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well not to give credit but to verify where she got it from to make sure it's true
  • Posted messages: 484
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@satkin there is another way to get balios still or another gemstone divine of some sort.
  • Posted messages: 484
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when you get to level 8 of a titan's challenge there is a big chance that you will either get a divine or a treasure chest
  • Posted messages: 484
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 17:06:31
lukey800 wrote:

@satkin there is another way to get balios still or another gemstone divine of some sort.

Level 8 of TC's? Yeah but I tried that once on test server. (when attempting to get a divine from the GC, tried to get to level 8 as well) I used around 400 passes and never got past level 6.
Is there another way?
By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 17:06:42
lukey800 wrote:

when you get to level 8 of a titan's challenge there is a big chance that you will either get a divine or a treasure chest

Late post on my part
By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 17:28:08
Question, ( regarding the rides )
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what skills do each of the rides give right now? I heard something about Howrse changing it so XC breeds no longer have an advantage?
no i do not think there is another way. it is possible though. unless they bring them back in another promotion. and i just realized that the
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new divines
would have been good in the time travel cards, lol
  • Posted messages: 484
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Retired breeder wrote:

Question, ( regarding the rides )

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forest: dressage, gallop, jumping
mountain: speed, stamina, trot
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 18:12:16
i really hope they put all the water divines in resarve to everybody to like they did with the wilds and planet,wind,gem,and chinease divines if they did i would defentliy get frost and rain ones
By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 18:29:54
What is the next divine for the GC?
Retired breeder wrote:

What is the next divine for the GC?

the next gc should not start before January or so, so nobody can kn ow that default smiley :d
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this game is getting much to hard to play thanks to the new rideing system
Horse Fan
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Question regarding the packs:
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How much will they each be in US dollars?
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125.00 and not sure about the rest
Horse Fan
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125 for which one lol
  • Posted messages: 484
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MadameEquus wrote:

Where are you people getting your pack information?

Check in the site map (link at the bottom of pages) on Preprod - you can find links to the packs *well, at least some of them*
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lukey800 wrote:

when you get to level 8 of a titan's challenge there is a big chance that you will either get a divine or a treasure chest

Or both. Someone recently snagged a ruby plus a TC and it gave her two wilds. lol

I managed level 6 around 5 times and got my Rains at around 80 passes. There's a chance that any of those could have gone up to level 8.
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I got to level 8 twice on preprod with 600 passes used, and got a divine once and just a whole ton of bmi the second time. No treasure chest.
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does anyone think that Gullfaxi, Skinfaxi, or Hrimfaxi will ever be in reserved sales?
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jlmiller wrote:

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does anyone think that Gullfaxi, Skinfaxi, or Hrimfaxi will ever be in reserved sales?

It's possible, considering;

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Howrse did a sale of the Wilds, the Winds, Solars, Gemstones, and Chinese Divines. They might do one of the Mythological set (though I don't know how they would work Balios, Greyfell and Sleipnir due to the different coat options...Maybe they'de have them all and you choose the one(s) you want (like how you could choose your Balios' coat in the Olympus Pack last year if you choose him as your Divine)
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 20:17:53
There are treasure chests in Titan's Challenges. It's usually on level 7, just doesn't appear all the time default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 20:45:29
Anybody know anything about a promo for Christmas? Something different than the GC, really? default smiley (8)
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its taken me exactly 30 passes to get through the first 3 boards of the magic ride. I'm too bored to try the last 3 but seems to be a costly promo default smiley (lol)
I didn't try for any gifts and I didn't wait any time in between rolls.
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Using above strategy it took me 113 to complete and get the big 3 prizes default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 17,189
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Retired breeder wrote:

Anybody know anything about a promo for Christmas? Something different than the GC, really? default smiley (8)

Yes - as a matter of fact

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We are just wrapping up testing of the Magic Ride - a board game like promotion. You roll the die (once every 12 hours to start, but if you land on Challenge spaces, you can do a task to reduce the time between rolls). There are gifts along the way to collect that you can open at a later time (usually around Christmas) as well as Keys. You need to collect the Keys in order to advance through the different boards. IF you can make it to the Final board - you have the chance to win the three Divines that reside there (Greyfell, Hipparion, and Hyracotherium)
  • Posted messages: 52,419
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