[Info] NIB Horses

By Retired breeder, 17th November 2009 23:20:05
It's about time the NIB breeders had their own corner of the world default smiley ;)

Curious about NIB horses? Want to know what a NIB horse is? You've come to the right place!

What is this topic for? NIB enthusiasts to find each other and help one another progress in their respective games.
Otherwise, you may use this topic to help others learn about NIBs, share your experience, and find friends that breed NIBs default smiley :)

Please do not use this topic for advertising horses for sale.


What is a NIB horse?
A NIB horse is a horse that is not inbred; every horse in its pedigree appears only once (with the exception of Ouranos and Gaia). Horses with "Horse Disappeared" in their pedigree are generally not accepted by NIB breeders unless the horses in question were bought before the horses disappeared and have verifiable pedigrees.

Are there green star NIB horses?
These horses have lower GP than green stars and other top horses, as not inbreeding limits the breeding availability and is slower to progress than breeding brothers to sisters and so forth.
**Misabel edit: The first Green star NIB horse was created on February 21, 2011 - a 6th generation Connemara pony with a star in stamina. He was the end result of a lot of hard work and effort, but now that some dedicated breeders have shown it can be done, we all have something to shoot for!

Are NIB horses considered better than green stars or inbred horses?
Goodness, no! Nobody here is attempting to make that claim. Just like the Zero GP horses, these players choose to play the game in their own challenging way.

How can I get involved with NIB breeding?
It's simple! Start by purchasing a few foundation horses, or horses whose pedigrees can be tracked down and verified as non-inbred. Then carefully breed them to create foals with good GP's and skills that are not inbred!

- Current Top GPs for NIB Horses:
(bred with the *original foundies* who had 350-351.2 GP)

Akhal-Teke: 433.29 (2*)
Appaloosa: 592.04 (10*) 6th Gen
Arabians : 847.17 (31*) 3rd Gen
Argentinean Criollo: 534.37 (7*) 1st Gen
Barbs: 392.93 (1*)
Brumbies: 441.30 (2*)
Canadian: 710.75 (18*) 2nd gen
Curly : 897.50 (33*) 3rd Gen
Donkeys: 300.42
Friesian : 507.78 (6*) 2nd Gen
Gypsy Vanner: 565.03 (9*)
Hackneys: 608.80 (11*) 2nd Gen
Hanoverians: 618.73 (12*)
Holsteiner: 584.14 (11*) 1st gen
Icelandic Horse: 431.19 (1*)
Irish Hunters: 452.22 (2*)
Knabstrupper: 564.89 (8*) 1st gen
KWPN: 414.32 (1*)
Lipizzans: 451.15 (2*)
Lusitanos: 558.72 (10*)
Marwari: 551.66 (8*) 1st gen
Morgans: 411.95 (1*)
Mustangs: 419.50 (1*)
Nokota : 427.57 (2*)
Paints: 461.44 (2*)
Peruvian Paso: 441.91 (2*)
Purebred Spanish Horse : 509.03 (6*) 1st gen
Quarter Horse: 450.30 (2*)
Russian Don: 636.94 (13*)
Shagya Arabian : 767.55 (25*) 5th gen
Standardbreds: 469.76 (3*)
Tennessee Walkers: 378.92 (1*)
Thoroughbred: 1086.54 (52*) 7th Gen
Trakhener: 432.77 (1*)

Australian Pony: 581.44 (9*) 1st gen
Chincoteague Pony : 575.97 (8*) 1st gen
Connemaras: 440.00 (2*)
Fjords: 447.42 (1*)
Haflingers: 496.41 (4*)
Highland Pony: 409.22
Newfoundlands: 417.87 (1*)
Quarter Pony: 477.27 (4*)
Shetland : 591.53 (11*) 1st gen
Welsh: 415.59 (1*)

Percherons: 503.74 (3*)
Shires: 461.15 (2*)
Drum horse: 1911.21 (134*)

