[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 21:05:23
Retired breeder wrote:

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They're getting rid of the timed BMIs!

They just made this, to calm the people a bit,
I don't really think, it's because of "feedback" that much, as it looks...
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 21:18:58

Must disagree with you.

There's simply proof, from the poll on CZ server.

"Nesnáším jí." Directly means. "I hate it."
And translate here is:

How do you like this change?
- It's great
- I'm afraid
- I hate it
- I must test it first"

I went to the survey, it is 'hate it'. Which I picked. And on the polls that ask if we will recommend this game to a friend, I put 0, too.
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Spyder wrote:

Even if as you say that somehow one of the admins directed you or someone to this "survey" we seem to be getting a lot of "leaked" info from "contact us". This is not their normal procedure as they tend to be very closed lipped about what they say in their replies.

I'm not making it up. Here is a screenshot to prove it, of the message I received back when I sent a ticket to contact us. I cropped out my ticket because it was pretty long, but I can do a full screenshot if anyone still has doubts.
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Retired breeder wrote:

"Nesnáším jí." Directly means. "I hate it."
And translate here is:

Hmm, that's really weird! Thank you for clarifying and showing the screenshot.
I wonder why they have an official poll (on the Howrse website) and then a separate one on a survey-website? And why that survey-website isn't public information, and someone had to go to Contact Us to get it? This is all so strange.
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 22:30:41
RunNRide25 wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

I am a pass buyer, not as heavy as some, but with over 600 the past year alone - I also use the pass horse option a lot.

While my dollars may not make a difference in the grand scheme of the game, they will go elsewhere if the pass horse option is taken away from me the game as I will leave.
Kiyomice wrote:

Hmm, that's really weird! Thank you for clarifying and showing the screenshot.
I wonder why they have an official poll (on the Howrse website) and then a separate one on a survey-website? And why that survey-website isn't public information, and someone had to go to Contact Us to get it? This is all so strange.

Exactly the question in my mind. Howrse is quite capable of doing its own surveys without going to an outside source. default smiley (m)
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This is getting strange...They have 'rate the promo' type surveys all the time, why do one on a survey website and not give out the link to it? default smiley (o)
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GH39 wrote:

This is getting strange...They have 'rate the promo' type surveys all the time, why do one on a survey website and not give out the link to it? default smiley (o)

Maybe to keep more people in the dark about it default smiley :o
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By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 23:29:23
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 23:33:38
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 14th October 2016 23:43:21
@Fireburst: If you want to try again I think you need to take out the brackets within the message (maybe use asterisks for emphasis instead?) default smiley (y)
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

I would hold a mass quit default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 15th October 2016 00:50:37
Lets hope the banner works ;-;
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A mass quit probably would work best.... I hope some more people would agree to do it. It could change the minds of the Howrse owner people XD Pass horses shouldn't be removed ^^
By Retired breeder, 15th October 2016 01:19:14
I am with you there, IronVixen....

However, I do not think we would need to rally for that - it would just happen!
Retired breeder wrote:

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A mass quit probably would work best.... I hope some more people would agree to do it. It could change the minds of the Howrse owner people XD Pass horses shouldn't be removed ^^

Well, I don't know. I've seen lots of higher ranking people quit, like MidnightDuchess and GiftHorse, and they quit before now. People were still quitting before today. And suddenly, Howrse comes out with this, even after. Perhaps rather than quitting, since people have put LOTS of time and in some cases, LOTS of money into their accounts, people should just stop buying passes. Perhaps for a whole month after the new change is implemented. I don't buy passes, so my not buying them is perfectly normal and probably wouldn't do anything, but if we could get top ranking players, and especially teams to all just stop buying passes for even a week, Howrse might take a hint.
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There are so many spoilers to sort through...
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So, can someone quickly go through upcoming promos, the pass horse change, and new BMI? I can't really tell what is accurate information
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^^ Unless, you wanna go to Howrse HQ and rally around a bit. XD
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@ kkeappy Referring to my post, sorry.
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By Retired breeder, 15th October 2016 03:57:19
@ Joblitzen - that is a lovely idea, but unfortunately one that would not work. Yes the game is still here, after all this time, and multitudes of people quitting.

But I can guarantee if they take away the pass horses and implement this so-called improved system - they will lose a great deal of players completely.

And THAT, will hurt their pretty little pockets and make them feel a big ouch!default smiley (li)
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
By Retired breeder, 15th October 2016 04:58:43
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well, i think everyone would just organized sweet a boycott XD
To all of the "let's mass quit" posts.

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Howrse is owned by Ubisoft. Which the company makes more than 2 million dollars per year thanks to the hundreds of games they sell everyday. Howrse is a very very small portion of it's income. Therefore, mass quitting will not hurt "the owner of the game" at all.

What mass quitting will do is potentially put 40+ Howrse employees out of a job. I'm not sure what every one thinks they will get out of mass quitting or trying to convince pass buyers not to buy passes.

There's only one scenario.
You all quit/stop buying passes. Howrse loses much needed funds to keep the site running. Eventually, they have to shut down the game. Many hard-working employees become unemployed. You all lose the game you are fighting so vigorously for.

What good will that do? Everyone loses except for Ubisoft, which is who you are trying to "get back at". Not much winning here is there?

"Don't look the gift horse in the mouth" is something that comes to my head right now. We are lucky they even give us free ways to get premium in game currency since many games refuse. The way they keep this game running is by promoting pass purchases, hence the promotions and pass offers. They don't have to give us anything for free.Yes, the pass change is frustrating, but I'm grateful I don't have to pay for passes if I wish not to.
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By Retired breeder, 15th October 2016 07:33:03
@ cheanut
Yes, thats the plan by the looks of things
By Retired breeder, 15th October 2016 07:33:30
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relax everyone thats just a new addition to the game nothing that we can stop or complain about theres been enough changes the past few months this is another one I mean the did change our pass reserve which we got every 50 days but the loyal pass wasn't as bad as we thought 70% players get passes faster(the active ones)I don't know if people have tested this or if its availaible for testing but maby its not as bad as it seems yeah maby its another cheap way for howrse to catch multiaccounting but we need to respect that.
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