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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 04:05:36
They changed the coat because people were complaining about the lack of feathering/mane/tail/etc.... and now people are complaining about it again. Poor Howrse Team, always under-appreciated. And this just shows that people will complain about any changes they are exposed to default smiley :p
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 04:21:46
I personly like the newer GV coat much better, love the new feathering
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 04:23:07
Some of the new coats are actually making me consider breeding other horses (right now I only breed Arabians). The new Canadian coats are GORGEOUS! Also, the Knab coats default smiley (y) Maybe in the future default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 06:18:27
All the other changes don't bother me except that I still feel like the Tennessee Walkers should have longer legs.... default smiley :$
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 06:43:39
I must say it is hilarious watching people fuss over the details. Howrse tried to fix one thing and then people just complain about that.. Man people are strange default smiley xd

On another note I think the paints, quarters, and arabians look better then what they use to. The paint horses I use to really want to breed, but because the art was not to my taste I could not bring myself to buy them. Its the same with Mustangs I use to breed those (back in 08) but when I came back there art was changed so I never bred them again.

All in all I am just glad that Howrse is taking steps to try to give the people what they want.
-I applaud you for this Howrse; now about those markings add those and I doubt I would ever leave the game again. default smiley ;)
Retired breeder wrote:

Arabians do though depending on the color.

Are you conflating marking with color? In the real world, tobiano, overo, and tovero markings do not dramatically change as the horse matures. They have to do with each individual skin cell's ability or inability to produce pigment. Skin first grows around the outside of an organism early in its embronic development. Since the distribution of pigment, or more accurately, the ability to produce pigment, happens as the skin is first growing around the embryo, markings such as socks, blazes, and pinto patterns are fixed long before a baby horse is born and remain the same for it's entire life. Even on horses that eventually turn light gray, you can tell where the markings are by examining the skin under the hair. default smiley 8-)

Perhaps you are thinking of gray? Gray is a hair color that is not related to skin color. Indeed, the hair on any horse with the gray gene will gradually fade to white regardless of its skin color. As the horse grays, it may eventually turn pure white, thus hiding its markings. If you look at the skin under the hair, you can still tell where they are. (They did not change or go away, they are just hiding under the white hair.) The skin will always be pinkish (lack pigment) where the markings are, and will always be darker (pigmented) everywhere else.

Yes, the gray gene is very common in Arabian horses. It is also very common in many, many other breeds. Far too many to name. default smiley :)

Also, there is no such thing as a tovero purebred Arabian. Getetic studies have proven this over and over again.
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 07:27:49
NOw i hope that the gv removed from the game they are so ugly
Retired breeder wrote:

I must say it is hilarious watching people fuss over the details. Howrse tried to fix one thing and then people just complain about that.. Man people are strange default smiley xd

I agree!

I celebrated when I saw that Howrse added lush feathers to Gypsy Vanners. They paid attention to our feedback! Now people are complaining because Gypsy Vanners have feathers? Really?default smiley (o)

In real life, all of the highest ranking Gypsy Vanners have lush feathers. Complaining about feathers on a Gypsy Vanner is just as silly as complainging about spots on a leopard spotted Appaloosa. default smiley :p
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Retired breeder wrote:

They changed the coat because people were complaining about the lack of feathering/mane/tail/etc.... and now people are complaining about it again. Poor Howrse Team, always under-appreciated. And this just shows that people will complain about any changes they are exposed to default smiley :p

Exactly! The worst thing about trying to please people is that people are impossible to please. There is something absolutely human about complaining about changes. Good changes. Bad changes. It doesn't matter.

Eeek! Something changed! I must complain about it!

Human beings are strange animals! default smiley xd
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Retired breeder wrote:

I personly like the newer GV coat much better, love the new feathering

Me too... default smiley :d
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 09:52:07
See, people are never pleased. For the first time in a long while, Howrse is being good about listening us, listening to our feedback. Many people wanted new coats -- they gave us new coats. People started whining about how ugly everything was? They fixed many of the issues we were pointing out, actually fixing the artwork and making sure they listened to feedback. And now, people are STILL unhappy.

