy passes by taking all the means to play without. I was here when Howrse was in its early days and there were a lot less free things but this was more balanced back then as the game wasn't as competitive. It saddens me that the game I signed up to when I was a young girl has turned into such a money grab.

I defended a lot of this games decisions, but even I feel that they are going too far in their greed. So much for loyalty.

I agree 100%
  • Posted messages: 865
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Elks wrote:

*Grabs popcorn and agrees with 99.9% of comments*

default smiley (lol)

Best comment so far. default smiley (lol)default smiley (lol)default smiley <:o)
  • Posted messages: 5,915
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Every time Owlient changes something, the players cry it's not fair (I know I've been one of them many a time). It's happened that way since the conception of Howrse. Owlient will listen to some things but I doubt they will for this, if they intend to go ahead with it.

It's not like they're taking away the ability for you to earn passes, but replacing the way players do it. Even if they were, under the T&Cs which every player agreed to when signing up, they have the right to change anything.
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Everything can be changed.You have no idea what kind of CS change was prevented on preprod (yes,I will always refer to that one because I was eating popcorn and looking at community RAGING about their idea of "good thing" default smiley (lol) ).
Will always remember that moment.

And since people are raging about this one too-and this change would affect EVERYONE,including people who play this game just for fun and login once in a while to feed and pet horses and maybe enter a comp or 2 for fun- I am expecting not just little storm,but total apocalypse around this changedefault smiley xd

Yes they are serious.They have a divine indeed.But divines can be changed. Just look what happened with Sleiphir (no i cant spell that ...horses name default smiley (lol) ) and I remember another divine...not sure what name it was...was won in a event I think? that was supposed to give you a "large gift" (large gift always include 5th, MA, NYX,the big things) and was later (AFTER the event was done) changed to "you will have a chance on getting a (specific gift here) OR ap points or a ran
People was upset.That was before preprod if my mind is not completely wrong. Or something like that.

while that change was....really mean...I HOPE this isnt one of those mean things. People can hope right? And of course Owlinet knows about this change, they CODE and change the game XD No matter the server they have some kind of communication.

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That divine does indeed seems to be part of the deal,however, it dosent mean it cannot be changed. It says you get it by sending horses to heaven so its kind of...reaper divine? cool. It dosent say however,it gives you any kind of reward for doing it unless I missed some info. Not sure but I believe Zaldias perk was also changed a little bit before official release on real server due to heavy critic toward its perk on preprod.

Yes,try to stay positive that anything can be changed on preprod. Its not going to be easy but there is that one shot we have to take. I know i will as soon I get my hands on preprod.

And from the sound of it,a lot of servers are NOT happy about it with is a good thing!

And IF this change launches...well then Howrse may have to invest in using scripts to pretend they have any players left that play this game activelydefault smiley (lol)

I do hear what you are saying and what you mean toughdefault smiley :) *hugs'
Shishi no Seirei
  • Posted messages: 5,297
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Shishi no Seirei wrote:

EVERYONE,including people who play this game just for fun and login once in a while to feed and pet horses and maybe enter a comp or 2 for fun- I am expecting not just little storm,but total apocalypse around this change

Definitely agree! The entire game will change for everyone.
  • Posted messages: 32,496
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In all honesty I'm not surprised... lengthy post below....

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It does no mean I'm less angry about such a potential change.
I suspect more and more, myself included, spend pass horses to renew the VIP, as well as taking part in some promos, grabbing the odd BM etc. etc.

That means they earn less RL $.
They gave us the teams, and I love the concept, but it was still not enough.

Therefor strike 1 - offering difficult to get mediocre divine, and divine that only offer a gift once a full blue moon, if it occurs on a Sunday.
If they offered too many good divine, it would defeat the purpose - namely to get us to buy passes to fund the game and our gameplay.

Strike 2 - Putting a time limit on BM items that can be won in promos. Purpose to drain the exchange and prevent us from swapping or selling an item for something we want/need.
(Yes they will revoke that part eventually. But they will make it impossible to exchange other items in the process).

Strike 3 - getting rid of the pass horse option, replacing it with some quaint and vague log on bonus concept. So if you miss even 1 day, or do not meet the unnamed criteria, you will not get the 1 pass every 3 days, and thus won't be able to get 10 passes per month. Not to mention the fact that the mini-games do still NOT work on tablets.

They still earn a lot with all the promos, and from the teams, but I suspect not nearly as much as they used to.

The VIP and peg accounts were released as RL gold sinks.
I love the perks I get, but since several use the in game currency to get the perks, they do not earn as much as they could, if we all used RL currency.

The new rankings - couldn't care less about those.
Why would I want to work my behind off aging passhorses, or breeding one foal after the other to just send them all off, hoping to get some badge or trophy?
And feeding a divine passhorse for some mystery perk, that can easily be changed, as it has already been said.... don't make me laugh.

All I can say is each change makes it more and more clear to me, just why I have chosen to use ingame items to fund my game, in stead of using my $ to buy passes.
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On a happy note.. THANK GOODNESS
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that BMI will no longer have time limits! I've had P. Stones, Harmony Packs, Aphrodites Tears, and Hera Packs go to waste since I couldn't sell them. I make my equus on BMI sales and getting rid of the time limit on BMI is such a relief.

I still hate the new pass horse system though.
  • Posted messages: 3,276
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 15:27:52
Shishi no Seirei wrote:

No matter the server they have some kind of communication.

This made my day. default smiley xddefault smiley xd On Slovak version, we are without administrator for more than 1 year. And our support ? They don't even speak in our language. So good, much wow.

So good luck with this. If they change their minds, good job. default smiley (h)

Oh and btw, they won't be testing this on preprod. They will push it on live server.
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