
By Retired breeder, 20th January 2015 14:52:07
Hello all fellow schliech lovers! I set up this topic for people who want to talk about the amazing models! Share your collection, tips, and your favorites in this topic! Enjoy!
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By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2016 15:32:12
My YouTube is ValenciaStables, I will put up a link. I just have to get a good thumbnail and my computer has to start working for me to do links.
By Retired breeder, 23rd May 2016 21:10:13
Retired breeder wrote:

My YouTube is ValenciaStables, I will put up a link. I just have to get a good thumbnail and my computer has to start working for me to do links.

Your barn is great!
If anyone else wants to enter my western pleasure competition, you better do it before tomorrow night. I already have my eyes set on a winner. So you all that still want to enter better surprise me with better!
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Anyone know the cheapest place to get schleich online?
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By Retired breeder, 24th May 2016 00:09:07
Thanks Aussie! I love amazon personally since it has thr most fair prices!
The schleich wash stall is only $15.00 on amazon right now!!!!!!!!! I want it so bad but I can't buy it I'm broke!default smiley :s It's at a good price too!
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By Retired breeder, 24th May 2016 01:25:41
Aw, I wish I could get it for you! I have some money, enough to get a nice camera, but still, I still want a cushion. Mom accidently deleted my Minecraft, so she may give me money since I am a tad upset(super upset).
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2016 02:42:18
Noo! Not your minecraft! default smiley :(

I actually have a minecraft (creative) world in which I have built all of my barns, gotten and named horses that look remotely like my Schleich, and built some extras, like an XC course, a barrel racing arena, and fox hunting grounds.
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2016 03:08:39
I set up my big barn a bit yesterday, and realized that there isn't that much which I need to do to finish it! (Remember? About forever ago I started to renovate it?) and I crushed the little railing and the side of the low loft when storing anoth barn inside of it. Oops. If I can, I'd like to take the loft out, and make some tie stalls over their, but I'm not sure if I can I glue those steps. They're made of six wood blocks, basically two of this shape glued side by side.
[ ]
[ ][ ]
It's very... Sturdy (and oversized) and I probably glued it down very well. Sigh.
But, other than those things, and I have to do is glue a set of vertical bars in place, make two doors, and put them on the stalls! Then, besides the railing, it's at least fit for full use.
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2016 08:27:11
Retired breeder wrote:

Aw, I wish I could get it for you! I have some money, enough to get a nice camera, but still, I still want a cushion. Mom accidently deleted my Minecraft, so she may give me money since I am a tad upset(super upset).

That sucks...
I loooove your youtube!! You have a gorgeous farm. Hoping to get some beach pics when I return to the states. My lake house has an adorable beach with a creek flowing into the lake so it will be great to take pics.
By Retired breeder, 24th May 2016 12:10:07
You have a lake house?! Can I come default smiley (lol) but I'm going to the beach in like 3 weeks, and I'm really excited! I might bring a horse or two, but probably not because it'll be busy and people (or at least my family default smiley xd) will judge me default smiley (lol)
I'm hoping to make a makeshift barn eventually. I am thinking of making a rescue stables. Not a complete stables, but a rescue.
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Western Pleasure competition is now closed! Winners will be posted tonight!
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By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 01:16:43
Yay! I can't wait to see who won!
By Retired breeder, 25th May 2016 01:35:04
I'm excited for your next show, J! Any idea what/when it'll be?? Or is that a secret?
By Retired breeder, 26th May 2016 17:06:47
I loved your stables Val! It's so detailed and cute! How did you make the racetrack? That part intrigued me the most. What kind of dirt did you use?

Today I got 5 new Schleich! I got the Mustang family and the Andalusian mare & foal. They are all so cute! I've already named the Mustang foal Rosco and the Andalusian mare Rosalina.
By Retired breeder, 26th May 2016 18:11:39
Awesome poet! Minus the two foals, those are probably my most-wanted Schleich. The Andalusian mare already has a name but the mustangs don't yet default smiley (lol) I really want the Andalusian because I'm a sucker for buckskins, especially dappled ones, and I have a small collection of 4 totally different andalusians (so I might get the foal anyways default smiley (lol)) and I just love the mustang stallion's mane and tail! His pose is cute too. I didn't look at the mare much when i went to tsc because my dad was waiting, and I was only getting one. She didnt qualify for my top two (my final decision was between the knabby mare and the mustang stallion)
By Retired breeder, 26th May 2016 18:23:39
I love going to TSC.default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 26th May 2016 19:00:39
I got them at TSC actually :P When I saw the Mustang stallion online I fell in love with his coloring, despite the fact that he's cross-cantering. He's even prettier in real life! They had a ton of new Schleich there, so I had fun picking which ones to get. It was hard to pick which ones to get, but I decided on the Mustangs after I found the stallion hidden in the back. Then I looked online to find the mare and foal, and they are all so cute! The mare is a really pretty claybank dun, and I love claybank duns! The foal's face is just adorable too default smiley (l) I didn't notice the Andalusian until my mom pointed her out and said that she was fancy. I had noticed the foal earlier too, and I thought "what a cute buckskin! If only I knew who your mom was!" You can probably guess what happened when I looked on the website and saw she was an Andalusian :P
By Retired breeder, 26th May 2016 19:10:23
Wow,you guys have the patience to make barns, I wish I had that! I made the racetrack by just putting dirt on it, lol! Thanks so much! My next vid is going to be a chicken coop review if I can get my hands on a camera! I may open up a site where I sell all of my schleich doubles, and I treat them like real horses where they get a horse description and everything!
This might be a stupid question, but, what's TSC?
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By Retired breeder, 26th May 2016 19:19:07
Tractor Supply Company. Its like a farm supply store. They have feeds, model horses, and everything in between.
Thanks. That sounds like a really cool store!! default smiley :d

I have the chestnut Hanoverian mare, Hanoverian stallion, dun Tennessee walker, old freisian stally, old Hanoverian mare, old Hanoverian foal and the western set with the bay quarter (?) mare.
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By Retired breeder, 26th May 2016 19:24:16
It is! Plus they play country. But anyways.....default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 26th May 2016 19:32:21
Hello! Seems like you might enjoy this topic! Can we call you Chrome?

Here it is, the link to my vid:
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