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I used to blup Nokos with Heavenly. I could get them bolded with extra comps for wins before 9 years old. That won't be possible with the new system. I did some test blups on prepod and the quickest I could get a horse bolded in top three plus 24 extra comps for wins was 9 yrs and 4 months. And that's with using a shower stall and mashes.
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I tried the new ride system on the test side and did guessing training with my qhs it took me twice as long to get them trained,default smiley :@,
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 13:05:37
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what's a themis scale? or however you spell it, I'm horrible at spelling lol
this isnt really the forum topic to ask it in and you dont need a spoiler. but it's a BMI
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Question about the Water Divines
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would it be accurate if frost, cascade, and mist are 20 passes because they are breed able? I want frost, but I am thinking she would be 20 passes.

Anyone else think this is accurate?
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water divine info
Retired breeder wrote:

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I heard that some people are talking about water divines coming out to sales.
So i think the prices will be like this:

Cascade: 15 passes
Frost: 20 passes
Mist: 20 passes
Rain: 15 passes
Snow: 10 passes

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im excited for these they look good this year i might actually try to get one
Retired breeder wrote:

New Christmas Packs

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lucky day pack

2 mont of vip membership
10x titans challenge
10 passes

history pack

20 passes
100x AP
500 000 equus

olympys pack

80 passes
1 000 000 equus
200x ap
Mytholog Divine you can choose, including xanthos

ultimate pack (most expensive)

80 passes
1 500 000 equus
2 mont membership of vip
10x titans challenge
you can choose one mytholog divine

i like them all but i dont like history pack

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I hope they don't go on sale soon. I cant get anymore pass horses until the last week in december. And I only have 7 passes default smiley :s
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jlmiller wrote:

I hope they don't go on sale soon. I cant get anymore pass horses until the last week in december. And I only have 7 passes default smiley :s
pm me. me and my sister can help
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Is it clear whether the Olympus pack will let you choose from ANY of the divines, or just a select few. I am most interested in acquiring Rain through the Olympus pack.
I think last year, it was any divine except the water ones, 'cause you could get them with the Asgard pack.
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 14:36:54
I have 0 passes. Used mine on a Titan's Challenge, and I lost a level 5. default smiley :$
MadameEquus wrote:

If the new rides mace our easier to blup the current breeds that require double rides, I'd be all for the change. But they're not. They're making it harder for all breeds, even more so that double rides are currently. And the skills gains have changed. XC breeds no longer have an advantage.

By "XC," do you mean "Cross Country?"
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Until you provide us with some sort of back up I cannot in good faith accept your post.

Nothing has been said on prepod and we have asked over there for confirmation.

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lucky day pack

2 mont of vip membership
10x titans challenge
10 passes

history pack

20 passes
100x AP
500 000 equus

olympys pack

80 passes
1 000 000 equus
200x ap
Mytholog Divine you can choose, including xanthos

ultimate pack (most expensive)

80 passes
1 500 000 equus
2 mont membership of vip
10x titans challenge
you can choose one mytholog divine

i like them all but i dont like history pack
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Big change in history pack. Definitely not buying it now.
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 15:02:21
applefarm wrote:

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Is it clear whether the Olympus pack will let you choose from ANY of the divines, or just a select few. I am most interested in acquiring Rain through the Olympus pack.
I think last year, it was any divine except the water ones, 'cause you could get them with the Asgard pack.

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It will only let you select a mythological one.
By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 15:02:53
Here's proof regarding Spyder's post:
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jlmiller wrote:

I hope they don't go on sale soon. I cant get anymore pass horses until the last week in december. And I only have 7 passes default smiley :s

You can sell them for 500 and 1 pass to someone willing to buy?
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How much do you project each pack to be in USD? Do you know if they'd available to purchase via iTunes?

Or is there nothing confirmed about them yet? I'm really interested in what packs I might be able to purchase thus year. default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 15:11:40
mlp44 wrote:

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How much do you project each pack to be in USD? Do you know if they'd available to purchase via iTunes?

Or is there nothing confirmed about them yet? I'm really interested in what packs I might be able to purchase thus year. default smiley :)

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They have the prices in euros, but I doubt they'd be the equal exchange rate in USD. The biggest pack is 150 euros.
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what are the prices of the packs in euros?
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 15:16:17
Everyone! I found them on Howrse.fr version! I translated them to finish and then to english so i meant by grane i wanted to write Greyfell. Im not 100 prosent sure but here is the Real messege!

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Pack Lucky Day

Pour l'achat d'un Pack Lucky Day, recevez :
2 mois d'abonnement VIP
10 x Défi des Titans
1 x Coffre aux merveilles contenant le cheval divin Tarpan
Pack de 10 pass
Offre non cumulable avec d'autres offres promotionnelles

Pack History

Pour l'achat d'un Pack History, recevez :
Pack de 20 pass
100 x Point de vieillissement
500 000
Offre non cumulable avec d'autres offres promotionnelles

Pack Olympe

Pour l'achat d'un Pack Olympe, recevez :
Pack de 80 pass
1 000 000
200 x Point de vieillissement
Un cheval divin mythologique au choix :
~ Sleipnir
~ Xanthos
~ Crésus
~ Balios
~ Greyfell
~ Gullfaxi
~ Hrímfaxi
~ Skínfaxi
Offre non cumulable avec d'autres offres promotionnelles

Pack Ultimate

Pour l'achat d'un Pack Ultimate, recevez le contenu des packs Olympe, Lucky Day et History :
Pack de 80 pass
300 x Point de vieillissement
1 500 000
2 mois d'abonnement VIP
10 x Défi des Titans
1 x Coffre aux merveilles contenant le cheval divin Tarpan
Un cheval divin mythologique au choix :
~ Sleipnir
~ Xanthos
~ Crésus
~ Balios
~ Greyfell
~ Gullfaxi
~ Hrímfaxi
~ Skínfaxi
Offre non cumulable avec d'autres offres promotionnelles

On remarquera qu'il n'y a "que" 80 pass dans le dernier Pack et non pas 110 !

By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 15:17:58
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Pack History 30 euros
Pach Lucky 50 euros
Pack Olympe 85 euros
Pack Ultimate 150 euros

Prices are indicative and might change prior to going online. The prices were given today by Ow, I got the info from the french server.
Where are you people getting your pack information? There is NOTHING about those packs on Preprod. The only two packs listed in Preprod right now are:

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The Historic Pack, sold at the same price as the 30 pass pack, also includes:

• Divine horse Hippidion
• 20 Passes
• 1 x The 5th Element
• 1 x Bewitched Pumpkin
• 1 x Seal of Apocalypse
• 500,000 Equus

The Vintage Pack, sold at the same price as the 100 pass pack, also includes:

• Divine horse Tarpan
• 60 passes
• 10 x Retired Golden Apple
• 3 x The 5th element
• 3 x Bewitched Pumpkin
• 3 x Seal of Apocalypse
• 1,000,000 Equus

Black Market Item
A new black market item is added to the Customization category: the Retired Golden Apple. This item will initially be available to players as part of 2014 Holiday events.

And the Retired Golden Apple item has been pulled, for now, due to a LOT of outrage on the test server over it.
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By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 15:19:41
So i was right. I forgive you people default smiley (o)
By Retired breeder, 28th November 2014 15:20:37
There's nothing on your preprod, sure. But obviously there is some on another preprod.
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