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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 03:40:59
Here are the coats I gathered, just posting them all together again since the links broke on the old postsdefault smiley :o

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Gypsy Vanner (adult)
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Gypsy Vanner (foal)
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I believe the last one has been fixed I just haven't updated this(it was missing a mane here)

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Tennessee Walker
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 03:43:25
The breed changing tomorrow
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Should be the Trakehner, they have changed on the French
I feel like the QH/Appy/Paint coat just needs the body shortened. That's the only thing that really gets me with it. default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 07:43:00
What breeds uploaded today
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 08:16:52
Retired breeder wrote:

What breeds uploaded today

By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 08:16:55
Retired breeder wrote:

What breeds uploaded today

The Trakehners
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 08:39:10
I got an PM saying about the new tack.
Sorry for not being able to quote, it won't let me quote a post that includes quotes.

By Neferka, 10th April 2014 00:29:16
[To be fair, you have used the high quality tack in that calculation, that's not the minimum players might need to spend on tacking up.
If you use an EC with a saddler to provide the saddle and bridle then the minimum you need in order too enter a horse in competitions is 500e for the saddle cloth.]

Asfridur's calculation is correct, she used the prices of tack you would use for a blupping horse which of course you would prefer to outfit with the best available store bought tack.
With the changes the EC tack will be of lower value compared to converted M2M tack, no matter how good your EC tack is now. So you either cut down your blupper's chance of winning or you throw away M2M worthy tack.

By Neferka, 10th April 2014 00:29:16
[I'd be curious to know what happens when a horses specialty is switched with these new changes in place... I can see that being an issue, particularly for the VIP perk that allows us to change a horses specialty at any time - now it comes with the cost of potentially losing valuable tack and makes it a lot less of a 'perk' ]

As it looks like now, yes, we will lose the tack if we use the VIP perk of changing speciality. The perk indeed becomes either very expensive with it as you throw saddle, bridle and saddle cloth away with changing your horse, or completely useless for horses wearing normal tack. Poseidon tack is not effected.
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 08:54:08
I am a little concerned about what was discussed earlier in the thread.

Quote from Howrse > Upcoming equipment changes:
- all your horses that have store-bought horseshoes will receive a saddle cloth instead
- horseshoes in your inventory will be bought back from you at the price of 50 Equus each

Would elude to the idea that the tack is not re-usable(like stated previously) other wise why wouldn't they just convert the horseshoes in inventory to Saddle Cloths instead of *just* the horseshoes on horses.

I don't like that idea or possibility, and i hope that is not the case. I mean Why shouldn't tack be interchangeable/re-usable I don't see the point of it not being so ( regardless of all the reasons it should be)

Please Howrse let us be able to keep our Store Bought tack and gear if/when we want to swap it out.
so my 82 m2m's are fine but if I put them on a horse I won't be able to replace it with EC tack?
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Ruffian wrote:

so my 82 m2m's are fine but if I put them on a horse I won't be able to replace it with EC tack?

That's right, M2M tack in your inventory will be converted into the new tack.
And you can replace tack on a horse but you will lose what's on the horse. E.g. wanting to replace a M2M saddle with EC tack makes the M2M saddle vanish. It won't go into your inventory like it used to.
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Heads off to put shoes on horses....
  • Posted messages: 6,243
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Question about Poseidon items: Say by the time the equipment change rolls around and I still have a lone P - Saddle sitting in my inventory with no other Poseidon items. Would I be given a full pack or just compensated in another way?

Ruffian wrote:

Heads off to put shoes on horses....

Just finished rolling through my breeding farms going "tack ALL the horses!" default smiley (lol)
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I don't know where else to put this....

I received the PM earlier about the tack changes.
First of all, I have quite a large amount of M2M tack on my account. Should I tack up the horses I currently have with it and will this enable me to sell the tack at a later date if I suddenly feel like I need more equus?

Or will I be able to leave the tack in my inventory and still be able to sell the tack at a later date?
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 11:04:48
so basically they are changing the very valuble centaur pack into the less valuble poseidon pack
making the poseidon pack less valuble and taking away something valuble
i gave up on the howrse economy a long time ago
hopefully they can figure something else out
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 11:12:39
Does that mean that if we buy the Poseidon's Pack, will it's pass price will go higher?
And... Do we need to buy the Poseidon's Pack to have tack for the horses and you can't find individual saddle cloths, ear bonnets, etc.?
With the upcoming equipment changes please could we have clarification on the following:

If you have seperate poseiden saddles,bridles and shoes how do they merge into a poseiden pack. eg I have twice as many saddles as bridles

Are there now no shoes on horses? What then happens to the farrier in the EC?

