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By Retired breeder, 21st November 2014 23:34:42
The BMI that has sparked controversy is not available anytime soon, sorry @Horse Fan default smiley (y)

they will be releasing a similiar item in the near future but not in the packs.
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Okay, so a few pages back,
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we heard that the Retired GA is no longer in the holiday packs. Has anyone stopped to think about if anything would replace it? And if so, does anyone know what it would be? default smiley :s

Thanks ahead of time! default smiley :)
(Not sure if that needs a spoiler, but it's better to be safe than sorry!)
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I was looking forward to the Retired Golden Apple item. It would have allowed me to gain coats I missed from long ago. It's a shame the cries of a few ruined it for the majority.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 00:27:04
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀ wrote:

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I was looking forward to the Retired Golden Apple item. It would have allowed me to gain coats I missed from long ago. It's a shame the cries of a few ruined it for the majority.

Of a few? For the majority? On the test server over 80% of players were protesting it!

The rarity of RCs would be ruined, and it would be a fatal flaw for the game to include such an item!
I kinda was too... But I guess people had a reason to fear it.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 00:28:53
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀ wrote:

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I was looking forward to the Retired Golden Apple item. It would have allowed me to gain coats I missed from long ago. It's a shame the cries of a few ruined it for the majority.

Actually most of the people have been protesting it and few have wanted it........
Those few hundred are the ones helping fund the game. Adding the item would damage pass sales over the long term.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 00:31:34
Guys, let it pass..it's over isn't it?

and bri2009, I do agree, some people really looked forward to it (I couldn't care less about each side, but I see it)

at least they made a promise that "it'll return in some shape or form"

they're trying to compromise default smiley (a)
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few - unfortunately this is how democracy works. The majority didn't like the RGA. This is what pre-prod is for. Ridding ourselves of the RGA will keep one market constant in the dying Howrse economy, where's the problem in that? Many people base their entire game around retired coat collection, trade and creation, why ruin it?
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I kind of wish that they would rework the Diamond apple for our current set of coats and release that as the annual Christmas BMI (and leave current existing coats on their old retired avatar.). Each coat is it's own unique work of art.
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Aoife wrote:

Those few hundred are the ones helping fund the game. Adding the item would damage pass sales over the long term.

I help fund this game too, I buy passes. They wouldn't have lost sales from me. Actually, there would have been **more** sales for people wanting the item, myself included.
❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀
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dont worry bri, it will come out in some way shape or form soon, they did a smart thing by "placating" the people, now they are all happy with howrse and are more app to buy the packs because howrse "did them a favor". but once the holidays are over, im sure well see it back in a short time.
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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 00:40:06
Some people who buy passes wanted it. But, just wondering, do you collect RCs? Like, spend a ton of passes on them? I am not saying that you don't, I am just trying to see how you are seeing it.
By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 00:57:15
Does anyone now what’s happening for the holidays?
What is everyone's opinion on where your center should be optimally placed
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone now what’s happening for the holidays?

everyone is being Bah Humbug about everythingdefault smiley (lol)
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone now what’s happening for the holidays?

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we are haveing a "magic ride" i will post the pic from past info in a minuet
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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 01:13:58
Thanks Renee! Any idea when it starts?
Donut Lady wrote:

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The Magic Ride contest for the 2014 holiday season

Like the previous edition of this contest, players roll a dice then move across the game board. Certain squares contain gifts, other squares allow for faster progress.

The Magic Ride contest is followed by unwrapping of gifts on a designated date that have been gathered during the game.

Elven packs will be available for purchase in the Black Market for specific dates during the game, and are available during pre-production for testing.

The contest comes with 3 jackpots:

2 Prehistoric divine horses
a Greyfell among those not yet owned

this is more info on the winter promo
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❀ ƁʀiⱮѳɗɛ ❀ wrote:

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I was looking forward to the Retired Golden Apple item. It would have allowed me to gain coats I missed from long ago. It's a shame the cries of a few ruined it for the majority.

I think it would have taken far more than a 'few' cries to have them rethink adding the item.
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lukey800 wrote:

probably december 1st or second

when the promo starts
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By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 01:34:44
Thank you guys so much for the info! default smiley :-))
By Retired breeder, 22nd November 2014 01:41:04
Does anyone know what the next divine will be in the GC and what it's perks are?
The new game
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is said to start on Dec. 7th, this has been said on several sites.
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