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Gold And Silver wrote:

can someone please post a full post of all the potential new coats? i havent seen the quarter horse one or any of the potential appaloosa coats yet.

Here are some of the new coats default smiley :-))

Arabian Horse
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mustang I think.. Really hoping it will be changed...
Click to display

Gypsy Vanner
Click to display

Shetlanddefault smiley :(
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Quarter horses
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Purebred Spanish Horse 
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Click to display

Highland Pony (next breed reliced)
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Morgan /trotters
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Click to display

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Newfoundland pony
Click to display
  • Posted messages: 4,292
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Retired breeder wrote:

Arabs look too cartoony now. They looked waaaay more realistic before. It bothers me

The new Arabs are almost exactly the same as the old Arabs?

New Arab
Old Arab

The only thing that looks cartoony to me is the mane and tail, and this was already something that the old Arab was guilty of as well.
The Royal Mirage
  • Posted messages: 9,393
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@Svengali thanks so much!
Gold And Silver
  • Posted messages: 2,259
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 17:15:38
Thanks for the spoilers!
The Akhalteke are beautifuldefault smiley (7)default smiley (7)default smiley (7)
Svengali - the Quarter horses have actually been updated after all the feedback Howrse received

Click to display

Old New
The neck and barrel of the new one are thicker, with a more alert facial expression default smiley :)
The Royal Mirage
  • Posted messages: 9,393
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Wow, the improved new QH/Paint/Appaloosa one looks great! I do hope they work on the Gypsy a bit, but overall, I really like the new coats. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 224
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What happened to the poor mustang? It looks like it has a brutal case of strangles.
Yukon Maiden
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 17:45:03
I actualy prefer the new coats. They are more realistic, not that cartoon like they used to be. Especially I'm 100% for the change of shetland.
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 17:48:26
I really like the Newfoundland Ponies, I'm definitely going to start breeding them. I also like the new Akhal-Tekes, Brumbies, and Welsh. Yes, the mustang looks awful, but you guys should at least be respectful of the artist, I know for a fact that they're a lot better at drawing horses than I am, and I would be sad if people were posting mean stuff about my art. Try finding the good in the horses instead of all the bad. default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 17:59:37
Retired breeder wrote:

I really like the Newfoundland Ponies, I'm definitely going to start breeding them. I also like the new Akhal-Tekes, Brumbies, and Welsh. Yes, the mustang looks awful, but you guys should at least be respectful of the artist, I know for a fact that they're a lot better at drawing horses than I am, and I would be sad if people were posting mean stuff about my art. Try finding the good in the horses instead of all the bad. default smiley ;)

I would be worried if a professional artist couldn't take a little honest critique. default smiley :o Some of the coats (like the paints before they got changed and gypsy vanner coat as it is at the moment) don't quite reflect the breed they are supposed to. There is nothing wrong with pointing that out while we still can.
I love the new coats. And I have to say its rather funny how many people say they hate them, but when horse updates in the future they'll all have a fit again because they've grown to like the coats. Happens every time they update.default smiley xd
It does get rather annoying to hear all the rants and whining though though default smiley (o)
  • Posted messages: 5,523
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The Royal Mirage wrote:

Svengali - the Quarter horses have actually been updated after all the feedback Howrse received

Click to display

Old New
The neck and barrel of the new one are thicker, with a more alert facial expression default smiley :)

That's great news! default smiley :d It is definitely an improvement. default smiley (y)
  • Posted messages: 3,297
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I think the new Newfoundland pony looks awful. I'm so disappointed... default smiley :sdefault smiley :'(
  • Posted messages: 658
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 18:27:08
Okay, i know this isn't really nice but i am FURIOUS right now! I just got over how dumb the old Shetland ponies looked and started breeding them, and now they are going to look even MORE hideous! I'm sorry, but i have three Shetland Ponies in real life, and they look NOTHING like that! They are FUZZY for goodness sakes!default smiley :k
The Royal Mirage wrote:

Svengali - the Quarter horses have actually been updated after all the feedback Howrse received

Click to display

Old New
The neck and barrel of the new one are thicker, with a more alert facial expression default smiley :)

I know , I've had that list for a while and forgot to update it , I first posted on page 80 I think default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 18:34:11
Does anyone know if the donkey coats will be changed?
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 18:35:36
I love the newest Quarter Horse coats, they look awesome and much more alert! default smiley (y) default smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 18:35:55
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know if the donkey coats will be changed?

I don't believe they will be default smiley ;)
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 18:36:19
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know if the donkey coats will be changed?

They won't change
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 18:36:45
Retired breeder wrote:

Okay, i know this isn't really nice but i am FURIOUS right now! I just got over how dumb the old Shetland ponies looked and started breeding them, and now they are going to look even MORE hideous! I'm sorry, but i have three Shetland Ponies in real life, and they look NOTHING like that! They are FUZZY for goodness sakes!default smiley :k

Calm down; the old Shetland Ponies looked too cartoony to me, but I love the new ones. default smiley (y) default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 18:43:45
There were several horse breeds that I deliberately never used (quarter horse I'm looking at you) simply because I hated the coat so much. So seeing some of the changes is quite nice! I do feel like the breeds could have used a little more distinction from each other, for example the previous thoroughbred you KNEW was a thoroughbred (or something equally fast and skinny) but now it just sort of blends in with all the others. And now most of them have exactly the same pose, which is a lot less exciting default smiley :(

There are plenty of anatomical mistakes in them, and I'll be avoiding a few breeds all the same, and I'll miss some of the old coats (my long maned spanish horses!) but overall they're an improvement default smiley :d
I'm ok with some of the coats. I really like the coats that have been released so far besides the tb that is. And now that they changed the paints I live them. But the Friesian looks really off to me. They need to darken the coat. It looks grey now and the neck seems a little deformed and also I think the head is a bit to thick or bulbous or something. Then of course the tails kind of weird too. The Shetlands I guess I can get used to. Not crazy about them. The brumbies are ok, but the mustangs seem a bit off to me. Not sure exactly how. Really don't like the Aussies and I breed a lot of those.
  • Posted messages: 1,854
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So all the horse coats are going to change so that tack will fit them, but the donkeys are going to stay the same? The donkeys wear tack too, so why wouldn't they be included in the coat change? Not to mention, I'd love to see some spotted donkeys/more donkey colours default smiley :)

I don't know if the donkeys will or won't be changing, but I don't see why they wouldn't if Howrse is changing everything for the sake of fitting tack on it.
The Royal Mirage
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 18:52:22
I have to admit I have taken a disliking to some of these new coats, especially for the Arabian and Friesian. I liked the nobility and "royalty" of them both. I think the new coats have really humbled these breeds.
It would be amusing if the old Arabian/Friesian coats were sold as Golden Apple coats. I know I for one would buy into that idea... default smiley ;)
Thank you for changing the Quarter Horse breed! It's much better, and although I liked the old-old coat, this one will do for the present moment.
But yes... I think changing coats is the price to pay for showing tack. I can't wait to see the result of this tacking-up! default smiley (y)
Keep up the good work, Ow!
Retired breeder wrote:

It would be amusing if the old Arabian/Friesian coats were sold as Golden Apple coats. I know I for one would buy into that idea... default smiley ;)

Yes, or even as a separate BM Item... Where you could only get the coat relevant to your horse's current colour... default smiley (8)
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