- Current Top GPs for NIB Horses:
(bred with the *'new' foundies* who have the higher GP)

Barb : 5010.37 (445*) 2nd gen
Camargue : 4944.16 (438*) 2nd Gen
Canadians: 4019.57 (346*) 3rd gen
Curlys: 4480.67 (391*)
Hanoverian: 5510.41 (494*) 1st Gen
Holsteiner: 4627.18 (405*) 1st Gen
Knabstruppers: 3611.72
Finnish : 7001.13 (*642*) 1st gen
French Trotter: 5674.95 (511*) 2nd gen
Friesian: 4608.48 (404*) 2nd Gen
Lustiano : 4977.80 (441*) 1st gen
Mangalarga Marchador: 7417.82 (685*) 4th gen
Marwari : 5409.48 (484*) 1st Gen
Nokotas: 5283.03 (471*) 3rd Gen
Paint Horse: 3094.08 (252*)
Purebred Spanish Horse : 6045.91 5th gen
Quarter Horse: 3104.63 (253*)
Russian Don: 6747.60 (617*) 1st Gen

Kerry Bog: 3892.85 (332*)
Newfoundland Pony: 6955.84 (639*) 1gen
Welsh: 6844.92 (627*) 2nd Gen

Ban'ei: 7638.35 (707*) 3rd gen
Drum Horse : 2378.86 (181*) 5th Gen
Percheron: 5508.49 (494*) 1st Gen
Shire : 5067.74 (451*) 2nd Gen

Rivenwood's update schedule:
Sundays: Players breeding non-inbred horses may post the GPs of the horses they think are amongst the highest in the breed in this topic. Complete details should include everything listed in the form below. **Please DO NOT Submit GPs for rankings EXCEPT on Sunday!**
Misabel will post the latest high GP's for NIB horses in each breed from the Sunday submissions. Horses will not be named

Please submit your entry to the current high NIB GP using the following format in a post. It is important you use this exact format so Misabel can locate your post easily, or your submission may be missed:

My NIB GP Entry
Horse's Name:
Horse's Breed (purebreds only please):
Current GP:
Link to the Horse's Page:
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 02:09:08
I have tons of NIB QH foalsdefault smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 02:10:32
Rivenwood, i have a sort of request, tomorrow when you update the top GP could you post the horse name and a link to its page? It would be nice to see who has bred it what its name is etc.
Sidney102 default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 02:28:08
My NIB GP Entry
Horse's Name: Sexy Beast
Horse's Breed: Friesian
Current GP: 353.90
Link to Horse's Page: http://www.howrse.com/elevage/chevaux/cheval?id=8374936
I would have some Brumbies ranked up here if I could only BLUP them. It's next to impossible!
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 02:30:28
Uh ive been working with my Marwari forever and still not a single win default smiley :( anyone have tips or tricks on how to get wins? I was thinking about bolding his top three skills then going back to comps...but im not sure.
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 02:50:12
no, sidney that is not a good way. The best thing to do is bold your horse in what you don't enter them. For instance dressage doesn't effect the level of competion in any dicipline so bolding that is a good idea. If you want to enter your horse in say cross country you would bold in dressage, speed, and jumping. it takes a bit of working with and i know a lot of players have guides to how to do it in their equestrian centres if you take a look. I'm not very good at explaining it but the only trouble blupping I have is with horses that other people have trained a dif. way.
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 02:58:04
I breed NIB Marwaris and Friesians. I'm always looking for foundation studs to breed my foundie mares to.
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 03:27:15
Just a note guys..but those of you looking for foundies and NIB's please feel free to check out my ec forums. Different individuals have connies,Brumbies,arabians,Shetlands,Hano's and more posted there that are either NIB or foundation stock. The entire forum is devoted to the sales and such of NIB?foundation horses.
Riven I hope I am not out of line by posting that. Not trying to plug anything just wanting to be sure folks know there isa spot where those sales are the primary thing
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 05:50:59
Friesian NIBS for sale! Check livelyblueyes for details!!

