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Retired breeder wrote:

NOw i hope that the gv removed from the game they are so ugly

That's really rude. I breed GVs and don't really like their coat but I'd be mad if they were removed from the game.
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ginger5775 wrote:

Gypsy Vanners are my favorite horse and I am so sad that they are changing them. I really don't like the new coat (either version) at all. I might have to look at other breeds.

You said it perfectly (except for me, GVs are my 2nd favorite horse)!
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 14:32:52
Okay so if your horse has posedian horseshoes will you still get a regular saddle blanket? Because I have a horse that has a posedian pack and I don't want my money to go to waste.
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 14:33:07
Retired breeder wrote:

Click to display

Well, I suppose they aren't too bad default smiley :) I'm sure with time I'll learn to really love these ^^
Retired breeder wrote:

Okay so if your horse has posedian horseshoes will you still get a regular saddle blanket? Because I have a horse that has a posedian pack and I don't want my money to go to waste.

No, if the horse has poisedon horseshoes, it will get a full P. Pack.
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Does anyone know if the Donkeys are changing?default smiley (8)
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 15:09:08
prancer201 wrote:

Does anyone know if the Donkeys are changing?default smiley (8)

They are actually staying the same.
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 15:46:31
GH39 wrote:

Okay so if you have a ton of horseshoes in your inventory will they just dissapear? Or do you getto keep them?

All horseshoes will me gone. My advice is to sell the expensive ones like FK and replace them with FG so you get more of a refunddefault smiley :p That's what I did. I'm sad though cuz that was one of my favorite things was the FK horseshoes. No matter how much I didn't like the horse they got FK shoes. goodbye I will miss you my shoesdefault smiley :'(

default smiley (lol)
I think donkeys are the ones in need of the biggest coat change .. Not being rude or anything but I'd rather Howrse put all this time and money on the donkeys new coats rather then the horses new coats , as they say ' if it's not broken , don't fix it'.
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 19:11:01
The donkeys, yes! Their design looks so old if you compare them to the rest of the horses.
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 20:11:56
At first I did not like the new gv coat, but I extremely appreciate the time taken to redo them in order to please everyone. as of right now it seems as if those who are complaining aren't considering how much work and time it takes to change them. I understand how some people don't like the new coats, but at least try to consider how hard it is to make everyone happy. default smiley :)
Does anyone have a picture of the new Hackney? I've been searching and I can't seem to find one. (that works default smiley (lol))

I presumed that they were going to change them along with the Morgans default smiley (o)
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Ar@bian wrote:

Does anyone have a picture of the new Hackney? I've been searching and I can't seem to find one. (that works default smiley (lol))

I presumed that they were going to change them along with the Morgans default smiley (o)

I thought they had changed with the Morgans. Apparently, my memory is faulty or they reverted to the old coat. What's going on here?

Popular rumor has it that Tennessee Walker's will get their own coats. Maybe the same is true of the Hackneys.
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 20:40:08
Hey! just so your know Nakotas are tomarrow!
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 20:48:27
I don't see why so many people hate the new Gypsy Vanners! I think they are one of the best looking breeds that are being updated! I might even start breeding them!
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 20:50:09
Thank you CurtainCall123 for posting the Chincos. I think they are sooooo much better!
I'm looking forward to the new Gypsies default smiley :d. Might start breeding them again default smiley :d

Mainly I like the Tobiano's and Palomino coats. Not a big of of the chestnut coloured ones, as their manes look a bit too lifeless - but those palomino's though! <3 I need to get an army of them! default smiley (lol)
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Velvette wrote:

I think donkeys are the ones in need of the biggest coat change .. Not being rude or anything but I'd rather Howrse put all this time and money on the donkeys new coats rather then the horses new coats , as they say ' if it's not broken , don't fix it'.
You said it!
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 21:26:11
This is what the new grand prix page look like

Click to display

Ignore the green box.
Iv read on several of these posts that they aren't going to change the donkeys or that only Howrse knows, but if they do decide to eventually change them I hope they look like some of the more realistic GA coats that they already have. I'd also like if they added a few patchy paint coats. Who else thinks this would be great?default smiley ;)
  • Posted messages: 263
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 21:33:46
demondevon wrote:

Iv read on several of these posts that they aren't going to change the donkeys or that only Howrse knows, but if they do decide to eventually change them I hope they look like some of the more realistic GA coats that they already have. I'd also like if they added a few patchy paint coats. Who else thinks this would be great?default smiley ;)

I can definitely agree to that! I am kinda against the donkeys how they are, so with all due-respect, anything would be better.
Velvette wrote:

I think donkeys are the ones in need of the biggest coat change .. Not being rude or anything but I'd rather Howrse put all this time and money on the donkeys new coats rather then the horses new coats , as they say ' if it's not broken , don't fix it'.

Donkeys should be changed there proberly the oldest coat on howrse but howrse will decide when to change it as the please
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By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 21:57:19
Velvette wrote:

horses new coats , as they say ' if it's not broken , don't fix it'.
but the donkey coats aren't broken why fix them?
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 21:57:25
I really dont like the new mustang coats and I will be selling all of my old ones default smiley :(default smiley (n) But I love the new appaloosas and KWPNs so Im gonna start breeding thosedefault smiley :)default smiley (y)
By Retired breeder, 12th April 2014 21:58:05
I don't like the new GVs. I breed them and GV unis on the Aussie server because they look good but now they look like clydies default smiley :(default smiley :$ I can't sell all of them, the unis are my pride and joy. It was bad enough with the mustangs in the other half of the breeding farm but now...
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