[Info] NIB Horses

By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:20:05
It's about time the NIB breeders had their own corner of the world default smiley ;)

Curious about NIB horses? Want to know what a NIB horse is? You've come to the right place!

What is this topic for? NIB enthusiasts to find each other and help one another progress in their respective games.
Otherwise, you may use this topic to help others learn about NIBs, share your experience, and find friends that breed NIBs default smiley :)

Please do not use this topic for advertising horses for sale.


What is a NIB horse?
A NIB horse is a horse that is not inbred; every horse in its pedigree appears only once (with the exception of Ouranos and Gaia). Horses with "Horse Disappeared" in their pedigree are generally not accepted by NIB breeders unless the horses in question were bought before the horses disappeared and have verifiable pedigrees.

Are there green star NIB horses?
These horses have lower GP than green stars and other top horses, as not inbreeding limits the breeding availability and is slower to progress than breeding brothers to sisters and so forth.
**Misabel edit: The first Green star NIB horse was created on February 21, 2011 - a 6th generation Connemara pony with a star in stamina. He was the end result of a lot of hard work and effort, but now that some dedicated breeders have shown it can be done, we all have something to shoot for!

Are NIB horses considered better than green stars or inbred horses?
Goodness, no! Nobody here is attempting to make that claim. Just like the Zero GP horses, these players choose to play the game in their own challenging way.

How can I get involved with NIB breeding?
It's simple! Start by purchasing a few foundation horses, or horses whose pedigrees can be tracked down and verified as non-inbred. Then carefully breed them to create foals with good GP's and skills that are not inbred!

- Current Top GPs for NIB Horses:
(bred with the *original foundies* who had 350-351.2 GP)

Akhal-Teke: 433.29 (2*)
Appaloosa: 592.04 (10*) 6th Gen
Arabians : 847.17 (31*) 3rd Gen
Argentinean Criollo: 534.37 (7*) 1st Gen
Barbs: 392.93 (1*)
Brumbies: 441.30 (2*)
Canadian: 710.75 (18*) 2nd gen
Curly : 897.50 (33*) 3rd Gen
Donkeys: 300.42
Friesian : 507.78 (6*) 2nd Gen
Gypsy Vanner: 565.03 (9*)
Hackneys: 608.80 (11*) 2nd Gen
Hanoverians: 618.73 (12*)
Holsteiner: 584.14 (11*) 1st gen
Icelandic Horse: 431.19 (1*)
Irish Hunters: 452.22 (2*)
Knabstrupper: 564.89 (8*) 1st gen
KWPN: 414.32 (1*)
Lipizzans: 451.15 (2*)
Lusitanos: 558.72 (10*)
Marwari: 551.66 (8*) 1st gen
Morgans: 411.95 (1*)
Mustangs: 419.50 (1*)
Nokota : 427.57 (2*)
Paints: 461.44 (2*)
Peruvian Paso: 441.91 (2*)
Purebred Spanish Horse : 509.03 (6*) 1st gen
Quarter Horse: 450.30 (2*)
Russian Don: 636.94 (13*)
Shagya Arabian : 767.55 (25*) 5th gen
Standardbreds: 469.76 (3*)
Tennessee Walkers: 378.92 (1*)
Thoroughbred: 1086.54 (52*) 7th Gen
Trakhener: 432.77 (1*)

Australian Pony: 581.44 (9*) 1st gen
Chincoteague Pony : 575.97 (8*) 1st gen
Connemaras: 440.00 (2*)
Fjords: 447.42 (1*)
Haflingers: 496.41 (4*)
Highland Pony: 409.22
Newfoundlands: 417.87 (1*)
Quarter Pony: 477.27 (4*)
Shetland : 591.53 (11*) 1st gen
Welsh: 415.59 (1*)

Percherons: 503.74 (3*)
Shires: 461.15 (2*)
Drum horse: 1911.21 (134*)

- Current Top GPs for NIB Horses:
(bred with the *'new' foundies* who have the higher GP)

