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By Retired breeder, 29th November 2014 15:10:25
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My tips for Magic Ride default smiley :)

Last year (on my finnish account) i made to Opal, Wild and Greyfell for 30 passes. Believe it or not. I did not bought Elven packs first when they came out. Second time when they bringed them then i started byuing them.

My tips

1. Star collectin keys, not gifts!

2. If you got number wich will let you go to gift ot challenge go for challenge.

3. Dont buy elven packs when they come to black market. Buy them when they pring them pack again.

4. Dont hurry for the Divines. Second time when they will being those packs star buying one each time. Dont hurry with them. Buy them until you are on board 6. If you have like week to finnis last board, i believe you can. If you want to be sure that you get those all then buy few not hundred!

Last year one elven pack gave you: 2 rolls and 1 gift. This year it will be 3 rolls and one gift. So it will be cheaper.

I maybe had luck last year.


jlmiller wrote:

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you will need to buy hippidion in the history pack to get forest horse. I have no problem there...cheapest pack. Tarpan you need to get in one of the packs. The other 2 you win on the divine star board in the magic ride.

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I thought the lucky day pack was the cheapest one? Sorry if I've just misunderstood default smiley (lol)

from past experience, does anyone know if it is possible to buy pass packs with itunes gift cards?
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No problem ShorahNagi, I can't even say how many times I misread things - especially before I've truly woken up default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 29th November 2014 15:17:53
Pack question...
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Anyone know how much the History Pack is?
By Retired breeder, 29th November 2014 15:21:15
Retired breeder wrote:

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Anyone know how much the History Pack is?

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History: 35 USD
Lucky Day: 60 USD
Olympus: 100 USD
Ultimate: 185 USD


History: 30 EURO
Lucky Day: 50 EURO
Olympus: 80 EURO
Ultimate: 150 EURO

By Retired breeder, 29th November 2014 15:22:46
Retired breeder wrote:

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History: 35 USD
Lucky Day: 60 USD
Olympus: 100 USD
Ultimate: 185 USD


History: 30 EURO
Lucky Day: 50 EURO
Olympus: 80 EURO
Ultimate: 150 EURO

Thank youdefault smiley (y)
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I don't understand how the pack prices are going to work as the pass packs normally aren't those prices.
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By Retired breeder, 29th November 2014 15:27:16
jlmiller wrote:

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I don't understand how the pack prices are going to work as the pass packs normally aren't those prices.

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Last year they were 45 and 120, so it doesn't seem too far fetched this year
By Retired breeder, 29th November 2014 15:35:42
jlmiller wrote:

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I don't understand how the pack prices are going to work as the pass packs normally aren't those prices.

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They are expensive but they are worht it. I will now speak with euros, its much easier to me.

History pack is 30 euro.

Hippidion (can give birth to another divine) (20 passes)
20 passes
100 aps (-)
500 000 equus ( 7 passes)

Total value: 47 passes and 100aps

Lucku day is 50 euro

2 mont of VIP (20 passes)
10x Titans Challenge (20 passes)
Treasure Chest ( 10 passes ? )
10 pass

Value: 60 or so

Olympus 85 euros

80 pass
1 000 000 equus ( 13 passes if you trade to passes)
200 ap
One mytholog divine wich you can choose

Value: Lets say that alot. If you choose like Balios it will give valua lot. So more than 100 passes

Ultimate 150 euros

Hippidion (20 passes)
80 passes
300 ap
1 500 000 equus ( 16 passes)
2 mont of VIP (20 passes)
10x Titans Challenge (20 pass)
Treasure Chest: (10 pass or so)
One mytholod divine wich you can choose

Value: 166 + Greyfells and divine wich you choos, their valua

So i think that howrse makes them difrent prises from normaly becouse they have more value?

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Does anybody on prepod know if the packs will be available to buy on the mobile version? Better yet, when they'd be available for purchase?
I'd like to buy one, but I don't know if my parents would let me if they have to use a credit card or paypal..
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tropicanaoj1 wrote:

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I thought the lucky day pack was the cheapest one? Sorry if I've just misunderstood default smiley (lol)

from past experience, does anyone know if it is possible to buy pass packs with itunes gift cards?

No, it wasn't possible then. But there were complaints, so maybe they'll fix it
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Regarding divines...
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Does anyone know what the Forest Horse's bonus(es) will be?
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^I will look. I am on preprod right now^
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For the person who asked about the divine bonus
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Forest horse is part of the prehistoric divines.

Is the son of Hippidion and Tarpan.

Each day he progresses of 1 point in each of his skills in the limit of half the skill total from the best horse of the game for that particular skill.
This horse cannot be sold.
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Anyone know...
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when thever water divines might be on sale? As in part of the month? I just think it would be so busy with the holiday packs, holiday promo and all. And does anyone have a guess at how often hippidion would give her owner a.tears?
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When the*
auto correct
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By Retired breeder, 29th November 2014 16:37:52
jlmiller wrote:

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when thever water divines might be on sale? As in part of the month? I just think it would be so busy with the holiday packs, holiday promo and all. And does anyone have a guess at how often hippidion would give her owner a.tears?

I don't see why water divines would be on sale, there's just so few of them...since a lot of them are offspring
Well. Satkin, if you think about, they have been putting many divines in the sales lately. Solars, wind, chinese, gems, and possibly I am forgetting one.
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By Retired breeder, 29th November 2014 17:58:33
Helloo. Any clues on christmas promos?
Retired breeder wrote:

Helloo. Any clues on christmas promos?

Just look back a few pages.
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Does anyone have the benefits of
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So when is the new update hitting? Am I remembering right in that it was pushed back to mid-December?
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@ equestrienne1979, ok thank you! Hopefully they'll change it and maybe I can buy one then
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How can you get on the prepod
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jush11 wrote:

How can you get on the prepod

you have to be invited or a VIP and one of the first ones to click on the thing that lets you in
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