I'm not going to pick on anyone in particular, but to all the people still crying about how waaah all their favorite breeds are so ugly and awful, I challenge you to draw a realistic horse with perfect confirmation and no mistakes. If you can do a better job than the artists that worked hard on this (and in my opinion, did a fantastic job) then you can complain. but at least do it nicely and constructively.
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 11:15:52
I do like some of the new designs like paint horses and KWPN' s but now I really hate the designs for knabstruppers... probably going to have to sell mine now.
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 11:22:32
The mane of the knabstruppers are partly floating. Are they going to redraw this or will it stat that way?
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 11:50:17
Retired breeder wrote:

NOw i hope that the gv removed from the game they are so ugly

That was very rude. A horse breed will not be removed from the game because you think it is ugly. *Lots* of people breed GVs, and if they were removed *lots* of people would be angry. The new GVs don't look all that bad, and the ones we have now look like dolls, not like horses.
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 12:02:07
Does anyone know what the next promo will be???
Retired breeder wrote:

I do like some of the new designs like paint horses and KWPN' s
Retired breeder wrote:

See, people are never pleased. For the first time in a long while, Howrse is being good about listening us, listening to our feedback. Many people wanted new coats -- they gave us new coats. People started whining about how ugly everything was? They fixed many of the issues we were pointing out, actually fixing the artwork and making sure they listened to feedback. And now, people are STILL unhappy.

I'm not going to pick on anyone in particular, but to all the people still crying about how waaah all their favorite breeds are so ugly and awful, I challenge you to draw a realistic horse with perfect confirmation and no mistakes. If you can do a better job than the artists that worked hard on this (and in my opinion, did a fantastic job) then you can complain. but at least do it nicely and constructively.
TheSilverUnicorn wrote:

I agree!I celebrated when I saw that Howrse added lush feathers to Gypsy Vanners. They paid attention to our feedback! Now people are complaining because Gypsy Vanners have feathers? Really?default smiley (o)In real life, all of the highest ranking Gypsy Vanners have lush feathers. Complaining about feathers on a Gypsy Vanner is just as silly as complainging about spots on a leopard spotted Appaloosa. default smiley :p
Retired breeder wrote:

I must say it is hilarious watching people fuss over the details. Howrse tried to fix one thing and then people just complain about that.. Man people are strange default smiley xd

Retired breeder wrote:

They changed the coat because people were complaining about the lack of feathering/mane/tail/etc.... and now people are complaining about it again. Poor Howrse Team, always under-appreciated. And this just shows that people will complain about any changes they are exposed to default smiley :p

I agree with all of the above. Whenever howrse changes something, they always get rude comments whether it is good or bad. People need to stop complaining for what they have and be happy that howrse is still here. Yeah, I didn't like the idea of the vet fees, but did you see me complaining about it. No. I just appreciated what I had and watched my money more carefully. Complaining about what was fixed is going to get you nowhere. How would you feel if you were doing something really hard and all you got was rude comments on it. I bet you would feel bad and be angry. The Howrse Artists have to feel the same way. Constructive Criticism is what we all need to use. That is saying this and that are good but this could use some improvement and explain why. That is how to tell them what you don't like without them feeling bad and not wanting to change it.

Rude comments is not the way to go if you want something changed. Rude comments will most likely not get it changed and possibly even get you blocked or reported. Think before you type please.
AVH Lover
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 12:46:46
How many horse coat changes are to go?
Retired breeder wrote:

I really don't like the new Gypsy Vanner look and it's unfortunate because they're my highest GP horses and I've been working hard on them. I love the current coats.. anyone else agree?

Gypsy Vanners are my favorite horse and I am so sad that they are changing them. I really don't like the new coat (either version) at all. I might have to look at other breeds.
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Honestly going to miss the old Knab coat, I just started breeding them and didn't get to see much of itdefault smiley :$
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Ha hadefault smiley (lol)
The gyspys look like they have bell bottom pants on now
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 13:47:27
Honestly, I think all the new coats are gorgeous. It's a fresh new change for the game. I also like that some of the unrealistic features were changed on the old ones. For example, I never was a big fan of the QH coats, now the change makes me want to breed them and keep a whole bunch of that beautiful design. default smiley :d I don't know what everyone's so upset about. This is a great and refreshing change to Howrse. If you don't like it, there are other games out there.

All I have to say is kudos to the artists who worked hard on these coats and the designers and game makers that put it into action. You guys rock! default smiley (l) default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 13:50:53
Well, let's just say, you can never make everybody happy.
We all have a different taste and absolutely a different point of view, so there will Always be happy people and complaining people. Something Howrse knew when they were redrawing, and I hope they will keep this in the back of their heads while reading the comments and critiques. (If they do)

It might be a good thing to place a poll on the front page when all the new coats are arrived, just to see if the majority likes the coats or not.
I love the way the Knabstrupper looks! I think it is a big improvement over the old coat.
Kudos to the artists and everyone who helped bringing these coats to the game! default smiley (y)
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 14:22:10
Okay so if you have a ton of horseshoes in your inventory will they just dissapear? Or do you getto keep them?
Retired breeder wrote:

Okay so if you have a ton of horseshoes in your inventory will they just dissapear? Or do you getto keep them?

You will get 50e for each horseshoes in your inventory, every horse wearing horseshoes will get a saddle cloth.
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