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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2015 02:35:00
Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know if there will be any new horse breeds in the comming promos? Any help is appreciated!default smiley (y)

I really hope there is!! I love the new horse breeds on here! As for help, sorry, I don't know anything about new horse breedsdefault smiley :'( wish I could help.
By Retired breeder, 4th October 2015 02:52:47
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Bucephelus' perk going to apply to the Grand Prix?
TheArbiter wrote:

@ShorahNagi thanks, most of the credit goes to you though. I don't think I would have had the patience to make something like this by myself default smiley :)

I just do it partially for fun, partially to help out others...It is a trying process though, but if it helps someone get a Divine/something they really want - I'm happy. I'm also happy if players take my work and further refine it/make it easier for others to understand.

I like to help default smiley :)

Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know if there will be any new horse breeds in the comming promos? Any help is appreciated!default smiley (y)

Far as I can tell;

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There are no new breeds on the Radar - the Trick or Treat Halloween event only gives us the final Legendary Horse, and a new Black Market item.
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Bucephelus' perk going to apply to the Grand Prix?


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Given that it seems to work like the Falabella bonus in a way (in that it is Temporary and only for a single day) - it seems that it will apply to the Prix. Though at this time, there are very few Bucephalus on preprod to test this with to get a concrete answer.
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Does anyone know the estimated amount of passes that will be required in order to finish
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the trick or treat

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ShorahNagi what would we do without you?
Best spoiler ever! default smiley (y)
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Whisper wrote:

Does anyone know the estimated amount of passes that will be required in order to finish
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the trick or treat


Far as I can tell - it's still being worked out by others *I can't work it out this time due to having screwed up at the start* - though from what I've gathered;

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It seems a lot of calculations right now *from testing and Equideow's testing* have put this at being one of the 'higher end' promotions requiring between 20 to 50 passes. Though I think someone said someone on Equideow figured out it could be done for as little as 10 passes.

Until we get to test the 'Packs' that give candy and extra children though, numbers are only gotten from Bell Rings and Candy Purchases.
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Can anyone on pre-pod tell us yet if B's VIP perk allows you to still set parameters and/or choose the ec? Thanks!
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1kkurtz wrote:

ShorahNagi what would we do without you?
Best spoiler ever! default smiley (y)

Bug someone else (like Spyder - who also seems to be pretty on top of things) to get information about upcoming things? default smiley :p

Anyhow - like I usually do, one final spoiler before I go off to bed for the night *really need the rest, I'm feeling rather green right now *and that's not the Mod Green either**

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You'll know right away when you visit your Bucephalus if you can stroke him or not;

The 'Stroke' button will be grayed out - and hovering your mouse over it will reveal that little 'pop-up'

*Also, for those who might have noticed the skills - the Bucephalus in this picture IS one of the incredibly high skilled ones that comes in the Bucephalus Pack...So don't think transforming your horse into Bucephalus will give it such high skills (his tack and the resulting transformation is the same as the other 4 Legendary Horses in how it works.)
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ShorahNagi wrote:

Bug someone else (like Spyder - who also seems to be pretty on top of things) to get information about upcoming things? default smiley :p

Oh thanks...default smiley (lol)default smiley (lol)default smiley (lol)

I try to help when I am on but you do SUCH a GOOD job..default smiley (lol)
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TheArbiter wrote:

So I sat down and went through ShorahNagi's guide and I think there is a way to get a few more points out of it. I may be totally wrong in my calculations so no guarantee this is right but I was able to 70 more points. This is only helpful if you are using HOPs or passes as it doesn't get you to the next pinata without them but I thought some people might like seeing it:

Looks good except I expect the HOP offering to occur around day9/10 and from there on everything will go in a dozen different directions.default smiley :-x

If you have the HOP resources you can finish this promo by day 12, if not, any HOPs used will shorten the promo length and increase your ability to get it done by the end.
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@Spyder, the HOPs messing everything up is true, just keeping an eye on what the objectives for the next two pinatas are whenever you're deciding how to click seems to be the best strategy though. I've also found that saving normal clicks generally seems more efficient then friends clicks as the friends clicks increase by 1/objective while the clicks increase by two but it really depends on the situation
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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2015 07:47:22
I have a strategy related question regarding the current and upcoming promo:

