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Ah ok default smiley (lol)

On the test site the competitions were taken into consideration too it seems. So Curlys may only have the one ride type but they have to do two comp types to bold their skills. With the other system XC breeds not only had the one ride type, but they also had just one comp type.
I don't envy the devs for trying to solve this puzzle default smiley xd I do appreciate that they are trying to make things fairer though default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 879
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Neferka wrote:

Ah ok default smiley (lol)

On the test site the competitions were taken into consideration too it seems. So Curlys may only have the one ride type but they have to do two comp types to bold their skills. With the other system XC breeds not only had the one ride type, but they also had just one comp type.
I don't envy the devs for trying to solve this puzzle default smiley xd I do appreciate that they are trying to make things fairer though default smiley :)

On my server I breed elite connemaras so I prefer other one... :P
  • Posted messages: 659
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Oh, and there are breeds, which have 2 rides and 2 comps - for example teneesse walkers (yep, we haven't got westrn yet.)
So, it isn't 100% fair default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 659
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 12:26:07
how can you come at the test version?default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 12:28:38
Why don't we have one of those annoying "Big Challenges"?default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 12:30:04
Release the seasonal horses at reserved sales, they ended long before the water divine .
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 12:54:39
Retired breeder wrote:

Why don't we have one of those annoying "Big Challenges"?default smiley xd

Click to display

Rumor is we won't get one until after the Christmas promo
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 13:00:12
Tho those of you on the test...
Click to display

When does test end?
And are they going to adjust things a bit before it does so things are a bit more balanced from breed to breed?
Do western rides/ECs or Classical rides/ECs have an advantage in any way?
I have a question for those on the test
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is it true that meadow actions are going to be taken away from the game?
  • Posted messages: 27,830
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MadameEquus wrote:

I don't know the exact amount now, but I did do some test blups on preprod.

Current rides, I can get a TB bolded with wins by 7 yrs and 4 months.
"New Rides" it took me until 9 yrs and 2 months to bold the top three skills only, with enough comps for skills and wins.

Both used the same "Quick Blup" schedule, same conditions, shower stall, mashes, etc. That's nearly 2 yrs longer with these new "rides" than with what we have currently. Rookie blups are going to be brutal. default smiley (d)

Whaaat. That's insane. I really hope they adjust it, 10-12 ageings extra per horse?? No thanks. default smiley :( I mean if you just had one of the rides then that would make more sense honestly. Why can't they just make the locations of the centres not have an influence on the training, that all horses have the advantage of a quicker training on the 3 best skills and the slower training on the 3 non best skills or something? I mean the location also matters for the resources, what if you need one resource but you're BLUPing horses that tae advantage of another location in your center.. ?
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phönix wrote:

what if you need one resource but you're BLUPing horses that tae advantage of another location in your center.. ?

you most likely will need all resources anyway.

but with the skills thing I would stay calm for now, since they appear to not yet be nailed down and the resources update can shake things up as well.
  • Posted messages: 53,660
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 14:17:31
When are these training updates coming I'm so confused and I can't find the original post about them.
Neferka wrote:

Click to display
for mountain rides

For forest rides

if this is the case then the Standardbred, Curly, and Peruvian Paso breeds all have an advantage by picking mountain and the Holsteiner breed benefits from forest no other breed benefits from the placement of the EC in an extreme way.
  • Posted messages: 1,740
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Retired breeder wrote:

When are these training updates coming I'm so confused and I can't find the original post about them.

As of today, from the preprod site.

Click to display
Rides are based on where the Equestrian Center is located.

Existing trot, gallop and cross-country rides are replaced with new types of rides:

• forest rides
• mountain rides

Beach rides appear on the right of these two new types of rides rather than below them. When riding on the beach, you can now decide which skill you want to increase and decrease.
However if you don’t make any specific selection, the default setting will add to the highest skill by removing from the lowest.


Forest rides add skill points to:

• dressage
• gallop
• jumping

Mountain rides add skill points to:

• stamina
• speed
• trot

Energy used

Long and short rides no longer exist. Both types of rides (forest and mountain) require the same amount of energy.

• The tutorial tip about short and long rides is removed.

The rides now require a few more hours to be complete, but eat up less energy for each hour worth of ride.

On my tester horses, for blupping purposes, it took a full 12 additional agings (2 yrs) to bold the horse's top three skills (that required speed rides before) with these new rides. And that's using the same conditions and same tricks I use to get max energy usage out of my horse's "day."
  • Posted messages: 15,720
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so what is going to happen to TB with the rides change?
Right now I only need to do short gallop rides and gallop comps, but it seems that will no longer be the case?
  • Posted messages: 7,883
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 15:18:57
Cannot wait for the christmas promo, they're always my favourite default smiley :) default smiley :d default smiley ^)
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 15:30:34
Not just a rumor, Ow posted it herself in the Great Hcallenge topic, though you'll need to go bak quite a few pages to find it in there default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 15:45:01
Retired breeder wrote:

Release the seasonal horses at reserved sales, they ended long before the water divine .
Water divines came first. It was only Rain that just came out.
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 15:53:01
AgentPendergast wrote:

Zany your answer is right in the next post after yours...

I know, I just wanted someone to second it.
tropicanaoj1 wrote:

so what is going to happen to TB with the rides change?
Right now I only need to do short gallop rides and gallop comps, but it seems that will no longer be the case?

All but just a couple breeds (like Curly's) will need to do both sets of rides to bold their top three skills.
  • Posted messages: 15,720
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2014 16:31:18
What is this "test server" that some people talk about? (For example, some say that they know for pretty sure that some changes are gonna happen because they saw it on the test server.) And how do I get to use it, or is it for only best players or something like that? I'd really appreciate if someone answered this, I've been wandering this for about a week default smiley (lol)
Retired breeder wrote:

What is this "test server" that some people talk about? (For example, some say that they know for pretty sure that some changes are gonna happen because they saw it on the test server.) And how do I get to use it, or is it for only best players or something like that? I'd really appreciate if someone answered this, I've been wandering this for about a week default smiley (lol)

You have to be invited to test new features on the test server. You will receive a PM from Ow inviting you. There are a limited number of spots available for VIP members to also access the test server. A VIP member will see a link on the home page of the web site when there are open spots. As soon as those spots fill up, or the VIP takes one of those spots, the link disappears from the home page.
  • Posted messages: 15,720
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The test server is basically a clone of the Howrse site where they test all the new features and games and stuff to work out the kinks and glitches. If I recall correctly, VIP members are asked if they would like to join, but I think there are other ways you can get into it (not for certain).
  • Posted messages: 1,849
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any rumours about what the christmas promo may be?
  • Posted messages: 2,071
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@ equestrienne1979, ok thank you for explaining. That'll be annoying, I really liked the one type of ride one type of comp system that works right now. default smiley :$
  • Posted messages: 7,883
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