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By Retired breeder, 23rd November 2014 02:53:35
I'm sure it has been posted, but...

At the bottom of my home page:

Shortly after festivities end, a new Great Challenge will begin...
Oh I sure hope NOT... default smiley *-)
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By Retired breeder, 23rd November 2014 02:58:39

What about the
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MAGIC RIDE? I thought we were gettin' that, not another ol' Great Challenge!
Retired breeder wrote:

I'm sure it has been posted, but...

At the bottom of my home page:

Shortly after festivities end, a new Great Challenge will begin...

No, this is the last one we will have till January.
T i g r e s s
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By Retired breeder, 23rd November 2014 03:15:03
Thank goodness!
By Retired breeder, 23rd November 2014 04:07:20
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i, for one, am quite happy that Howrse decided to listen up after the many complaints and comments. I think everybody got a little carried away over that issue, though.
***It's just a game. It's just pixel horses. And yes, many of you have invested lots of money and time and work, but it's still just a game*** Anyways, I'm really excited about the Magic Ride. Not about the new divines, because personally I don't really like their graphics or the idea of pre-historic divines, but because of the gifts you can collect, plus it will be fun and awesome to participate in a promo OTHER than the Great Challenge. Speaking of the Great Challenge,I am so happy that we will be taking a break till January. Peace and quiet. default smiley :d
By Retired breeder, 23rd November 2014 04:28:58
Retired breeder wrote:

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i, for one, am quite happy that Howrse decided to listen up after the many complaints and comments. I think everybody got a little carried away over that issue, though.
***It's just a game. It's just pixel horses. And yes, many of you have invested lots of money and time and work, but it's still just a game*** Anyways, I'm really excited about the Magic Ride. Not about the new divines, because personally I don't really like their graphics or the idea of pre-historic divines, but because of the gifts you can collect, plus it will be fun and awesome to participate in a promo OTHER than the Great Challenge. Speaking of the Great Challenge,I am so happy that we will be taking a break till January. Peace and quiet. default smiley :d

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wait there are graphics for the divines? On the test server, they're not having graphics, so..?
Retired breeder wrote:

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wait there are graphics for the divines? On the test server, they're not having graphics, so..?

Here you go!
lukey800 wrote:

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lukey800 wrote:

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T i g r e s s
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I sure hope they change the BC things, i am really really tired of getting the give, donate, remove, I don't participate, because th as t is all I ever get.
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with the new changes in place how are players going to make money for their ec and themselves, Since you can't sell manure one at a time anymore and the loss of money cause the lessons will be gone and now the new locations that I am not sure where to move to cause of the horses I train qhs and arabs, I was willing to buy my last batch of passes on the pack with the silver apple thats no moredefault smiley :@ this game is getting harder and harder to play
Horse Fan
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Horse Fan: Seriously? Am I too exhausted to understand you correctly or did you really not read what will happen?
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The quote for the droppings/manure thing: "If droppings can no longer be purchased at the store, manure is made available in the Agriculture Department so that you can purchase it directly without having to make it."Both droppings and manure can still be sold. You just can't buy droppings. (And crops have always been the main way to make money for ecs anyway)

Removal of lessons: "Lessons carried out by horses have been renamed Missions.
There are two types of missions:
* Lessons, which bring in money to the Equestrian Center manager
* Gathering missions, which bring in resources to the Equestrian Center
This action always brings in money for the horse owner and skills for the horse." (So nobody loses money here)

So, instead of being happy that certain kinds of rides will be easier, you are upset because you have to decide? Just in case you (like at least one other player I know) missed it: all rides will still be possible, no matter where you place your ec. The placement only decides which rides will be easier and which will be normal. (And later on it decides about what kind of resources you get) default smiley :d
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the location varys by skill in your horses skill training thats what is got me confused
Horse Fan
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with the new changes to a location as to what I don't understand is how horses like qhs and arabs going to be trained and what would be the best kind of ec to place them in mountain forest , also would you be able to buy manure at the store after the new changes?
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 23rd November 2014 09:54:48
Horse Fan wrote:

the location varys by skill in your horses skill training thats what is got me confused
Horse Fan wrote:

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with the new changes to a location as to what I don't understand is how horses like qhs and arabs going to be trained and what would be the best kind of ec to place them in mountain forest

I think you're confused at the part that says "Rides are based on where the Equestrian Center is located."

it says on the timeline "If a horse is on a ride in the area where its equestrian center is located, it will earn or trade skills points twice as fast."

So I am pretty sure this is what it means by 'based on where the EC is'

D not know about manure, sorry.
Horse Fan wrote:

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with the new changes to a location as to what I don't understand is how horses like qhs and arabs going to be trained and what would be the best kind of ec to place them in mountain forest , also would you be able to buy manure at the store after the new changes?

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I'd do arabs in Mountain ECs since that ride will get you Stamina, Dressage, and Jumping skill points. Which is what they excel in.

QHs I forget if they're stamina or speed with dressage and gallop. If speed, I'd do a Forest EC. If stamina, Mountain.

There are those that are working out newer training schedules for different breeds and I thank them for that. It's too much work for me with 2 jobs in reality. So that's all I can say regarding horses and EC location.

Don't forget that you'll also have the Beach location as well, but that ride is going to work similarly to what it is right now, just a bit different.
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By Retired breeder, 23rd November 2014 10:29:37
Will be a new Great Challange after this one ? Or it will be stopped because of the Magic Ride. I know that Great Challange will be stopped while magic ride is running but when will be it ? When did it start last year ? Btw, are they going to put the water divines to sales for us ?
(sorry for my english, cuz I'm from Slovakia default smiley :) )
the GC will not start till next yeardefault smiley :)
Horse Fan
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Retired breeder wrote:

Will be a new Great Challange after this one ? Or it will be stopped because of the Magic Ride. I know that Great Challange will be stopped while magic ride is running but when will be it ? When did it start last year ? Btw, are they going to put the water divines to sales for us ?
(sorry for my english, cuz I'm from Slovakia default smiley :) )

The GC didn't start until this past year actually. It's been around for at least several months. It started with the Spring Divine, so I'd look at those to see exactly when.

From what everyone seems to be saying, because of the Magic Ride the GC will be paused until next year. Which is great because the Magic Ride takes a lot of time to wait for die rolls.

We can't say until they are.
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"manure is made available in the Agriculture Department so that you can purchase it directly without having to make it"=you can buy manure
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Horse Fan
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What is the Magic Ride?
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hannahthehorse wrote:

What is the Magic Ride?

It's like a board game. You roll the die and go to the square you land on. You can do it multiple times a day with varying hours in between. You collect gifts which you open on the 25th. There are objectives you can land on to shorten the time between rolls or get multiple rolls. There's also keys you need to collect to move on to the next board/level.
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I think this one may be the forest horse (?)
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Neferka- It's adorable and beautiful!
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I cannot get over how angry the Hyracotherium looks default smiley (lol)

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