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By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 02:04:20
The muzzle line on the Curly foal is actually including a line that represents a muscle in the face.
It just so happens that it lines up evenly with its mouth and forming the illusion that it has an irregularly long mouth.
Tomorrow might be the knabs as they have them on the Canadian version now since there is no Trak horse on there XD Just my guess.
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i love these new coats except for vanners
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I can't wait for the Tennessee Walkers! They have got to be my favourites out of all the new coats... default smiley :d
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What is tomorrow?
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Retired breeder wrote:

I feel really worried regarding the tack on Howrse.
I feel like it's going to be super expensive to equip horses...

The idea is cool, but I'm just afraid of this making me go broke.
Oh yes. And, the horseshoes? Seroously? Those are vital in rl, and you see, to be taking on realism...
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By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 03:05:14
I don't see the point in removing horseshoes ... why couldn't they just add the blankets, etc in as well ...

Can anyone enlighten me as to what reasons there would be to just get rid of them?
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 03:06:59
I don't understand the horseshoe removal either... I don't ride often in real life, but when I do, the saddle, bridle and horseshoes are the most important pieces of tack. It really makes no sense to remove horseshoes :/
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 03:07:26
Maybe the horseshoes could be used in another part of the game.default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 03:34:57
I've personally known plenty of horses who are able to be ridden barefoot, including one I owned for over 7 years.

As for the realism, nothing on this game is remotely realistic, so I don't know why players are expecting this one little detail to be.
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 03:36:16
Retired breeder wrote:

I don't see the point in removing horseshoes ... why couldn't they just add the blankets, etc in as well ...

Can anyone enlighten me as to what reasons there would be to just get rid of them?

They did that because there was no way to show the horseshoes on the horses and they wanted all tack to show up.
Retired breeder wrote:

I agree. I love the conformation, and how stocky and thick they look, but Mustangs are pretty well known for having the "untamed" look about their hair. You know, the bushy chin hairs, the whiskers on the muzzle, the pony-looking hair that never seems to just lay perfectly flat and even. Some even have pretty crazy fetlock hair. But I mean obviously how a Mustang looks will vary if you are finding it in the wild, or in a breeder's barn.

For the most part I was able to. even though they are adopted there as always that something about a Mustang that makes them stand out from the rest!

Also, there is the brands on their neck that say i think where they were caught and their age.

Im just unhappy with the unrealistic change for them.
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Changes breeds:
Click to display
Finnish server: Knabstrupper
UK server: Mustang
France server Gaia: Marwari
German server: Marwari

Finnish and UK servers don't have Marwari default smiley ;)
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lelan wrote:

And, the horseshoes? Seroously? Those are vital in rl, and you see, to be taking on realism...

Horseshoes are not vital. I myself have been riding barefoot horses for thirteen years. The only difference is that I can't go for long distance rides or trot on roads. Barefoot is (I my personal opinion) better for the horses in real life.
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By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 04:36:59
Retired breeder wrote:

I don't understand the horseshoe removal either... I don't ride often in real life, but when I do, the saddle, bridle and horseshoes are the most important pieces of tack. It really makes no sense to remove horseshoes :/

I don't completely understand the removal of horseshoes either, however, they're not necessary for a horse. Both of my real horses do not wear shoes, and they have great feet. That said though, there are some horses who need shoes full time or even just at certain times, and many of the horses that are ridden a lot require shoes. In my opinion, they could have made the shoes bonuses, rather than just completely removing them. However, in order to be realistic, Howrse had to add saddle pads along with making the tack visible because they are almost always necessary when a horse wears a saddle (and someone I know rode their horse without a saddle pad once, and they were criticized by the whole entire stable).
Retired breeder wrote:

However, in order to be realistic, Howrse had to add saddle pads along with making the tack visible because they are almost always necessary when a horse wears a saddle

I agree here. Saddle pads/blankets are more necessary than horseshoes to riding (not criticizing any riders who ride with horseshoes).

Retired breeder wrote:

In my opinion, they could have made the shoes bonuses, rather than just completely removing them.