Barb : 5010.37 (445*) 2nd gen
Camargue : 4944.16 (438*) 2nd Gen
Canadians: 4019.57 (346*) 3rd gen
Curlys: 4480.67 (391*)
Hanoverian: 5510.41 (494*) 1st Gen
Holsteiner: 4627.18 (405*) 1st Gen
Knabstruppers: 3611.72
Finnish : 7001.13 (*642*) 1st gen
French Trotter: 5674.95 (511*) 2nd gen
Friesian: 4608.48 (404*) 2nd Gen
Lustiano : 4977.80 (441*) 1st gen
Mangalarga Marchador: 7417.82 (685*) 4th gen
Marwari : 5409.48 (484*) 1st Gen
Nokotas: 5283.03 (471*) 3rd Gen
Paint Horse: 3094.08 (252*)
Purebred Spanish Horse : 6045.91 5th gen
Quarter Horse: 3104.63 (253*)
Russian Don: 6747.60 (617*) 1st Gen

Kerry Bog: 3892.85 (332*)
Newfoundland Pony: 6955.84 (639*) 1gen
Welsh: 6844.92 (627*) 2nd Gen

Ban'ei: 7638.35 (707*) 3rd gen
Drum Horse : 2378.86 (181*) 5th Gen
Percheron: 5508.49 (494*) 1st Gen
Shire : 5067.74 (451*) 2nd Gen

Rivenwood's update schedule:
Sundays: Players breeding non-inbred horses may post the GPs of the horses they think are amongst the highest in the breed in this topic. Complete details should include everything listed in the form below. **Please DO NOT Submit GPs for rankings EXCEPT on Sunday!**
Misabel will post the latest high GP's for NIB horses in each breed from the Sunday submissions. Horses will not be named

Please submit your entry to the current high NIB GP using the following format in a post. It is important you use this exact format so Misabel can locate your post easily, or your submission may be missed:

