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By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 01:38:32
I get where the collectors are coming from. I've spent a very minimal amount compared to them, but this is not the place to argue about it. I come here to found out what new things might be coming, not to watch people beat a dead horse.
Retired breeder wrote:

And yet Howrse is still thriving. There will ALWAYS be somebody there to take the spot of one of the top people, so Howrse is still going to be generating money anyways. -shrugs- Ultimately, what people do is their business, and I obviously can't stop you from leaving if you genuinely feel that this is unforgivable.

Please don't put words in my mouth. Did I ever say I was leaving....aaah no.

I honestly don't believe there is the over-abundace of people signing up for this game as there was in the past. Point being made when we still had grooms, it was taking me 2 to 3 days to fill the spots. In the past it was almost immediate.

"ALWAYS" is a definite and I don't believe in definites, especially when it comes to on-line games. I honestly want this game to go on and hope we haven't reached the saturation.
Arabians are best
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Question the RC coat pack

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If we already have a copy of a RC coat and want another will that be possible with the silver apple?
Horse Fan
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By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 05:02:55
Can anyone tell me

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What are the prizes in the gifts on the magic ride? Or at least the page that they are listed?
I never said I would leave. I have been on the game over 7 years and love the artwork that players create. It just means I will stop buying passes which will save me money and sleep, as I will not be getting up at 4 in the morning to get the new releases each month.
I just wanted howrse to know that even though 350 to 450 passes a year is not a lot in their books or compared to what some people spend,. If enough players say they are not going to buy passes to support what was once their passion on this game because of the unethical reintroduction of retired coats that in fact it will in the long run cost them money.
If the top 100 rc collectors decide to stop buying rc coats every month, that means they do not need the VIP perk either which is then costing Howrse 45,000 passes a year. over 60 thousand dollars, All of a sudden that is a pretty big chuck of money coming out of their pockets.
Lunar Moon
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By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 07:05:43
censurer This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.
Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

Not (!) everyone will stop playing. I won't, for example. You are wrong.
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Retired breeder wrote:

This message has been censored since it does not follow the forum rules.

When you say "Everyone" it implies you speak for me and, you don't speak for me.

This will not make me stop playing the game, I love it. In fact, I am excited about the changes ahead.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 09:28:52
Well i sent Contact Us a message and got a good reply back directly from BOwer so hopefully mine and all those others who are not happy, will have their opinions strongly taken into consideration for the the future of this game.
By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 09:50:36
Chelsea fc, are you allowed to post what the reply was?
By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 09:53:36
Retired breeder wrote:

Chelsea fc, are you allowed to post what the reply was?

Hello Chelsea fc,

Thank you for your message regarding Retired coats.

While I am not able to make promises regarding changes to the game content or systems, I will gladly pass your feedback on to the rest of the Howrse team for consideration.

Please make sure to contact us in case you encounter other issues in our game.

In the meantime, good luck and happy Howrseing!

Kind regards,
By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 10:55:05
Can i please just state my opinion? I do not wish to have this opinion shot down straight away or just taken out of perspective.

My Opinion.

I couldn't help but notice people shooting down the new changes every time they are released. This may be divines, black market items or massive changes like the recent EC changes. Life is full of changes and you will have to put up with them. If you don't like the new changes, that doesn't mean everyone will dislike them. Yes, i disagree with a lot of the changes and features added to the game but i am still here. I have had past accounts dating back to 2009 so i have seen a lot of the changes. Howrse will not lose enough players that it will go out of of business because of *ONE* black market item being added or one new divine. I disagree with Rain and Cloud, the new divines but i am still here! I am simply stating my opinion.
By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 11:19:16
How much time, money both real and virtual did you spend on your retired coat collection?
Horse Fan wrote:

Question the RC coat pack

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Yes it is possible at the moment (I just tested it although keep in mind things could change). You can only get the one extra copy though - once selected it disappears from the list of available coats.

Retired breeder wrote:

I couldn't help but notice people shooting down the new changes every time they are released. This may be divines, black market items or massive changes like the recent EC changes. Life is full of changes and you will have to put up with them. If you don't like the new changes, that doesn't mean everyone will dislike them.

I agree with this.

