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kkeappy wrote:

I am a freshman breeder, what would be my center?

Freshman? I think you'll need a high school for that.

default smiley (lol) bad jokes aside, I think everyone's a little mixed up as to what the rides will boost, so will have to wait and see.
  • Posted messages: 884
  • Karma: 10 points
Horse Fan wrote:

Cause of the new ride changes I will no longer be able to train or show my horses

I think you're over-exaggerating a wee bit....
  • Posted messages: 884
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My EC is for KWPN and other breeds with that skill set. What place should it be in?
  • Posted messages: 8,109
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I believe we'll be able to change locations for the first 30 days, while we figure things out.
  • Posted messages: 15,720
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jlmiller wrote:

My EC is for KWPN and other breeds with that skill set. What place should it be in?

Location really does NOT matter for horse blupping/training purposes, since almost all breeds will require both mountain and forest rides (Curly horses won't and I think Trakes?). Your location will matter for resources produced, which will come with the next round of changes...
  • Posted messages: 15,720
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Oh my gosh... Freshman..
*slaps face*
Jeez, spell check
I mean Friesian
  • Posted messages: 3,536
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kkeappy wrote:

Oh my gosh... Freshman..
*slaps face*
Jeez, spell check
I mean Friesian

Love auto correct default smiley ;).

However, it doesn't matter which you choose, forest or mountain, since your horses will require both types of rides.
  • Posted messages: 15,720
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Sorry i'm not with these new changes it takes twice as long to train and I don't wanna mess up my good qhs,
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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You can still train. You will just have to re-learn it and adjust, just as every. other. player. in the game will have to. default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 884
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Sorry i tried and its not worth it, maybe if someone can write a new system to train qhs but this change is a waste of time
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 00:43:31
When will the next wandering horses promo be?
Retired breeder wrote:

When will the next wandering horses promo be?

we have no idea
  • Posted messages: 1,740
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Retired breeder wrote:

When will the next wandering horses promo be?

Likely never. It's been almost 2 yrs since the last one ended. I got the last wandering horse about 2 weeks after I registered on howrse.
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Horse Fan wrote:

Sorry i tried and its not worth it, maybe if someone can write a new system to train qhs but this change is a waste of time

*shrug* Suit yourself then. Most seem to be pretty ready for it.
  • Posted messages: 884
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Maybe I should quit I can't figure how to blup my qhs after the new change
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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cause how do you get a qh ready for comps with this backwards new system? I would also just train them in dressage and speed and enter them in shows and wait till I got the 20 wins to skill them and do rides to get them bolded now I am not sure if that can be done anymoredefault smiley :@
Horse Fan
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2 rides, 20 wins, and train. So it takes a little longer.
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 02:35:41
Horse Fan wrote:

cause how do you get a qh ready for comps with this backwards new system? I would also just train them in dressage and speed and enter them in shows and wait till I got the 20 wins to skill them and do rides to get them bolded now I am not sure if that can be done anymoredefault smiley :@

Why not just Bold all 6 skills? It is what my team does, and we were doing pretty well in the rankings before everyone got busy with the holidays and such.

Honestly, whats a few MORE skill points going to hurt?
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 02:36:57
I really think they should have just gotten rid of rides all together, and take the skills the rides would have earned and just split them between comps and training....
Retired breeder wrote:

I really think they should have just gotten rid of rides all together, and take the skills the rides would have earned and just split them between comps and training....

yes that would have been so much easier! Though I understand why they might not want it to be so easy, but still, I can dream default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 7,883
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I don't bold in all 6 skills till the horse gets 20 wins as it makes it harder
Horse Fan
  • Posted messages: 9,274
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when are the EC changes coming
  • Posted messages: 1,990
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December and January^
  • Posted messages: 8,109
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Horse Fan wrote:

cause how do you get a qh ready for comps with this backwards new system? I would also just train them in dressage and speed and enter them in shows and wait till I got the 20 wins to skill them and do rides to get them bolded now I am not sure if that can be done anymoredefault smiley :@

I guess that would depend on the GP of the QH in question.

With the horses I breed I have had to change the way I blup as they have increased in GP so having the rides change is just going to be another adjustment to my bluppng method.
  • Posted messages: 879
  • Karma: 10 points
Retired breeder wrote:

Why not just Bold all 6 skills? It is what my team does, and we were doing pretty well in the rankings before everyone got busy with the holidays and such.

Honestly, whats a few MORE skill points going to hurt?

That's my thinking too ^_^ Even now I do 3 types of rides just so I can get the extra skill points - every little bit counts for the General Ranking.
  • Posted messages: 879
  • Karma: 10 points
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