Also agreed. They could be a bonus like the bell boots. If a player wants to spend 5000+e on a set of horseshoes, I say by all means.
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Retired breeder wrote:

I agree. I love the conformation, and how stocky and thick they look, but Mustangs are pretty well known for having the "untamed" look about their hair. You know, the bushy chin hairs, the whiskers on the muzzle, the pony-looking hair that never seems to just lay perfectly flat and even. Some even have pretty crazy fetlock hair. But I mean obviously how a Mustang looks will vary if you are finding it in the wild, or in a breeder's barn.

You make a great point! Have you ever heard of Padre? He's a world famous Mustang stallion. He was born wild in Nevada. He was captured when he was a young stallion and eventually found his way into the heart and home of a dressage rider. He won his first ribbons in dressage after only three weeks of training. Shortly after that, he was shown in hand at Devon. The judges were so impressed by his perfect conformation, manners, and movement that they awarded him top honors. He has an exceptionally calm and confident temperament, too. He became famous specifically because he is perfect in all of his own ways, and completely contrary to what most people envision when they think of a wild born Mustang stallion. If you do a Google search for "Padre Mustang stallion", you'll find photos of him, videos, and places where you can learn more about his full story. He is just one example of a wild born Mustang that does not look or act wild, but in my humble opinion, he is the most beautiful.

If you want to look up a Mustang stallion that does look like and act wild, Google "Picasso Mustang stallion". Picasso has never been captured and never been touched by human hands, but he has been photographed by professional wildlife photographers so many times that he has all but learned to say "cheese" for the camera! Those who have had the honor to photograph him even swear he poses for them. default smiley (lol) He is very famous specifically because he is everything people imagine when they think of a wild born Mustang stallion. He's rugged, spirited, masculine, and swaggers when he moves. So, yes, Mustangs are all about variety! They come in every color a horse can possibly be, every size, and every personality!

The new Mustang graphic is more like Padre than Picasso, but still all Mustang. I'm very pleased that Howrse listened to our feedback and tweaked the image.
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If they are getting rid of the horseshoes and any that are in your inventory when the update happens, will be sold back for 50e. So would it be smarter to sell them now?
Like the FK horseshoes because you would get 218e for it intsead of 50e.
Or would it be smarter to put it on horses you have?
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By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 07:13:07
what coat changed?
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 07:14:11
ᵉᵖʰᵉᵐᵉʳᵃˡ wrote:

If they are getting rid of the horseshoes and any that are in your inventory when the update happens, will be sold back for 50e. So would it be smarter to sell them now?
Like the FK horseshoes because you would get 218e for it intsead of 50e.
Or would it be smarter to put it on horses you have?

Put on as many horses possible , you get the blanket, which you can sell later and I bet yah it's going to be much more expensive than 50 Equus
By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 07:14:31
Retired breeder wrote:

what coat changed?

By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 07:15:51
Retired breeder wrote:

what coat changed?

The Marwari coat has changed
Retired breeder wrote:

I don't see the point in removing horseshoes ... why couldn't they just add the blankets, etc in as well ...

Can anyone enlighten me as to what reasons there would be to just get rid of them?

Retired breeder wrote:

I don't understand the horseshoe removal either... I don't ride often in real life, but when I do, the saddle, bridle and horseshoes are the most important pieces of tack. It really makes no sense to remove horseshoes :/

Now that the horses will wear visible tack, they want to focus on what is most visually appealing on the screen. Horseshoes are important in real life, but most people don't notice them unless they are examining or cleaning the horse's foot. They have even less visual impact on a pixel horse.
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Retired breeder wrote:

I've personally known plenty of horses who are able to be ridden barefoot, including one I owned for over 7 years.

As for the realism, nothing on this game is remotely realistic, so I don't know why players are expecting this one little detail to be.

My last mare had such naturally hard hooves that the farrier recommended removing her shoes and letting her go barefoot. He checked her feet every time he came to the ranch to shoe the other horses, and always admired her naturally perfect hooves. She never wore shoes again for as long as I had her and her next owner agreed to leave her barefoot after discussing it with her farrier, too.

Yeah, it's hard to consider this game realistic when splashing blood on a horse's back causes it to suddenly sprout giant bird wings, and giving it a pretty crystal makes it immortal. default smiley :p
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By Retired breeder, 11th April 2014 08:09:55
Does anyone know what breed will change on the US server?
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