All the negativity also concerns me because what incentive do the devs/admin have to read the forums and take anything seriously if so much of it just seems like people nay saying for the sake of it?
It's like the boy who cried wolf - if the community keeps over reacting to things that are largely trivial in the grand scheme of things then Owlient is just going to ignore everything including genuine criticisms.

I'm not sure which category this newest 'item' is going to fit into just yet - I can see both pros and cons, but I'm not confident that the issues I have raised about it on preprod are going to be considered at this rate...
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By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 11:24:36
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Hi guys,

The rGA has been planned to be removed. Whether or not a different item will or will not be added to the Vintage Pack is not known yet.
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I'm putting this in a spoiler since the new changes and the rc thing are't on the game yet. *hint hint*

I might not be an RC collector, but I think the possibility of being able to purchase coats that are no longer available for use is kinda pointless. I mean, they're retired for a reason. If the creator of the coat doesn't want any more people than 1-200 using the coat, it should be like that. Howrse shouldn't slap them in the face and make their coats available agaon, even if its just 10 or so copies. I also think it would bring down the fun RC collecting too. I believe that people collect RCs for the thrill of finding this one coat among hundreds in the sales, especially if there's less than 100 copies. With the new RC item the thrill would drop significantly as they can just get as many of those packs as they need to fufill their wishes. Profit for Howrse would also decrease as they wouldn't need to spend as many passes to get them, especially if the packs have pass packs included. But I digress, I'm not an RC collector so the new packs really don't affect me more than my 2 RCs getting more copies.

And for a side note: I really wish Howrse would stop makong divines for a while. At this rate we have at least twice as many. divines than horse breeds! default smiley xd At least introduce new breeds through the GC instead of useless divines with no perks.
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By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 11:28:22
About the argument causing "thing". This is what Ow said on the test server.

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Hello Everyone,
My reply took a bit of time coming simply because we had things to clarify and decide before I could give you any form of information.
Talking to you without any form of concrete information to provide would have simply been detrimental.

We don't want Christmas to be a period where there are any unnecessary tensions.

We've heard what you had to say concerning the Retired Golden Apple item from the Vintage pack and therefore have decided that we wouldn't introduce it.

However this doesn't mean that we will never do something similar in the future.
We feel that the concept of offering a way for players to obtain rare items is something that is positive for the community but we have also understood that the format we had chosen wasn't one that would fit with your expectations.

This means we are reworking the Christmas offers to offer something a bit more adapted.

Our wish is to have a nice end of year celebration with our players and have a good time.
I hope this assuages your concerns a little.
By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 11:38:30
I'm very happy that Howrse decided not to introduce it, at least not in this way. default smiley (l) default smiley (y)
Well I guess it is irrelevant now given the new information, but there were limits on how many new copies of the coat would be added mlp44:

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Less than 24 copies: not available
Between 25 and 50 copies: 3 additional copies
Between 51 and 75 copies: 5 additional copies
Between 76 and 100 copies: 10 additional copies
More than 100 copies: 20 additional copies

Who knows if this was intended to be a one off thing, but if it was just a once off then the worst I can see happening is that the increasing rarity of some coats will just have been delayed a bit and on the positive side some players who like to collect RCs for the sheer joy of it might get a new coat for their collection that they thought they might never get...
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By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 11:43:07
Here's a bit more info... (still posted by Ow).

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(player name) i can't make promises because i'm just a part of the equation. But i think we've got your message across quite clearly and will be taking triple care if we ever want to touch Golden Apples and more so retired ones in the future. For the survey bit i can't say.

I'm not going to post the whole conversation here (it's no longer relevant as the item won't be added), but if you'd like to see everything that Ow has said you can PM me.
By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 12:07:42
YAY, that's great to hear, i have had a lovely conversation with BOwer and was told they had passed on my messages to their superiors, i'm so very happy it isn't being put onto the game default smiley ^)
Thank you to all the Admins for listening to us!

So, wait, is the
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GC being put on pause?
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By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 12:20:17
Well ok so it anit coming now but it even states they it may well later so I guess get over it.
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I was planning buying that pack, Hope they change their minds before the holidaysdefault smiley :@
Horse Fan
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I want to know whwere you found that information.. because as of last night it was still coming out. default smiley (o)
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