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By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 15:14:37
tamla321 wrote:

Does anybody know what divines are next going to be on sale and when they are going to be on sale and, how much each ome will be, thank you default smiley (l)

Click to display
It's supposedly going to be the Water Divines. If you check a couple pages back, there should be price lists there.
@Starkitty- I guess, after thinking about it for a bit, that it could also become another type of bedding? I wasn't sure if it was in testing or not, but I thought I'd give asking the testers a shot anyway. Thanks!
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Horses can not use sand for bedding.

Another possibility, and most likely use would be for comps. Mist arenas and tracks are made with different kinds of soil with sand added to it for ideal footing.
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By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 16:10:17
Ok, I know this sounds really weird, but what is PETA?

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Are they trying to stop Howrse from killing cattle to get leather? We're still getting cows, right?
@katiedingo- oh, yeah. default smiley :$ Excuse my "blonde moment," lol. I guess when I typed that I was thinking of sawdust? (Which is safe, in most varieties, to my knowledge). I don't know, I gave the weirdest mixups sometimes. Arena footing is a great idea too!

@txchick7- PETA is a RL animal rights activist group sometimes seen as being a bit too extreme- I doubt they'll interfere with Howrse's planned feature implementation default smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 16:43:03
it be cool if the draft horses where breedbale and a actule breed on howrse when they add them on next ec update but most likely they be used for ec and not a actule breed that you can take care of and breed on howrse
Retired breeder wrote:

it be cool if the draft horses where breedbale and a actule breed on howrse when they add them on next ec update but most likely they be used for ec and not a actule breed that you can take care of and breed on howrse

I'm not so sure.... Drafts keep getting pushed farther and farther back, it seems to me if they were just an ec item, they would be released with the cows, not pushed back until the end of the changes.
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By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 17:09:49
Can someone please post Brook's picture
By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 17:14:46
Retired breeder wrote:

Can someone please post Brook's picture

Doesn't have one yet. The one it has is a picture of Ocean.
By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 17:36:47
Retired breeder wrote:

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Are they trying to stop Howrse from killing cattle to get leather? We're still getting cows, right?

Apparently...but they're *pixels*. They *can't* be killed, which is the whole sad thing about this.
Maybe we'll be able to have cows for both leather and meat as a cash crop?
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By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 17:52:34
What I do know about drafts, though they can be used for both English riding and Western (riding a draft is actually fairly difficult in both terms of size and Percherons can defiantly be stubborn) they are used in Pulling competitions.

I understand that getting a new competition into the system is difficult, however, I have to say that adding one to the Western side of the comps would be great, especially for drafts. The pulling comps don't have to be for just drafts as well. Many other breeds have been known to enter in this race as well.

Another good competition for the English side if we wanted to of course balance it out is this comp, is carriage pulling/ racing, this one as well can have a variety of breeds that have excelled in this.

tamla321 wrote:

Does anybody know what divines are next going to be on sale and when they are going to be on sale and, how much each ome will be, thank you default smiley (l)

To answer this:

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The Water divines will be available on the reserved sales during a few days each.
Snow, Mist, Frost: 15 passes
Cascade, Rain: 20 passes
*the newest Water - Dew, will be available to get by other means (currently, this is by reacing level 6 of the Titan's Challenge on Preprod)

ponylover771 wrote:

More questions on the EC changes...
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Does anyone know what the sand/iron/wood products will do? I know we're supposed to be able to build boxes and tack and the like, but I don't see how sand ties into that default smiley (lol)

Sand could be used to make glass for the Greenhouses we can produce is the most logical - or sand paper to file down any sharp corners of our wooden boxes.
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Retired breeder wrote:

Can someone please post Brook's picture

This is the current place holder image and URL

Click to display


Note that he's being called Source as the file name - so it's possible the name might be changed to this as opposed to Brook (though one thing is certain - his name won't be Spring)
I gave the URL in case people want to check every so often to see if we get the new image.

Aoife wrote:

Maybe we'll be able to have cows for both leather and meat as a cash crop?

There would be no point to meat - even as a cash crop (it wouldn't be used for anything, and would just be a waste of data and storage space).

Besides - do you really want to eat the meat of the
Starkitty wrote:

special breed of lizzard-cows, who regularly shed their hide. default smiley :d

Which I feel is possibly the best way to think of the Cows when it comes to the harvest element default smiley ;)
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ShorahNagi:I imagine them more as a fruit that grows on trees default smiley (lol) but from this tree you get a cow instead of a fruitdefault smiley xd
Shishi no Seirei
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Shishi no Seirei wrote:

ShorahNagi:I imagine them more as a fruit that grows on trees default smiley (lol) but from this tree you get a cow instead of a fruitdefault smiley xd

Well - guess that would explain these from awhile back that Ow posted:

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Retired breeder wrote:

Same here! default smiley :d fingers crossed they are a breed

If there is a new breed, they don't annonce it as '(ec) change'...
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By Retired breeder, 30th December 2014 21:23:07
Rynx wrote:

If there is a new breed, they don't annonce it as '(ec) change'...

But drafts are for EC's which is why they would announce it as that.
If the Drafts were a new breed, why would they come out with the EC changes? This sort of leads me to thinking that they will be just used for EC's.
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jlmiller wrote:

If the Drafts were a new breed, why would they come out with the EC changes? This sort of leads me to thinking that they will be just used for EC's.

Personally, I've been thinking that they (drafts) might be like Geyser and Rain. That is, a horse one can care for that offers a benefit for the Center.

Maybe - for example - as mentioned in the Time Line, If you do a Gathering Mission (which will give resources to the Center in addition to skills to your horse) with a Draft, you'll get twice as much of the resource as you would have with a normal horse:

Normal Horse does Gathering Mission - brings back 5x wood for the Center
Draft Horse does Gathering Mission - brings back 10x wood for the Center (as the Draft horse can carry more)
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Thst was my thinking also, and they will probably be very generic, not a specific bred.
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Question about the water Divines:
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If Source and Brook are the same Divines, has anyone tried using brook in the URL instead of Source? I tried using ruisseau (brook in french) and it leads me straight to the prepod link. Don't know if that means its possibly an answer or just an 'error'. Here is the URL if anyone on Prepod wants to mess with it.
T i g r e s s
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Retired breeder wrote:

What I do know about drafts, though they can be used for both English riding and Western (riding a draft is actually fairly difficult in both terms of size and Percherons can defiantly be stubborn) they are used in Pulling competitions.

I understand that getting a new competition into the system is difficult, however, I have to say that adding one to the Western side of the comps would be great, especially for drafts. The pulling comps don't have to be for just drafts as well. Many other breeds have been known to enter in this race as well.

Another good competition for the English side if we wanted to of course balance it out is this comp, is carriage pulling/ racing, this one as well can have a variety of breeds that have excelled in this.

yeah, i agree! Friesians are great carraigr horses. They would excell at that. I can't wait for the draft horses.
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has anyone talked about the change to the usernames yet? personally, I dont like it.
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T i g r e s s wrote:

Question about the water Divines:
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If Source and Brook are the same Divines, has anyone tried using brook in the URL instead of Source? I tried using ruisseau (brook in french) and it leads me straight to the prepod link. Don't know if that means its possibly an answer or just an 'error'. Here is the URL if anyone on Prepod wants to mess with it.

"An error has occurred
The page you have requested doesn't exist!"
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