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We'll probably be able to use HOPs in the piñata promo later on, right?
I've also read somewhere that we'll be able to use HOPs (from inventory) in the candy promo to craft candy.
I have a couple of HOPs in my inventory and I'm wondering when I should use them: now during the piñatas or later during the candy promo. The question really is, in what promo is the inventory-HOP more useful or worth more? Especially considering you can replace the HOPs in the piñata promo with diamonds/passes, but for crafting during the candy promo you can't (although you can buy candy pack with diamonds/passes as well).

I hope someone understands what I'm saying/asking and can help me out! default smiley :) Thanks!
gaff wrote:

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Can anyone on pre-pod tell us yet if B's VIP perk allows you to still set parameters and/or choose the ec? Thanks!

In regards to that;

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Yup, it seems to work much the same as if you were going to board just a single horse:

Selecting the horses you want to board is much the same as doing bulk moves of horses with the VIP/Pegasus Account.

The ability to set a search for the Center you want - as well as options (note that all the centers shown have enough spots for all the horses)

However, depending on the skills of the horses you are trying to board - you might have bad luck finding exactly what you want.

Take this group of horses for example; All those Divines have 2000+ skills, the one Donkey has 130 skills. The highest EC skill requirement I found with this set was 100.

When I boarded the above group of just the Divines *without the Donkey* (again, they all have 2000+) - The centers that had skill requirements were all less than 2000 (with most being in the 1200 - 1700 range).

So for those worrying that Mass Boarding is going to mess up their center's prestige based on skills - it shouldn't have much of an impact on that as a player will be restricted by the Lowest Skilled horse they have in the group they are trying to board.

**Yes, in those images, a lot of the Centers have full benefits -but that's only because this is preprod and there are not as many players looking for ECs - thus, more spots open in some ECs that would otherwise be filled. Once this goes live - you might not be able to see the same result at all times.
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Retired breeder wrote:

I have a strategy related question regarding the current and upcoming promo:

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We'll probably be able to use HOPs in the piñata promo later on, right?
I've also read somewhere that we'll be able to use HOPs (from inventory) in the candy promo to craft candy.
I have a couple of HOPs in my inventory and I'm wondering when I should use them: now during the piñatas or later during the candy promo. The question really is, in what promo is the inventory-HOP more useful or worth more? Especially considering you can replace the HOPs in the piñata promo with diamonds/passes, but for crafting during the candy promo you can't (although you can buy candy pack with diamonds/passes as well).

I hope someone understands what I'm saying/asking and can help me out! default smiley :) Thanks!

Yes, it was stated right in the Pinata topic that points will be offered in the HOPs later (We just don't quite know when). THey will

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Also be used in the Halloween Promo as a Crafting ingredient for Candy.

They are used to produce Eyeball candy;

Small workshop - 1 HOP = 4 Candy
Medium = 2 HOPs = 8 Candy
Large = 3 HOPs = 12 Candy
*Takes 2 days*

As to which option is better - that's hard to say. You are right in that one can use Passes/Diamonds to buy HOPs for the Pinatas, and save on the ones in their inventory. Though likewise in the Halloween Event - there will be options to use Passes (and possibly diamonds *more testing needed*) to get more candy and the like.

Using them for crafting is also a tough call - as you don't know how many kids are going to want Eyeballs *I think I'm going to make a small list of what a group of kids asked for just to see if some are more commonly requested than others*. So you could use all your HOPs to craft eyeballs, and never get a kid wanting these (unlikely, but a possibility).

Just also keep in mind that all the Workshop Candies can also be gotten by all other means (logging in, grooming, winning comps, flash sales, etc.) and that there are other items that are used to craft candy as well.

