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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 13:28:22
Retired breeder wrote:

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So they're removing the packs? Bummer. I don't think they were anything brilliant, but they weren't that bad. I still I liked last year's ones far better.

We never said that ^.

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They're still releasing them, and the Pack with the RGA is going to be altered
Retired breeder wrote:

We never said that ^.

ow said that if you look in my 2nd post on the last page if you read it i posted what ow said to a player on pre pod about it
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here is the post on the packs
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ShorahNagi wrote:

Player; Will you be replacing this item that has been removed to maintain the value level of the Vintage pack or are you just removing it and leaving this pack with a bit lesser value ?

Ow's Reply;

We are removing the packs and working on something sightly different thou shall see soon and i think you' ll also approve of it
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Omnimoose I hope your right. I was planning on buying one.
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jlmiller wrote:

Omnimoose I hope your right. I was planning on buying one.

read my post and what Ow said. they are removing the packs
  • Posted messages: 1,740
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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 14:56:16
renee1263 wrote:

read my post and what Ow said. they are removing the packs

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Actually, I don't think so. Ow said they were just tweaking the item, and I have no clue why they wouldn't still continue the packs. Last year they were $45 and $120, and quite a few people bought them...that's a lot of money making I wouldn't pass down. Just because we don't like one item probably won't cause them to get rid of the packs.
IS the Chinese uni divine worth it?
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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 15:08:58
Flame_Keeper wrote:

IS the Chinese uni divine worth it?

That's entirely opinion. It is up to you to buy it.
if you breed a ton of unis, yes. But it doesnt gain skills unless you breed unis, and it isnt good at comps.
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JadedHunter wrote:

if you breed a ton of unis, yes. But it doesnt gain skills unless you breed unis, and it isnt good at comps.

The extra +15 in dressage Qilin gets for being a Unicorn actually makes it quite good in competitions. Once his skills are maxed out he does quite well even against other divines with companions.

And just to clarify, Qilin gets skills from a Uni mare accepting a cover - the foal doesn't have to be a Uni.
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yeah but to get those skills, you have to cover over 1000 unis. it takes a lot of time
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I do not think this was posted but regaurding new divines, here are the full size images.

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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 17:15:50
looks like shetlant pony for me..
all new! regaurding new divines
they have only been mentioned but i found them!

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and the bonuses for the divines above
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Hipparion is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Every time he has collected 200 skill points, he offers you a foal of a race and color, which you don't owe yet. If you already owe every color of every race you don't receive a foal.

This horse cannot be sold.


Hyracotherium is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Thanks to Hyracotherium, every donkey mare you cover, will give birth to foals with additional 50% skills. This advantage cannot be accumulated with several Hyracotherium in your possesion, however it is compatible with Aphrodite's Tears.

This horse cannot be sold.


Hippidion is part of the prehistorical horses.

Hippidion is a mare and can mate once with Tarpan and give birth to a foal "Horse of the Woods/Forests".

She receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Every time she has collected 200 skill points, she offers you 1x Aphrodite's Tears.

This mare cannot be sold.


Tarpan is part of the prehistorical horses.

He receives one skill point every day, limited to the maximum of half the skills the best horse has on that day.

Thanks to Tarpan, all the purebred foals to whom you give birth to, will have a bigger chance to receive the same coat like one of their parents, compared with the usual chance of getting a coat which is registered for that particular race.

This advantage cannot be accumulated with several Tarpan.

He can mate with Hippidion, if she has never been covered.

This horse cannot be sold.
  • Posted messages: 484
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By the way the images are legit, i do not know about the bonuses, but they sound accurate.
  • Posted messages: 484
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Has there always been a Divine named Snowflake?
T i g r e s s
  • Posted messages: 16,715
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T i g r e s s wrote:

Has there always been a Divine named Snowflake?
  • Posted messages: 1,740
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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 18:55:39
T i g r e s s wrote:

Has there always been a Divine named Snowflake?

Retired breeder wrote:

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Actually, I don't think so. Ow said they were just tweaking the item, and I have no clue why they wouldn't still continue the packs. Last year they were $45 and $120, and quite a few people bought them...that's a lot of money making I wouldn't pass down. Just because we don't like one item probably won't cause them to get rid of the packs.

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ow did say it read the first 5 words of Ows response to this player i got from ShorahNagi's post that she got from pre pod.
ShorahNagi wrote:

Player; Will you be replacing this item that has been removed to maintain the value level of the Vintage pack or are you just removing it and leaving this pack with a bit lesser value ?

Ow's Reply;

We are removing the packs and working on something sightly different thou shall see soon and i think you' ll also approve of it
pleas read the whole thing
  • Posted messages: 1,740
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Alright then...I knew there was a Divine named Snow..just didn't know there was one named Snowflake.
T i g r e s s
  • Posted messages: 16,715
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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 19:21:48
i wish could get rain i hope howrse puts rain and all other water divines in resarve to everybody later down road like they did the wilds,wind,planet,gem,and chinease divines
By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 20:01:46
I heard there's going to be a Prehistoric divine pack, is that true? I'd love to get it as I'm in love with pre-historic anything. PM me please if anyone knows of this! default smiley 8-)
By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 20:09:42
I'm Spanish, so I don't speak English very well. Are these divines going to appear at Xmas?
By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 20:12:48
renee1263 wrote:

pleas read the whole thing

We did they are tweaking them, they are still coming out, do you understand what we are saying?
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