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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 20:50:28
Oh I can't wait! default smiley :d What's the KWPN going to look like? :/

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A few look really weird - like the Quarter Horse with it's tiny neck. And the Friesians aren't as beautiful as they were. But most are an improvement (especially the Shetland) and I love the Hanoverian - very handsome. default smiley ^)
Eric n rodney
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 20:52:14
Kwpn is a huge improvement. I always thought it looked so weird!
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I read in the Howrse blog a while back that they said that the equestrian centres jobs are going to be removed and that each equestrian centre is going to be able to be placed in a setting (for example the forest).

Does anyone know when these changes will be made?
Gold And Silver
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 21:01:11
I personally don't like the commenara (or however you spell it) all that much.
Retired breeder wrote:

I personally don't like the commenara (or however you spell it) all that much.

I think it's Connemara...I could be wrong.
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λzeroth wrote:

I think it's Connemara...I could be wrong.


Im not fussed either, which is a bit of an issue since its my main breed!
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Retired breeder wrote:

Oh I can't wait! default smiley :d What's the KWPN going to look like? :/

Click to display

The KWPN has already been changed. Yes, it looks like that. default smiley :-))
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 21:16:07
Please help me default smiley xd
Who knows when the trophy page changes will be made?
Gold And Silver wrote:

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I read in the Howrse blog a while back that they said that the equestrian centres jobs are going to be removed and that each equestrian centre is going to be able to be placed in a setting (for example the forest).

Does anyone know when these changes will be made?

I predict it will happen sometime this year, but not for several months. It's going to take them that long to develop, code, and test such major changes.
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censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Retired breeder wrote:

Please help me default smiley xd
Who knows when the trophy page changes will be made?

Only Ow knows, and he's not telling. default smiley (ow)
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The Royal Mirage wrote:

Skeeterbug, the Mustang's necks have actually been slimmed down now - they look a lot better

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The faces are still really weird looking to me, but definitely much better.
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Little Miss Me wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Sorry, but ads are not allowed here...
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I am not fond of the new throughbred coats!!
  • Posted messages: 342
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 21:42:59
featherpelt206 wrote:

I am not fond of the new throughbred coats!!

They aren't the worst changes, but the roan thoroughbred is horrible.
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 21:46:33
featherpelt206 wrote:

I am not fond of the new throughbred coats!!
I agree, the old ones looked a little better... some of the new coats are definitely great though!
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 21:55:44
featherpelt206 wrote:

I am not fond of the new throughbred coats!!

I have to disagree. The new ones resemble and actually horse to me. The old ones reminded me of those toy horses kids used to get. You could see the ribs and them and they looked stiff. These new ones have the lines of a race horse which is what the breed was developed for. I do agree that the colors could use some touching up though. And their faces could look a little more serene or animated. They almost look sad to me.
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 21:59:24
Wow...so many typos, sorry.
My sister is mad because the mouse gray coat doesn't look purple anymore... her horse Lavender is ruined.
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By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 22:10:09
um, when will all the coats be released? are the coats on here already made? I know about the Connemara and KWPN and the Thoroughbreds but any others?
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 22:10:57
Retired breeder wrote:

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If that is how tennessee-walker will look like, I'm all over getting one! default smiley :d

Oh my gosh I just saw this and I started jumping up and down. But I heard that the tennesse walkers are getting the same coat as the hackneys, morgans, standardbreds. So does anyone know if the Tennessee walkers are getting this coat or the same as the trotters?
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 22:14:24
Arabian horses look cuter, but I heard that Appalousas are going to lookworse than Nokotas!!!

Anyway, I think that this is how the new Howrse is going to look:

By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 22:27:40
Retired breeder wrote:


ooowh i realy like these!! Tennessee Walker was never so nice as nowdefault smiley (7)default smiley (7)

i'm Sorry i'm from holland default smiley :p

If they make Morgans and Walkers look like this, I would so breed them lol
By Retired breeder, 31st March 2014 22:29:56
Retired breeder wrote:

If they make Morgans and Walkers look like this, I would so breed them lol
I think this is the morgan
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[img] http://gaia.preprod.equideow.com/media/equideo/image/chevauxv4/adulte/trotteur/normal/300/nr.png?8 [/img]
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