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By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 18:54:38
Retired breeder wrote:

Have you seen this? default smiley :d
Click to display

Sorry. Obsessed with these colors.

Whoa. Those are so pretty! It makes me want to breed those!!
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 18:56:53
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Was that really necessary?
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 19:26:03
Okay, so I've seen a lot of negative comments on the new coats but I have also seen some positive ones. I personally think the new coats are a huge improvement over the old ones. They are much more realistic. Yes, there are some new coats that I am not very fond of, such as the Gypsy Vanner and the Shetland, but I don't think they are horrible. They're just not as good as some of the others. I am extremely happy with the new Tennessee Walker coats. I think they better portray the breed than the old coat did. In my opinion the old TW coat was very dull. It didn't really look like a Tennessee Walker.

Click to display
Old TW Coat

Real TW

New TW Coat

See what I mean?

I also think the QH/Paint/Appaloosa coat is a great improvement. The old ones were almost too stocky to me and I always thought their heads were a little too short. This always disappointed me because I love the Paint breed and always had wanted to breed Paints, I just disliked the coats. They were very unrealistic to me. After awhile I decided to breed Paints but mostly all of my Paints would receive GA coats. I think the new coat is a big improvement over the old one.

Click to display
Old QH Coat

Real QH

New QH Coat

There are a few things I would change about some of the new coats but for the most part I think they better portray the horses' breeds and am very happy with them. This is all just my opinion and I realize not everyone will think the same as I do. I just don't think that anyone should hammer the artists into the ground just because they may not think the new breeds are very good.
Retired breeder wrote:

I love the new Tennessee but it looks like 2 things, 1 it looks like it is posing, 2 it kinda looks like it is using the restroom default smiley :p

That is how TW look in real life default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 171
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By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 20:13:16
I never was very fond of the old paint coats, I like the new ones a lot better.
Does anyone know what the Newfoundland pony coats will look like? default smiley 8-)
Skarlet Angel
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By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 20:31:56
Can someone post ALL of the coats that have been redone as of yet, along with a list of breeds that have not been completed as of yet? Thank you so much!
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 20:57:07
Retired breeder wrote:

Have you seen this? default smiley :d
Click to display

Sorry. Obsessed with these colors.

Those are probably my favorite colors too! I have a Palimino Akhal-teke like the second one. she is gorgeous. I love the new coats. They make me want to breed all of the breeds I tried to avoid some breeds 'cause they weren't to pretty these are perfectdefault smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 21:13:17
Skarlet Angel wrote:

Does anyone know what the Newfoundland pony coats will look like? default smiley 8-)

If you go back a few pages (okay, maybe more than a FEW pages default smiley :p) you'll be sure to see it.
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 21:19:09
Hey. Anyone know when the Appaloosa coats will come out??? Thanks!!
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 21:23:19
Oh, and will the Knabstrupper horses change? Because they are just the most beautiful horses on the game! They are perfect- they already look updated! They don't have any errors or anything!
Now if only the other horses kinda resembled them......
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 21:25:44
Retired breeder wrote:

Oh, and will the Knabstrupper horses change? Because they are just the most beautiful horses on the game! They are perfect- they already look updated! They don't have any errors or anything!
Now if only the other horses kinda resembled them......

Yes, the knabstrupper is changing its coat. And to answer your earlier question. No one knows for suredefault smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 21:26:38
First answer- Do you know where I can see what they would look like?
Second Answer- Okie dokie. Thanks!!
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 21:28:39
Click to display
dreamwalker wrote:

KnabstrupperClick to display
Does anyone know are Hackney's getting their own coat??
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By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 21:35:03
To be honest, I like the ones we have now better than those. But those are pretty and nice. But I wish we could still keep the old ones. They are just so darn cute!!
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 21:43:25
The old warmbloods looked like their eyes were popping out. I will have to breed curies nowdefault smiley :p
What is today's new coat for? Can't seem to figure it out..
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By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 21:57:57
Okay, so I hope I am not the only one, but I think the Thouroughbred coat (don't judge) is absolutely < not appropriate >. The eyes are to small and the body looks stiff and lifeless. Does anybody else agree? I hope, becuase of all these new coats I am seeing, the Thouroughbred changed also.
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 21:58:26
ʀoo wrote:

What is today's new coat for? Can't seem to figure it out..

I THINK the Shetlands..... But im not too sure
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 22:01:35
Actually, so far, the Throughbreed are my favorite!!! They actually look really nice.
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 22:02:03
*****Thouroughbred****** Sorry
*sighs* I feel old. Most of the complaints are similar to when the V1 coats changed. I miss the V1's in a way but I welcome any updates. It proves that Owlient is trying to improve things for us, and I admire them for listening to the more sensible criticism offered by others. To those complaining, please stop, they're trying their hardest. Don't forget that this is a mostly free game community and that unlike others, we don't necessarily have to pay monthly with real money. Even so, I miss the v1 coats ( I adored the wind-swept white welsh ponies in particular) but I' don't complain and I 'm more than happy to move ondefault smiley :)
Amber q
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By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 22:07:16
Amber q wrote:

*sighs* I feel old. Most of the complaints are similar to when the V1 coats changed. I miss the V1's in a way but I welcome any updates. It proves that Owlient is trying to improve things for us, and I admire them for listening to the more sensible criticism offered by others. To those complaining, please stop, they're trying their hardest. Don't forget that this is a mostly free game community and that unlike others, we don't necessarily have to pay monthly with real money. Even so, I miss the v1 coats ( I adored the wind-swept white welsh ponies in particular) but I' don't complain and I 'm more than happy to move ondefault smiley :)

Agreed default smiley (y). They do meed to stop and realize how hard the people worked to create these!
By Retired breeder, 8th April 2014 22:09:20

This is what I like. That Knabstrupper. If the image diesnt show up on here, just go to the link. Sorry
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