Is there a change with saddles and bridles too?

What happens to the atlante and centaur packs that are currently on horses?
  • Posted messages: 655
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i don't know if i like this whole new tack thing... i know people have wanted it for a long time, but i personally think the horses will look a bit strange with tack on them all the time. i mean, in real life, you don't have tack on your horse at all times do you? only when it is being ridden, or led or some other form of work. so when our horses are supposedly in the box or meadow or beaded down, or just not working, they still have tack on them? hmmm not sure about that one.
I think it's great howrse are updating coats, and are listening to the players but this whole new tack thing really doesn't appeal to me. also, as people were saying a few pages back, it is going to be very expensive to BLUP horses now, becuase if you don't have the good tack, you are less likely to win comps right? that's what i was presuming anyway, ptherwise what would be the point of it?
I don't like to moan, as howrse are trying to improve the game, and probably spennt a very long time on this, but i dunno... i guess i'll have to wait and see what it's like
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Does anyone know for sure that tack cant be swapped between horses? Ive got 100s of m2m items on various horses I never compete with any more, but regularly needing to tack new horses to blup.
Would I be better removing the m2m/high end tack of all my horses and distribute them again after the chance? Is it safe sitting in the store? I dont want to loose out on value or flexibility, but there just isnt much information to go on right now..

Also does anyone know exactly when the changes are applied? I dont really have time to sort my tack until Sunday default smiley :s
  • Posted messages: 2,347
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Retired breeder wrote:

so basically they are changing the very valuble centaur pack into the less valuble poseidon pack
making the poseidon pack less valuble and taking away something valuble
i gave up on the howrse economy a long time ago
hopefully they can figure something else out

The P pack will become more valuable than the old C and A pack saddles.

There will be twice as many bonuses with the P Pack so they are doing the opposite to what you think.

To lyndas.

Your individual P items will roll into the highest number of individual P items you have.

For example if you have 3 bridles, two saddles and one horseshoe you get 3 full P Packs.
  • Posted messages: 5,915
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Bothild wrote:

Does anyone know for sure that tack cant be swapped between horses? Ive got 100s of m2m items on various horses I never compete with any more, but regularly needing to tack new horses to blup.
Would I be better removing the m2m/high end tack of all my horses and distribute them again after the chance? Is it safe sitting in the store? I dont want to loose out on value or flexibility, but there just isnt much information to go on right now..

Also does anyone know exactly when the changes are applied? I dont really have time to sort my tack until Sunday default smiley :s

Nothing is going to happen here. The M2M tack will be renamed somewhat but you will not lose what you have in your inventory.

However when further changes come about there will be a lose of tack but that is a separate issue.
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 11:39:07
I just put FK horseshoes that I got fro the lottery on all horses old enough. I did not see anything about m2m's in the message. Should I put them on horses too?
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 11:40:52
And I sold the rest. You can sell them for more now than you will be compesated when they are taken.
Bothild wrote:

Does anyone know for sure that tack cant be swapped between horses? Ive got 100s of m2m items on various horses I never compete with any more, but regularly needing to tack new horses to blup.
Would I be better removing the m2m/high end tack of all my horses and distribute them again after the chance? Is it safe sitting in the store? I dont want to loose out on value or flexibility, but there just isnt much information to go on right now..

Also does anyone know exactly when the changes are applied? I dont really have time to sort my tack until Sunday default smiley :s

According to the test site it is not possible anymore to change tack either on the same horse or swap tack between horses. I mean you can do so, but you will lose the item you want to change. Like wanting to change a former M2M saddle into an EC saddle will make you lose the M2M saddle. Same with bridles, and the new upcoming saddle cloths.
On the test server it looks as if M2M tack in my inventory is converted into the new star rated tack and still in my inventory. To take the M2M tack off is everybody's own decision, all I can say is you won't be able to change it after the change without losing it.
And well, losing value of tack in player's inventory isn't necessarily given but losing flexibility is surely given. Tacking a horse needs quite a few thoughts in the future if you don't want to lose a lot of eq.
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 11:45:54
Retired breeder wrote:

he Wandering Horses come at the Summer again

seriously? how did you know?
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