[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Here is what will happen later but not right now...just a coming soon.

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  • Posted messages: 5,915
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 12:03:50
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Knabstruppers should be tomorrow, they changed today on the UK howrse
Retired breeder wrote:

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Knabstruppers should be tomorrow, they changed today on the UK howrse

Maybe not. Because UK Howrse don't have Trakehner so they changed other breed.
  • Posted messages: 95
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Anyone else sat here going "those ear bonnets look disgusting, not putting one on my horse" or is it just me. And what's up with getting rid of Atlante and Centaur packs for Posiden's? I know it's with the whole "we're putting tack on horses even though we said for the past 4 years that we would never do that" but can't we just chose not to see the tack on horses and keep the now retired Atlante stuff?
ezzey wezzy
  • Posted messages: 856
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ezzey wezzy you are surely not the only one. default smiley ;)
But you will be able to turn visible tack off if you don't want to see it. There will be a check box under 'My account'.
  • Posted messages: 670
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 14:11:24
I have a question - is tack just not going to be visible for the horses with golden/diamond apples? And how do saddle pads and saddles fit around pegasus wings?
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 14:12:19
I have FG horseshoes
x 117

And 27 other ones, why would I get money for them instead of the blankets? I mean I don't have enough horses to put them on to get the blanket!
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 14:12:48
Retired breeder wrote:

I have a question - is tack just not going to be visible for the horses with golden/diamond apples? And how do saddle pads and saddles fit around pegasus wings?

They probably won't... I was worried about that too.
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 14:18:20
I got this message today when I got on:

Hello mckeefamily4w,

In a few days, new types of equipment will be added to the game: saddle blankets, polo wraps and ear bonnets!

In order to add these new types of equipment, all the existing types of Horseshoes as well as the Atalante and Centaur Packs will be removed from the game. Additionally, all the equipment parts contained in the Poseidon's Pack will no longer be available outside this pack.
This means that:

- all your horses that have store-bought horseshoes will receive a saddle cloth instead
- all your horses that have at least one equipment item from the Black Market will receive a full Poseidon's Pack
- horseshoes in your inventory will be bought back from you at the price of 50 Equus each
- Atalante and Centaur Packs will become Poseidon's Packs
- Poseidon items in your inventory will be merged into Poseidon's Packs

These changes could take a few hours to complete. We apologize for the inconvenience this could cause during the transition period.

Have fun,
The Howrse Team

What does it mean? and What about the black market Items?
Pega wrote:

Asfridur's calculation is correct, she used the prices of tack you would use for a blupping horse which of course you would prefer to outfit with the best available store bought tack. With the changes the EC tack will be of lower value compared to converted M2M tack, no matter how good your EC tack is now. So you either cut down your blupper's chance of winning or you throw away M2M worthy tack.

Based on screen-caps someone posted in here previously I believe the difference between EC tack and the best quality store bought tack will be 1 bonus point per skill. I think that extra 1 point becomes irrelevant considering the range of GPs people blup at on this server and the various bonus's your blupper's competitors might be carrying.
I don't know about you but I generally don't give my blupper's bonus packs, GAs and what ever else, so that 1 point makes no difference to me at all.

Retired breeder wrote:

What does it mean? and What about the black market Items?

By Black Market items they mean loose pieces of Posiedon's tack or Centaur/Atalante tack. For instance, if you have a horse with Poseidon's Horseshoes it will be given a whole Poseidon's Pack default smiley (y)
Any loose items you have in your inventory will also be turned into Complete Poseidon's Packs.
  • Posted messages: 879
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 15:05:14
From what i read, it will be best to equip a poseidon tack so the horse recieves a full pack
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 15:17:16
Retired breeder wrote:

I got this message today when I got on:

Hello mckeefamily4w,

In a few days, new types of equipment will be added to the game: saddle blankets, polo wraps and ear bonnets!

In order to add these new types of equipment, all the existing types of Horseshoes as well as the Atalante and Centaur Packs will be removed from the game. Additionally, all the equipment parts contained in the Poseidon's Pack will no longer be available outside this pack.
This means that:

- all your horses that have store-bought horseshoes will receive a saddle cloth instead
- all your horses that have at least one equipment item from the Black Market will receive a full Poseidon's Pack
- horseshoes in your inventory will be bought back from you at the price of 50 Equus each
- Atalante and Centaur Packs will become Poseidon's Packs
- Poseidon items in your inventory will be merged into Poseidon's Packs

These changes could take a few hours to complete. We apologize for the inconvenience this could cause during the transition period.

Have fun,
The Howrse Team

What does it mean? and What about the black market Items?

It shud be in a spolerdefault smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 15:23:55
Does anyone have a working picture of the Gypsy Vanner coats? I havent had a chance to see them yet because the images aren't working. If anyone could show me, that would be super appreciated! Im sure Im not the only one who hasnt seen them yet default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 15:36:25
I love these new coats! Thank you Ow!
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 16:35:57
After the parade, you get all the unused tack in it in your inventory
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 16:46:39
How are they planning on putting a saddle on a pegasus?
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Gypsy Vanner (adult)
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Gypsy Vanner (foal)
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I believe the last one has been fixed I just haven't updated this(it was missing a mane here)

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Tennessee Walker
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Can't wait for the Tennessee walkers!!default smiley :d
  • Posted messages: 655
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So now, in light of the tack changes...if I want to switch a horse from Western to Classic (or vice-versa)...I'm going to have to put a Poseidon Pack on it, or lose my tack?

Because I don't know about the rest of you...but I'm not willing to put that much equus/passes into a measly blup. Annnd that puts a major dent in specialty-switching as a perk. It's no longer going to qualify as a perk. They may want to rethink that.

They could make it to where if you have that perk...there is no loss of tack...which would in turn make it a more valuable perk.

I'm not against the tack changes...just the part where you lose tack if you remove it. I don't have to buy a saddle every time I take it off my real life horse, why should this be different?

I realize it is a game...but they generally promote this type of change as making the game experience "more realistic". In this case, it's not.
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 17:23:41
Shados, Ow answered that on the "Upcoming equipment changes" topic, page two.
Thanks, Nerei. Good to know they plan to fix that. default smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 17:45:09
I was looking at some of the best horses entered in the parade, and I came across a type of horse I haven't seen before. The horses in the parade are all breeds in the game, right? Is it a new breed?

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The horse's name was Rocky, entered by TheSky'stheLimit. He's on the parade page, under the tab Best Horses, towards the bottom.
Retired breeder wrote:

I was looking at some of the best horses entered in the parade, and I came across a type of horse I haven't seen before. The horses in the parade are all breeds in the game, right? Is it a new breed?

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The horse's name was Rocky, entered by TheSky'stheLimit. He's on the parade page, under the tab Best Horses, towards the bottom.

He is a Connemara.
Frank Iero 击
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By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 17:55:08
Thanks! That was really confusing me.
By Retired breeder, 10th April 2014 17:56:04
ezzey wezzy wrote:

Anyone else sat here going "those ear bonnets look disgusting, not putting one on my horse" or is it just me. And what's up with getting rid of Atlante and Centaur packs for Posiden's? I know it's with the whole "we're putting tack on horses even though we said for the past 4 years that we would never do that" but can't we just chose not to see the tack on horses and keep the now retired Atlante stuff?

I hear ya! I think the same thing.
has the change happened yet??default smiley ;)
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