As it stands, until we get more information about getting extra Candy with the Bell Packs...I would advise saving maybe a max. of 3 HOPs for the Halloween promotion (Allows you 12 Candies in total regardless of workshop size) and use the rest here.
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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2015 13:28:11
I have been entering races with even o difficulty, but winning wat more then 1 equus, any suggestions?
Retired breeder wrote:

I have been entering races with even o difficulty, but winning wat more then 1 equus, any suggestions?

The Kitty is what matters when it comes to winning 1e from a competition - not the Difficulty

Generally - you need the Kitty to be 14e or Less, and you need to come in 4th or 5th place.

Show Jumping and Cross Country tend to have a lot of competitions with low Kittys - especially if you use a low skilled horse like a foundation or a horse with low health/low skills.
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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2015 13:40:45
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What is the new BMI called?
Retired breeder wrote:

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What is the new BMI called?

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the new BMI is the Magic Hat;

<-The icon that shows on a horse's page, sorry there does not seem to be a larger version of this default smiley :(

The Magic Hat allows you to personalize the coat of your horse.

There are 4 personalization options that are chosen randomly when you put the item on your horse:

Evil Witch

► Each coat is animated.
► When available in the Black Market, it costs 2 passes.
► If you get this item in your inventory you have 3 months to use it.
► You can give the item to horses from 18 months.
► It can be given to all horses except the Donkeys, Divine, Legendary and Wild horses.
► It gives your horse a +5 bonus in each skill.

What are the effects of each coat?

Enchanter: when a horse wears this coat, you do not use food when you feed it. (All of your horse's food becomes free.)

Evil Witch : when your Evil Witch horse participates tin a competition, it brings a penalty of 3 points on each skill to every other horse. It does not work on the Grand Prix.

Fairy: the Fairy horse gets a +5 bonus on each skill.

Shaman: the appearance of a Shaman horse changes every time he gets older. It can get:

► Its own coat
► One of the other Magic hat coats
► One of the Bewitched Pumpkin coats (except the ghost)
► One of the Seal of the Apocalypse coats (except Pestilentia)

The Shaman horse has the advantage of the coat it wears. If it gets its own coat it does not receive a special advantage.

The Magic Hat cannot be used in conjunction with another special coat. If you give your horse a Golden Apple and then a Magic Hat, your horse will lose their Golden Apple.

*Referring to winning it as a prize from the Halloween promotion. If you buy the item/give it to a horse - the horse will keep the coat forever!
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By Retired breeder, 4th October 2015 15:29:05
Shorah, here's a larger version (: You just have to mess around with the pixels in the URL
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TheArbiter wrote:

just keeping an eye on what the objectives for the next two pinatas are whenever you're deciding how to click seems to be the best strategy though.

It is and when you are on the verge of going from one pinata to the next you should look at the next pinata objectives and advantages.

For example if you are going to slide into the next pinata and the first objective allows friends to give you an extra point, it would be better to do that objective before you ask for help( same if it gave you extra points). This is where a lot of people lose points. In prior pinatas I could remember we were not able to see the next pinata so this promo has evolved into a more user friendly promo.default smiley (y)

I have equal to more than 40 passes between diamonds and HOPs in my inventory so I am just waiting for the HOP offering and I will be through. I simply planned ahead and am enjoying the promo each day.default smiley (y)
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Okay got some numbers
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I went ahead and used the magic hat 100 times. Here are my results.
Enchanter: 41
Fairy: 21
Shaman: 24
Evil Witch: 14
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@Spyder I have 13 HOPs, 10 diamonds and 5 passes so I'm hoping that will be enough. Maybe I'll get a few more HOPs from Xanthos though which would be really helpful. But that also means I need to stay on top of the clicks as much as possible.
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20 HOPs/diamonds/passes would go a long way and should cover at least the last two pinatas ( assuming you did HOPs only and there is a pass requirement on number 19). Might also go into 18 as well so I would say you have a very good possibility of getting through.

However if you can add to that total it will be easier.default smiley :)
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Does anyone know what BMIs are used to make candy in the workshops for the Halloween Promo? I cannot find any posts mentioning the making of candy except how many each workshops make.
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