My NIB GP Entry
Horse's Name:
Horse's Breed (purebreds only please):
Current GP:
Link to the Horse's Page:
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By Retired breeder, 25th November 2009 14:27:41
fresian: I'm doing paints so I won't have much chance as far as getting well gamed horses. Most of the ones I can find are barely gamed and their breeders are quitting!
LoloJean: I have the same struggle with my foundation black hanoverians. I find, though, that even with the poor starting GPs the foals turn out with good GP gains, and even with their low GP, they add good genetic diversity into your lines.
  • Posted messages: 396
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By Retired breeder, 25th November 2009 16:29:15
always: good. That's what I figured would happen default smiley :)
Still, it's a little frustrating.
By Retired breeder, 25th November 2009 17:28:23
Lolojean, they are out there but you have to be really diligent in looking for them. About a week ago I found a 4 month old foundation Friesian foal in the auctions.
The highest gp Friesian adult I have ever found in the auction is 351.00gp.
Sahara just got another comp win. He's almost 12 though and still needs 9 more wins. His training isn't done yet either. Wish I had passes or BM items.
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Rummaging through auctions and Private Sales for foundation Brumbies. I need more equus.default smiley :(
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By Retired breeder, 25th November 2009 17:50:23
Congrats on the wins Vag111!
By Retired breeder, 25th November 2009 19:23:18
hey i readdefault smiley (h) what you were sayen seems good i might have a go @ itdefault smiley :( mabydefault smiley :) or maby notdefault smiley :o
By Retired breeder, 25th November 2009 23:06:11
I am collecting NIB Barbs to do the NIB program with to give it a try. I am looking for NIB Barbs (either foundations or with parents or grandparents that are foundations, so that I can verify that they are NIB). I only have one female and one male thus far. The Barbs I am looking for should be over two years of age, but preferably under four. If anyone has a good Barb for me, feel free to send me a message. I am not willing to pay very much and am looking for a maximum 1,000e-2,000e Barbs, or lower, of course. If the horse is good I *may* consider paying more. Thanks! default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 25th November 2009 23:27:57
Thank you for this Topic Riven. I am so happy to finally see a spot for NIBer's . I am recently back in game and breed NIB connies. My affixes are Horsecreek NIB , Horsecreek Highlands, Horsecreek NIB 360+ and Lowlands NIB .
Have bred them for awhile and always looking to find others who breed them. Just hoping to get them into the greenstar stage one day lol.
AS for me.. I am always looking for nice foundation horses or further generations. Best wishes everyone and good luck with your NIBs!
By Retired breeder, 25th November 2009 23:36:38
O and just an after thought. I do have a few foundation horses from other breeds I have absolutely no intention of keeping if anyone would be interested. Was hoping to trade out for a similar foundation connie.
( Btw ignore my Snit's and Giggles tabs those are my inbred monsters I use to earn equus lol)
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2009 00:02:51
livelyblueeyes, I think I may have a couple of your connies default smiley :)
I have a couple of foundie hanos that I bought fully trained. I'm having an impossible time getting them any wins. Their skills put them into some of the same comps as blupping high starred hanos. Besides comp fillers, does anyone have any tips? I am very good at blupping, but I am finding this breed particularly hard. Any help would be greatly appreciated. default smiley :)
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Finally just BLUPped an Irish Hunter Mare. Just checked her lines though and she in VERY inbred. Oh well, atleast she has decent skills. Anyways, if anyone has Foundation Brumbies they don't want let me know and I will buy them.
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By Retired breeder, 26th November 2009 00:56:39
Wow, NIBing seems hard! Glad I dont do it. Still, you gotta repect those players, they must have alot of patience.
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2009 01:06:31
lolita - try trot competitions, they're generally good for Hanos to gain wins default smiley :)
Thanks, I will try that.
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By Retired breeder, 26th November 2009 01:26:37
All right, I've got my 6 females and 4 males. They are all (except one) foundations, and most are adults. I'm glad for that, because it means I don't have to wait for them to grow up. I may decide to wait with breeding, though, until the adults have better skills and BLUP. default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2009 01:36:34
I know all you have to do is no cross any lines to non inbreed but, does anyone have any tips? For example breed two foundies breed there foal to a norther thing etc.
lolita - I find with my Hanos that I get when they are mis-trained I enter trot competitions like Rivenwood suggested, but I also enter the lowest length/level show training and cross country, as by controlling the length you can enter some lower levels that the higher skilled horses can't reach.
  • Posted messages: 396
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By Retired breeder, 26th November 2009 02:30:24
You have several of the connies I have bred Riven. Some purchased from my daughter hqwilliamson and some purchased from me. You even have one of my original NIB horses from back when I had my old account before I retired it. her name is
Hakaku of Horsecreek Ridge.
Hehe I believe I sold her to you right before i deleted my old account. So hehe there is proof I have been NIBing for ages.
You also have a few Connies I would love to get either covers or foals from at some point. <wink> you have puchased foundies from me in the past as well default smiley :).
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2009 02:33:22
sidney102 the best advice I can give you is to be certain the horses you breed to each other are both 100BLUP and you will get the best results from them. As for the GP's on those foundations.. I have managed a 356 gp horse from a foundie parent with around 350.12 gp so it can vary on how well they turn out as I have also had foals with 100BLUP parents come out with a 353 gp even though both parents had a 351.20 gp. It is mostly trial and error along with a lot of hardwork BLUPPING.
I just wish we had a better judge on equalizing the races and stuff. Sometimes it is a total nightmare to BLUP a foundie.
By Retired breeder, 26th November 2009 02:43:48
NIB breeding appears to get intricate as time goes on and generations pass. It would be handy for me to write down a horse's ancestors. Would a pedigree "tree" like that help convince other players that the horses I have are indeed NIB (once several generations have gone back, and the foundies are way back in the tree)?
Riven - Do you know of any good competitions for Brumbies to enter for wins? I'm trying, but having a lot of trouble. My only one with any in 14 he only has 10 wins. Thanks!
  • Posted messages: 4,555
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By Retired breeder, 26th November 2009 06:07:41
I have a foundation Peruvian Paso colt, at least i think they are called foundation when they have Ouranos and Gaïa as the parents that I am wanting to try and get good quality foals from without inbreeding, nothing against it, I just don't prefer it. I also have a foundation brumby mare I am debating about doing the same with.

I am just not sure how to start out to get the goal I want to achieve. Any help or tips would be appreciated. And I will keep my eye open for foundation Pasos, and possibly more Brumbies, not sure about them yet
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