(thank you livelyblueeyes for offering your EC forum for this!)
Sorry for being gone so long but just got back from a fabulous and relaxing long Thanksgiving weekend at my sister's. First time I've missed a day of Howrse for almost a year, and that time it was because I was in hospital. Have to admit it was relaxing, although guilty feeling, when I DIDN'T open my notebook computer.
I may have mentioned this before, but I think it deserves repeating. Some breeders are not careful about watching the condition of their horses before breeding (especially the stallions, where each breeding takes 25% of their energy). Over the years I have often found that if both parents have 100% energy, 100% health, and 100% morale at the time of mating, the foals seem to be just a smidgen higher quality. Not much better, maybe only like a few hundredths of a point GP in certain skills, but over several generations even a tiny increment each generation adds up.
Just something to think about when breeding. I know that on those occasions that I offer a public breeding (seldom) or a requested covering for someone else's mare, I always make sure that my stallion is at 100% of everything. And will sometimes request that the owner of the mare being bred make sure she is also (especially on those occasions when part of the covering fee is one of the pair of twins).
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, whether you celebrated Thanksgiving or not. And I definitely thank Rivenwood for bringing this discussion group into being -- it is long past due. The response has been fantastic.
Yankee Lady
NIB Breeder Morgans
Yankee Lady
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 06:00:42
Welcome back Yankee Lady, glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Thank you for that tip, I actually did not know that and it's good to know.

I will definitely keep that in mind from here on in.
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 06:53:02
Woot! I got 1 win with my marwari! Yea yea default smiley (lol).
How far back in teh ped do we look for inbred?? i have soem that i think shoudl be pretty high
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 09:06:26
You need to look all the way back through the family history - in order to refer to a horse as NIB, each relative needs to appear only once in the family tree.
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 09:06:49
All the way.
the whole way have to be free from same invidial, just Ouranus and Gaia is allowed to show up far back. some of us thou do allow 1 horse twice but not near at pedigrees at all.
easiest is keep pedigree track at EC forum as I do. that way you see faster if your about to have same howrses twice at foals pedigree when breeding.
some of mine arent NIB fully thats why I want people write me and ask breeding so I can advice them about NIBs I have.
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 13:57:28
If your horse has a common ancester on both sides of his pedigree( besides Ouranos and Gaia) then you cannot call them NIB. As for checking their lines.. as has been said you want to go all the way back in the blood line. Trust me I go all the way back to square one when I am looking at a pedigree.
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 14:18:32
huh. i have foundies for the new breeds on the world tour, i should work on blupping them i suppose, if those might come in handy for 'new blood'. My mom has her set of foundies also, plus she still has her foundation starter horse, a paint i think.
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 17:06:38
Okay, I'm curious - those of you who have been breeding NIB for a while, what's the highest generation you've reached and what GP did you get at that gen.?
Fourth generation with 362.6 GP.
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I now have over 50 foundation morgans, although I have no clue about the male:female ratio. Planning on BLUPping a couple a week as money is pretty tight at the moment so I can't buy passes default smiley :(

I am already having a lot of fun with this. (This forum doesn't help though. Everytime I come on here, it seems like I'm spending hours on this one forum default smiley :))
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 17:35:35
Third generation 356.21gp has been my best.
I will be starting over though with only 351.20gp foundations.
I'm at third generation with 365 (so made up of 8 foundations). I was at higher generations before, but I did them mixed and the GP gains were a lot lower.
  • Posted messages: 396
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By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 18:06:01
I'm hoping to break 360 with my second generation (I go Foundation -> 1st gen. -> 2nd gen., so some people may refer to that as third generation if they count foundies as the first).
By Retired breeder, 30th November 2009 18:27:20
I here ya Inner Chorus. I have quite a few 356+ 1st gens. I do mine the same as yours Inner chorus. foundy>1stgen and so on.
Now I have a quick question totally off subject .. but is anyone here fluent in french?
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