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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 19:07:17
Why aren't the Fjord coats changing?
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posted by ~Freedom~ a while back: I can't speak for the manes and tails, but the reason they don't have a lot of feathers is because of the new changes where tack will be visible on the horses. They needed room for the leg wraps and feathers would graphically get in the way of that. This goes for the Freisians as well.

I think that Howrse has 2 options.
A) they keep the current coats (the body style and shape as well as the mane and tail style) and simply reduce the feathering so the polo wraps will fit properly when they are placed on our horses in the future
B) they keep the friesian and gypsy vanner coats all the same including the feathering and then once the polo wraps are put on, the feathering will disappear.
I think that these are both very good options. The new designs for thos two breeds just look so unnatural! Nothing like the breeds in real life...
Gold And Silver
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Retired breeder wrote:

Why aren't the Fjord coats changing?

The shading and hind leg conformation for the Fjords has changed, it's not very noticeable (like with the Arabians), but still very much there. I guess the tack fit the original image well enough already ^^
The Royal Mirage
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 19:14:22
is it just me or dose the neck look thinner?
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Retired breeder wrote:

is it just me or dose the neck look thinner?
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Yup, the blanket spotted is definitely thinner! Looks way better!
The Royal Mirage
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 19:18:15
is it just me or is the mustang neck thinner?
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 19:18:41
opps I wrote that twice default smiley :$ default smiley (lol)
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 19:21:14
the shetlands don't look that bad in the other coats some of them are actually pretty cutedefault smiley (l)
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 19:22:44
some of the gypsy coats sort of look strange
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For the Gypsies, it's just the chestnut and palomino manes that look odd to me - they kinda blend in with the coat colour, LOVE that flaxen liver chestnut though <333
The Royal Mirage
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In my opinion the new Friesian coats are the worst. It doesn't even look like a Friesian, even if you don't take feathering (or lack of) into account. It looks grey instead of black (or even faded black) for goodness sake. I'm still the most upset over the Newfies.

I'm sure someone has asked already, but I can't find it, what happens to horses with the DA coat?
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 19:27:18
Retired breeder wrote:

is it just me or is the mustang neck thinner?Click to displayvs.

The top one does look like it has a thinner neck espcially at the top which makes it looked a *little* better so I'm hoping this is a clue that howrse is possible still working on the coats?

I really really hope so!

also I don't see much difference in the Arabians other than the leg, I mean there is a sliiight difference but not for the worst, epically given the Extreme change to other breeds... not much to complain about IMO.
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 19:29:10
Gold And Silver wrote:

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posted by ~Freedom~ a while back: I can't speak for the manes and tails, but the reason they don't have a lot of feathers is because of the new changes where tack will be visible on the horses. They needed room for the leg wraps and feathers would graphically get in the way of that. This goes for the Freisians as well.

I think that Howrse has 2 options.
A) they keep the current coats (the body style and shape as well as the mane and tail style) and simply reduce the feathering so the polo wraps will fit properly when they are placed on our horses in the future
B) they keep the friesian and gypsy vanner coats all the same including the feathering and then once the polo wraps are put on, the feathering will disappear.
I think that these are both very good options. The new designs for thos two breeds just look so unnatural! Nothing like the breeds in real life...

Agreed!!! default smiley (y)

Rymskynx - my DA coats for the breeds that have already changed have stayed the same, on the old coats, so I'm guessing they aren't going to change
The Royal Mirage
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Thanks The Royal Mirage, I hope that's the case.
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I've been told that Diamond Apple coats won't be changing - if that was the case, I'd be off this game in a heartbeat. ^^
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 19:36:41
if anyone wants to see a different coat color for a breed, try this.
The color code is the last bit before the .png (cremello - cml, black = nr, roan = rn, etc)
URL for Roan TB: http://gaia.preprod.equideow.com/media/equideo/image/chevauxv4/adulte/thoroughbred/normal/300/rn.png?8
URL for Black TB:

Just thought some of you might want to see diff colors.

(found this on the US spoiler topic)

Hnn, the roaning looks a bit off :s Roaning is supposed to intersperse gray hairs with the main colour on the body, but leave the points and head more or less fully coloured. With the graying on the TB's legs and face, it just looks a bit awkward ^^' Not saying I don't love the new TB look, it's just the coloration that looks off.

Proper roaning (sorry for poor quality picture):

or another bay roan:
The Royal Mirage
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 19:45:12
lelan wrote:

I was reading about the mustang coats and they were talking about the old one looking weird. Well...Click to displayThe joint is unatrually bent backwards, producing the effect that it has a large rear something like that. In truth, if you really look close you will see that the unatrual bending of the joint is the only thing 'wrong.

To me, the chest is also unnatural. The whole horse is crooked. I'm not a fan of either the current coat or the new coat but I would prefer the new one over the current one any day, sorry. But if they can bring back the coat they had when they were first released, that would be amazing.

This, to me, screams Mustang. All they need to do is freshen it up a little.

By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 19:50:14
Retired breeder wrote:

Why aren't the Fjord coats changing?

They don't look like they've changed, but as a Fjord breeder, I can spot the changes. The back legs on the Fjords were fixed, especially where the hock is on the 'hidden' back leg. Before it was chopped, now it actually looks like there's a foot there.
Retired breeder wrote:

is it just me or dose the neck look thinner?
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That's great! It's a good improvement. default smiley (y)
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Hmm, I just noticed something...

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New Ahkal-Teke

Now look at my Chincoteague wild.
Anything seem a bit... familiar? Or is it just me?

I would have posted an image of the chincoteagu, but it has "too many repititions of the same characters"
ezzey wezzy
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Can anyone post a pic of the new chincos?
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And how does wings and saddles work?
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I'm not being mean or anything but I have a patter dale dog ... And if I look at her from the right angle she looks like the new quarter pony default smiley (lol)
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