[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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All other issues aside.....the QH/Paints/Appys have normal noses now! default smiley (y)
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I just want to say that I LOVE the new coats! default smiley (l)default smiley (l)
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By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 17:15:26
Any one else having an issue with the liver chestnut coat of the stock breeds? One of my Argentinian mares doesn't have a forelock...
By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 17:19:08
quick question, since the horse coats are being changed, are they going to change the trophy images too??? default smiley :d
Retired breeder wrote:

Any one else having an issue with the liver chestnut coat of the stock breeds? One of my Argentinian mares doesn't have a forelock...

Same with mine, seems my Criollo forgot his forelock somewhere XD
The Royal Mirage
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Retired breeder wrote:

quick question, since the horse coats are being changed, are they going to change the trophy images too??? default smiley :d

of the ones that have been changed so far, the trophies that have already been gained haven't changed, but if someone gains the trophy after the changes, mabe it will i'm not quite sure
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No I just got the lustino one I think and image is samedefault smiley ;)
It will likely change after all breeds have changed default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 18:47:10
Does anyone remember the Sweet Shop promo? I do! It was a long time back, but it was really fun...think they'll ever do it again?
So I have to wait until summer to have the new Wanderings? default smiley :(
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Does anyone know what coats will be changed tommorrow?
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By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 19:00:53
astra_ wrote:

Does anyone know what coats will be changed tommorrow?
Yeah what coat is tomorrow??? I hope it is the Marwari♥
Anyone know when next card promo is out? I really wanna do the cards again default smiley (l)
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Velvette wrote:

Anyone know when next card promo is out? I really wanna do the cards again default smiley (l)

No one would this except the Howrse Admins.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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Sorry, missed a word.

No one would know this except Howrse Admin.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 19:22:07
Can't stand the new QH's. My Cremello QH mare doesnt even look cremello...she looks like a very light palomino...I'm glad they fixed the neck, but they should of fixed the body as well. default smiley (n)
By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 19:42:51
Retired breeder wrote:

Any one else having an issue with the liver chestnut coat of the stock breeds? One of my Argentinian mares doesn't have a forelock...

I have a liver chestnut QH that is having the same issue...
I really like the stock horses. I mean, sure, they are a little off, but they are still alot closer to a real stock horse than the old graphics. I just spent over 200k buying stock horses and Knabbs, because I have always wanted to breed them, but never liked the graphics.
Anyways, I took a picture of a Stock horse from the game, and a Quarter Horse stallion I liked, and compared them.

The red lines mark off the parts of the horses, and as you can see, the real one is better proportioned, with the pixel being a little long in the back. The circles are what I would change. The legs looks wrong, you'll never see a conformationally sound horse like that. I would prefer a thicker neck when tying into the chest, and the barrel/loin should be a bit lower as well. Over all, I really approve of them.

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By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 20:25:07
Does anyone have pictures of the remade Vanner coats? I'm a Vanner breeder so I'm desperate to find out what my darlings will look like. Thanks!
By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 20:26:03
Hi there ~

I've read the posts on the last 20 pages and haven't seen something about dokney coats .. Would they become new ccoats, too ? Because ... the old ones are "not beautiful" and aren't even completly transparent (for example at the tail). And it would be sad, if every horse gets a new coat exept the donkeys ..

Morgen ~
By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 20:27:32
Oh noo ! I've forgotten the spoiler !! Nooo )-:
By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 20:29:43
Retired breeder wrote:

Hi there ~

I've read the posts on the last 20 pages and haven't seen something about dokney coats .. Would they become new ccoats, too ? Because ... the old ones are "not beautiful" and aren't even completly transparent (for example at the tail). And it would be sad, if every horse gets a new coat exept the donkeys ..

Morgen ~

As far as we know, no the donkeys will not be getting new coats. It's too bad though, they really need them.
The Donkey's have never been updated, and it doesn't appear they ever will be.
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By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 20:33:58
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone have pictures of the remade Vanner coats? I'm a Vanner breeder so I'm desperate to find out what my darlings will look like. Thanks!

Here are all of the new Vanner coats
Click to display
By Retired breeder, 9th April 2014 20:42:39
Retired breeder wrote:

Any one else having an issue with the liver chestnut coat of the stock breeds? One of my Argentinian mares doesn't have a forelock...

ya, me too...default smiley :$default smiley :$
The tack change is going to be one interesting change.
I can totally understand why your all taking about the coats right now. Some make me cringe and a few I like.

How ever tack change.... please read the spoiler and post yout thoughts on this. It's important. Please use spoilers as this change is still a work in progress.

As some of you may know the tack feature is currently being tested, but there are some issues.

Click to display

Currently we cannot reuse any tack items.
If we change skills, all tack items are removed and lost. They do not get added to your inventory.
If you decide to switch a tack item for another, the first item is lost and will NOT be added to your inventory.

What this basically means is that ALL items can only be used once.
Once it is put on a horse, it stays for good. You cannot swap any items without loosing the previous tack.

This will have a major impact on the game. It will become very expensive to train a horse now.

Assuming that the prices per item are set (prices are from the test site), it will cost the average player quite a lot to tack up a horse, even if their using low star blankets, polo wraps and bonnets.

Classic comper
3 star bridel - 4.701
3 star saddle - 4.202
1 star blanket - 500
1 star polo wrap - 500
1 star bonnet - 500

total - 10.403e

Western comper
3 star bridel - 4.622
3 star saddel - 4.685
1 star blanket - 500
1 star polo wrap - 500
1 star bonnet - 500

total - 10.807e

If we then switch specialty we will have to buy another saddle and bridle.

We have been waiting for a reply to the above. But the test ends April 15th and we still do not have a reply from the admins.
I'm getting increasingly worried that Howrse will go ahead and make all tack items non reusable. I have posted my worries there, and several have posted that items should be reusable, but so far the post I have created there has just been labeled as a Suggestion - that in my book indicated that it may be changed in the future, but not on the tack feature they plan to implement to the game.
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