[Info] Cross breeders

By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2010 20:13:43
Finally a post just for us cross breeders. The purpose of this topic is for cross breeders to have a place to discuss their crossbreeding programs and to share crossbreeding secrets and advice with others who may be interested in giving crossbreeding a try. Feel free to talk about your crossbreeding programs and your achievements and failures in crossbreeding.
Please remember to follow the rules of the forum and be informative and helpful. default smiley :-))


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Please do not advertise sales or items wanted in this topic. I can turn a blind eye to the covers being offered (as long as they are not blatant advertisements) because we are, after all, trying to help each other progress and there is no filter on public covers for searching for crosses, but items sales and items wanted do not belong in any of the public forums and we have a sales forum for horse sales so please, lets keep our topic clean of the ads.

Thanks everyone


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Thank you


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By Retired breeder, 6th August 2019 21:55:39
Just a quick question so I don't waste APs.
If I breed 2 thoroughbred x Arabians (brother and sister who are both arabians), will the foal be arabian?

If memory serves, Arabian will be needed as the mare's 2nd listed breed. You'd think I'd know this by heart since I breed Morabs, but I admit to "cheat" a bit by breeding a 50/50 to a pure on occasion. default smiley (lol)
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By Retired breeder, 8th August 2019 02:04:37
Okay here's the thing. The male I'm using is Thoroughbred as the 1st and Arabian as the 2nd. If I use a female who is Arabian 1st and Thoroughbred 2nd, will the foals be mixed, Arabian, or Thoroughbred?

Sorry I'm very new at this default smiley (y)

The foals will be Arabian, in 50/50x50/50 crosses the foal will always take the stallions second listed breed!
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Further example below....

This mare I bred a while ago is
a Quarter Horse

Her Dam's first listed breed was Paint Horse & 2nd Thoroughbred
Her Sire's first listed breed was Appaloosa & 2nd QH

So she's a QH default smiley 8-)
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The breed rules work a bit differently if the breeds of both parents are the same. In previous cases I've found parents of the same breeds and same percentages to produce a foal that took the mare's last listed breed.

Example 1. THis is a Newfoundland. Her father is Newfie x Walker and her mother is Walker x Newfie.
However, there was an issue a couple of months back that caused foals of same breed parents to take a different breed than what I've usually experienced. I haven't tested enough to see if it was fixed, but I did breed another foal from these 2 parents yesterday and the foal was also a Newfoundland. Example 2. I also bred another foal from two parents that are 25/25/25/25 crosses of the same breeds, and their foal was the same breed as a few siblings I've bred a few years ago(it took Appaloosa, which is the mother's last listed breed).

I know you mentioned that you were short on APs, but if you plan on using any breeding items, I recommend doing a tester foal first, just to be sure you'll get the breed you want.
Legacy Ann
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To add to what Legacy Ann, said, I have been line-breeding F1 Perch/Drum crosses for several generations. I started with a pair of sibs who looked Perch to keep the whole line looking Perch (I don't like the Drum look) and that worked well for 3 generations. Then suddenly the foals all came out looking like Drums. I'm on the third generation of F1 crosses that look like Drums, with one set of their foals out which, surprise surprise, came out looking like Perch.

Here's the most recent Drum-looking F1

And here's the first foal (Perch looking) out of that generation
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It looks like what happened is that breed order flipped on you, which is normal if the breed percentages in the genetics are the same. Breed order is randomly listed and you can breed the same parents multiple times and have full siblings with different breed order listed. Which is nice if you decide at some point that you want to change the dominant breed, but not so nice if you want to keep it a specific one and have to breed multiple foals until you get one with the desired breed order.

If you're currently trying to continue with a line of Percheron foals from ½ˢ Decorum 3c and ½ᵐ Katie 3c, you'll want to breed again for a filly with that is Drum x Percheron. If this is your current foal, it will likely produce a Drum because it's breed order is Percheron x Drum
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 29,191
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I just wanted to share some of my achievements with my crossbreed project: a̾d̾d̾l̾e̾r̾ j̾o̾n̾e̾s̾

filly 56.3/43.8
- skills all > gypsy vanner..
13th in speed
2nd in jumping

Thank u, Next
- 100 first place Cross Country wins. 10 Jumping rosettes and 23 first place Show Jumping wins.
- skills all > selle francais...
17th in stamina

- 158 first place Cross Country wins
- skills all > selle francais...
25th in stamina

-skills all > selle francais...
6th in stamina
68th in gallop

-skills all > selle francais...
7th in stamina
69th in gallop


Honestly, anything in top 100 to me is awesome and I'm happy with ! Bonnie and Clyde are basically the foundations for my project.
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By Retired breeder, 8th August 2019 19:39:48

Great, thanks!
Here is my newest Fjord mix Valiant
She has 12931.41GP and 3806 inborn skills.
She will rank in top the top ten Fjord stamina, and top 20 overall fjord skills.

I'm planning on breeding her to either Light Bearer or Voyager
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Reading this topic has made me want to crossbreed! I'm currently breeding pure QHs. Any suggestions for crosses?
  • Posted messages: 63
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Here is my new filly Northern Haze
GP: 13367.91
Inborn Skills: 3926
Cross: 50% Fjord 25% GV 25% Selle.
Possible Ranking: top 10 in Fjord overall skills, stamina, and possibly jumping as well.

Special thanks to cvssldy for letting me have a covering with Clyde
  • Posted messages: 145
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I've never bred QH, but looking at their stats, I would try a TB for a good galloper, or a Fjord or Mustang for a barrel racer.
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By Retired breeder, 18th August 2019 16:44:34

QH/ any Arab
QH/standardbred or curly
By Retired breeder, 18th August 2019 16:46:27
I want to cross breed Mustangs! anyone have good breeds to do that with?
By Retired breeder, 18th August 2019 17:47:08
Anyone have breeding tips for cross breeding Mustang?
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By Retired breeder, 21st August 2019 04:24:38

I've only ever done TB/Mustangs, about a year or so ago
I'd go for something with good gallop personally!
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  • Posted messages: 19,812
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By Retired breeder, 22nd August 2019 23:36:06
Any one know horses with speed,stamina, and gallop as top skills apart from mustangs?
I have an affix of an old project I was doing (a LONG time ago) that has speed, stamina, and gallop for the top skills.

They were great horses that won a lot of comps. I bet if somebody was interested, it would not be too tough to pick up where I stopped. GP gains would be quite large since their genetics is from nearly two years past. I work toward the goal to always have Fjord dominant offspring.
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By Retired breeder, 24th August 2019 03:51:19
It has been soooo long since I have done this... When breeding a cross from two purebred parents does the foal ALWAYS have the breed of the higher GP parent or am I just unlucky? default smiley (lol)
When breeding two purebreds of different breeds, the foal be be the same breed as the sire.
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